Stand up and speak out fearlessly
Did you know that public speaking is one of the most frequent and strongest fears that people have? I used to be one of them and here is what I learned. My fears stemmed from memories of numerous failed and embarrassing class speeches that had gone horribly wrong....

How to effectively use Synchronicity as a Compass
Imagine if you had a compass that would effectively guide you to what you wanted! Like Jack Sparrow's Compass in 'Pirates of The Caribbeans', which showed the bearer where their deepest desire could be found? This wonderful compass analogy reminded me that it is...

You Are As Awesome As You BELIEVE Yourself To BE!
Whilst many people who know the power of beliefs will agree, there is a shortage of people who truly believe they are awesome and who feel really good about feeling this way about themselves. So what holds so many back, when it comes to firstly believing they are...

Don’t overlook this when it comes to intimacy
Ever noticed that the word intimacy begins with the letter "I"? Many assume that intimacy is all about sex. It's not! Intimacy, is considered usually as something we only can have with another person, in the form of relationship. In this instance, I want...

10 Tips to a Happier Healthier You
When it comes to health and happiness, the key is balance and allowing. In the West, health focus is mostly on the physical body and even emotional issues are treated clinically. In contrast, Eastern philosophies on health focus includes aspects of the body, mind,...

When You Feel Alone in Your Spiritual Beliefs
The spiritual relationship. By its very nature, solitary and deeply personal. Where each individual is called to find the meaning of life, for themselves. The importance of the beliefs around this relationship is evidenced throughout history and through the pivotal...

7 Positive Body-Image Affirmations To Feel Like A Diva
Since 2014, low body-image is out. Self-acceptance is in! And if you are going to embrace being a natural Diva, self-acceptance is an essential ingredient. Every women is a diva, simply by her birthright. Think of it that way. You start at marvellous and work your way...

The H Factors That Add Value To Your Life
You’ve probably heard about the X Factor but have you heard about the H Factors? This is not about the TV show and more about setting your own default value settings so that you will be the star in your own life. When it comes to living a successful life, I believe...

Ouch, That Hurt!
Have you ever noticed how you are just cruising along and ticking off those things on your to-do-list - whether for your business or your personal affairs – and you are feeling really good and in cruise mode – when suddenly, it’s like a trap door opens up beneath your...

There is an “I” in Relationship
Many people seem to believe that the greatest gift of love to another, is to offer their love. Whilst this is indeed a precious gesture, is this really true or unconditional love? What if,this is like offering a tool to someone that frankly they have no use for? Even...