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Mirror Mirror, on the wall …. what is the meaning of it all?

Mirror Mirror, on the wall …. what is the meaning of it all?

What does a mirror do? It mirrors or reflects objects or a scene back. It simply throws up a reflection of whatever happens to be situated just in front of it. It is a snapshot of an specific area. It does not contain information about the time or place or context of anything that is going on outside of this perimeter.   The mirror is impartial in what is reflected back. It is only when meaning is assigned to what is reflected back, that we begin to find out who is the fairest of us all.  And then again, who is the judge of what is fair or not? Well, if you happen to be looking into the mirror, that would be YOU.   So my question then is, what exactly is being seen and...

How Complaining Steals Your Happiness

How Complaining Steals Your Happiness

No one likes to think of themselves as a complainer, right? I know I didn't think of myself in this way and yet... I noticed a few months back that I was feeling very grumpy and I was complaining more than usual. This in itself was fine, up to a point and initially felt good! And then I realized I was sliding into a repetitive rut and that complaining was stealing my enjoyment and ease in life.   How did I become aware of this? Well, my mood mostly, and then I started to tune in to my inner self-talk. Always the best way to gauge where I really am. Negative and defeatest self-talk never leads to success if left unadressed and it feels lousy, to say the least. So I addressed...

10 Ways to Enhance Well-Being With Mind-Body Awareness

10 Ways to Enhance Well-Being With Mind-Body Awareness

The concept of the mind-body connection suggests that our feelings, ideas, and beliefs have a significant impact on our physical health and wellbeing, so let's look at 10 ways to enhance your well-being through mind-body awareness. For instance, when we feel stressed or nervous, our body reacts by releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which can raise our blood pressure and heart rate. Chronic stress can have an adverse effect on our physical health over time, increasing the risk of diseases including high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. Mind-body modalities like yoga, tai chi, massage and meditation are useful in stress management and relaxation. These...

Your Home Is Your Body

Your Home Is Your Body

Where do you live and under what conditions? Since the age of 17 I have moved 25 times. I haven’t counted the times I moved prior to 17, but it was a lot. I don’t mind and I guess in some way this nurtured my love for travel. I have also had four major country moves in my life and I look forward to more. One thing I have learned from all this moving around though is that wherever I go, I take myself with me. Despite being in new surroundings after some time, the same old patterns would begin to emerge. Have you had this happen to you?I am sharing this, because most people think of their home as the physical address where they live. There is a place that you live first and...

Falling to peaces

Falling to peaces

   It's been said many times that the only constant in Life is change. Yet people cling to the same old same so desperately in a vain attempt to slow things down, or to stop this  inevitable unfolding.   I use the term "change" here in the sense of growth and expansion and as a natural movement of Life and Living. Not in the sense that something is wrong and needs fixing.   When one truly embraces change as a daily constant, there is a fluidity and transparency that begins to appear, at first in bursts and spurts, and then increases in amplitude. However, before this may show up, everything one seems familiar with or takes at face value can begin to crumble....

What is the value of YOU?

What is the value of YOU?

In  my role as a Breakthrough Mentor and Metaphysical Intuitive, I often come up against the many ways in which I and others continue to limit ourselves in connection with our values. The polarity of what is or is not valuable!     Throughout our lives, we strive to uphold our values and the beliefs that stem from these. Yet how many of us are truly aware of these values and what they actually mean and the ways in which they both free and limit us?  Ask a few people what their values are and what these values actually represent to and for them and you open up a real can of worms.   Values like respect, love, faith, hate, safety, time, money, etc are the backbone of...

Authentic Relating – the most important relationship you will ever have

Authentic Relating – the most important relationship you will ever have

Do you know how to relate authentically? No secrets here ............. it begins with YOU. The kind of relationship you have with yourself, will impact on other areas of your life. On your health, wealth, relationships, work and spirituality. For truly everything is within before it shows up without. To create true and lasting change in one's life and the world, the change starts with oneself. And I mean change as in stepping into or towards total, complete, all-encompassing, unconditional allowance and gratefulness for who we are, in all our complex, confusing, magnificence ..... NOW! Awareness to what is going on, is the first step and then choosing. So what does this awareness...

Can Meditation Help Cure Mental Health?

Can Meditation Help Cure Mental Health?

I generally don’t feel comfortable making guarantees when it comes to cures. I am 100% confident, however, that anything is possible when you are open to alternatives and focused on solutions. And in this case, I have a personal track record of success and a sound knowledge base to draw upon.