by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Alignment, Authentic, Awareness, Balance, Behaviour, Beliefs, Body, Books, Chakras, Choice, Happiness, Health, Holistic, How to accept myself for who I am, Intimacy, Intuitive, Joy, Love, Relationship, Self-Actualization, Self-Worth, Success, Value, Well-Being |

Ever noticed that the word intimacy begins with the letter “I”? Many assume that intimacy is all about sex. It’s not! Intimacy, is considered usually as something we only can have with another person, in the form of relationship. In this instance, I want to suggest a different perspective.
What if we think of intimacy as a state of being and experience that we have primarily with ourselves first and foremost? Learning to know ourselves is crucial if we are to enjoy a level of authentic and satisfying intimacy across our adult lives. Amazingly, many of us overlook this one factor when it comes to intimacy.
True intimacy, extends beyond the relationships we will have with another person. Instead, it is a deeply personal connection to ourselves. Without it, we are left feeling that something is missing within us and an emptiness that we instinctively try to fill. The more we look outside of ourselves to fill it – through success, relationships, love, money, work, drugs, media, food, purpose etc. – the stronger and wider the chasm inside us grows.
Being completely intimate with ourselves first is such an empowering individual process! Yet so few of us are aware of this and we don’t know how or where to begin. For genuine self-intimacy to emerge, we must be vulnerable to the process itself – the good, the bad and ugly, the hidden, the sensual, the still unfolding bits and the deeply afraid of being hurt bits.
To initiate this level of gratifying intimacy, let’s use the premises that ‘everything is within’, ‘start where we are’ and ‘the answers are right under our nose’. There is one place where all three of these premises converge – our body! During a life span, we spend every day of our lives in our body. Yet how well do we know our bodies and what kind of intimate relationship do we consciously enjoy in and with them?
For centuries, we have been conditioned by culture and religion. Those holding the control withheld the secret – of the enormous potential, strength and capacity that comes from our sacred body connection and its empowering nature. By propagating the belief that the flesh was sinful and would betray us, they drove a wedge between ourselves and our bodies – our dearest ally – effectively severing the cords to personal intimacy. Sadly, this myth continues even today and is most prevalent in issues of body-image, lack of self-esteem, a sense of overwhelm and a deep loneliness that many of us still experience.
In my recent book, ‘FEARLESSLY ALONE‘, I addressed several of the factors that contribute to people feeling lonely, isolated and lost. Feelings of loneliness are a key indicator of a lack of intimacy with our Self – the most important authority in our life. When we feel lonely, we are often experiencing a feeling of disconnection from our source of personal power and creativity. The book reveals how when prolonged and unresolved, this results in stress, anxiety, depression, loss of self-worth, ill-health and even suicide.
Whatever we do in life, we do together with our bodies and everything experienced – both consciously and subconsciously – is perceived via this physical miraculous mechanical organism. The body literally hears and captures everything that we ever see, feel, and think. It allows us to have all kinds of sensory and sensual experiences – pleasurable and/or painful. The body ‘communicates’ with us through our senses – physical, emotional and intuitive – and translates these into feelings that we can perceive and understand. For example, when meeting a person for the first time, there is an instant initial impression – like this person is trustworthy, friendly, genuine, happy, unhappy, lying, an authority, confident, etc. This hunch often turns out to be correct.
The more consciously intimate the relationship with our body is, the better equipped we are to navigate life and make informed decisions confidently. Learning to listen to these sources of information can enrich our lives even more than most of us can perhaps even imagine. Cultivating awareness of and within the body will allow for more intimacy that is genuine, trustworthy and ideally suited for any unique lifestyle. It’s possible to reap immeasurable rewards, like attracting favourable people, situations and opportunities into our life, whereas prior to this, we may have struggled and suffered and chosen unwisely.
When we consciously harness this natural and profound connection with our body and nurture it, we are experiencing intimacy. We have come Home. And when stepping out from this space to embrace our lives, it is done from a place of empowered authority and enriched connection. Thanks to our bodies. Don’t overlook this when it comes to intimacy!
Trilby Johnson is an Emotional Breakthrough Mentor, Author and Speaker whose clients hire her to go from emotional zero to emotional hero, as they heal, alleviate stress and cultivate emotional freedom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health and mindset. She shares her knowledge of how to create inner harmony and outer balance with those seeking to deepen their self-knowing and expand their consciousness.
Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Alchemy Assessment if you are ready for go from zero to hero now!
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Beauty, Behaviour, Body, Breathing, Choice, Freedom, Health, Inspiration, Intuitive, Joy, Love, Relationship, Self-Worth, Success, Thrive, Uncategorized, Value, Well-Being, Words |
Since 2014, low body-image is out. Self-acceptance is in! And if you are going to embrace being a natural Diva, self-acceptance is an essential ingredient. Every women is a diva, simply by her birthright. Think of it that way. You start at marvellous and work your way up from there, without arrogance or disdain. If you don’t feel that you are quite there yet, here are 7 affirmations for a positive body-image. Your body-image impacts on every single area of your life, so make it the best version you can. Remember, affirmations are not about forcing yourself to believe something that you don’t feel. That’s silly and a waste of your time and intelligence. Change begins with the first step and being willing. Ultimately, you are the only one who can change the relationship you have with your body!
1. I accept and love my body exactly as it is
Ah, if it were only so easy you may be thinking. Begin with baby steps. It’s taken centuries of social and cultural conditioning to lead you here. So be gently and kind and patient with yourself. Most of all though, be honest with yourself. Are you at least WILLING to begin to accept and love your body, as it is, here and now? When you can at least be willing, you allow something different a chance to show up. You release the rigid judgment you have on your current body-image.
2. I am grateful for my body
It’s no secret, that gratitude or appreciation, engenders a beauty of its own that transcends the mere physical. When you shower your body with gratitude rather than judgment, it will respond favourably in kind and very quickly. Start by acknowledging something that your body does for you everyday. For instance, the fact that your body knows how to breath for you, is a great and wonderful skill, that literally keeps you alive. Imagine if you had to remember to breathe every breath of each day. How exhausting would that be? Shift into a mindset of being grateful for everything your body does for you.
3. I claim and embrace my Diva Body
It’s very simple. You have to claim what you want. Especially if you don’t feel that you have it. If you are going around grouching about how awful you look, this is how you show up. This is not how a Diva behaves, is it? The one thing noticeable about a Diva is her confidence. And that comes from accepting all of herself, as she is, and being proud. Claim your Diva Body today.
4. I am the authority of my body
To feel good about yourself in the body you have, requires accountability. As long as you allow yourself to be influenced by external factors like the media, beauty industry and yes sadly other women’s opinions, when it comes to your body, you will most likely find yourself feeling terrible about your body. There is only one person who has the body you have and that is you. Celebrate it and even flaunt it. Why wouldn’t you? You possess one-of-a-kind!
5. I nurture a positive body-image
You body is like a car. No disrepect. What you put in it and how you treat it, is what you will get out. Your body reflects the quality of the nurturing you give it. Nurturing is not just about the food you eat and the exercise programme you follow. It is also very much the thoughts and emotions you have about yourself whilst you are busy doing all of these activities, throughout the day.
6. I have a sacred relationship with my body
Whether you acknowledge it or not, your body is your one true home and your most trustworthy friend. It is where everything you experience in your life occurs first. When you treat it with respect and sacredness, it will reward you tenfold in more ways than you can imagine.
7. When I feel connected to my body, I am never alone and I feel happy and alive
Negative body-image comes from thoughts and feelings that creates an energetic barrier within yourself and you cells. This leaves you feeling isolated. That’s how the body-image demon gets in. Don’t even give them a chance!
As with anything, the more you use these, write them down and say them out loud and connect to the positive feelings, the more and quicker the change can show up. Hope you find these useful in enjoying your experience of being a Diva with a positive body-image.
In Light and Appreciation.
Trilby Johnson
Trilby Johnson is an Emotional Breakthrough Mentor, Author and Speaker whose clients hire her to go from emotional zero to emotional hero, as they heal, alleviate stress and cultivate emotional freedom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health and mindset. She shares her knowledge of how to create inner harmony and outer balance with those seeking to deepen their self-knowing and expand their consciousness.
Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Alchemy Assessment if you are ready for go from zero to hero now!
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Authentic, Author, Awareness, Behaviour, Body, Choice, Consciousness, Health, Inspiration, Relationship, Self-Worth, Success, Take action, Uncategorized, Value, Well-Being, Words |

You’ve probably heard about the X Factor but have you heard about the H Factors? This is not about the TV show and more about setting your own default value settings so that you will be the star in your own life. When it comes to living a successful life, I believe there are two H factors that you must add to your value system to have this – Happiness and Health!
The motivation behind much of what humans do, is to have these two things in life. All the running after success, love and money is basically linked to these two aspects of life. Ask people what they want most in life and ultimately when you drill right down, it’s about being happy and healthy. Yet for many, these two simple factors are rare or sporadic. Many spend their lives working hard to earn money and make ends meet, only to lose along the way, the very things they have been aiming for in the first place and long-term – their happiness and health. Suddenly, the future can look and feel really bleak.
My new book ‘Fearlessly Alone – Stop the Lonely Crisis and Find Your Happy’ takes an insightful and informative look at how happiness and health are imperative to living a fulfilled life and how to achieve them. It is important to add and prioritize these values in your life, to give yourself a fighting chance at peace, prosperity and a purposeful relationship with yourself and consequently others too.
Your values are a set of core principles that you use in making decision across your life based on importance and need. Not to be confused with your beliefs, which are basically assumptions that we take to be true. A conflict of values can arise when two important values come into play and you have to make an important life decision. For instance, whether to stay in a job you hate and find boring for security because you’ve been there for years, or to go for a new job where you can express your value of creativity and independence but there is less job and financial security.
Throughout your life, you strive to meet your values – like respect, love, faith, happiness, health, family, abundance, time, money, etc – and that are the backbone to so many of your choices. It’s important to ask questions when it comes to the ranking of your values, especially when having a conflict of values. Because there is a reason behind this and it may not always be what you think it is.
Prioritizing and updating your values is very important because you and the situations you find yourself in change. When I did this exercise a few years ago, imagine my astonishment when I saw that happiness and health were not even in the top 10. No wonder there seemed to be a lack around happiness and health. Actively participating in your values settings, helps to prioritize them in your subconscious mind and is boosted further when you set positive intentions. It’s about adding value to your life, when and how it serves you best.
Here is a short exercise to help you identify and update your top 10 core values are:
- Sit down and write down the first things that come to mind that are important to you in your life. (If you need examples of values, just google values and you can find lists to draw from.)
- Rank them from 1 to 10 with 1 being the most important and 10 the least.
- Then ask yourself if these are still valid for you?
- Are these values truly your own?
- When sorted, ask if there are any ‘new’ values that you wish to add? Add and rank them.
- Reflect on what has come up for you and also write down any of the beliefs that may have popped up. For example, your health depends on your genetic make-up; you can’t be happy because then people will think you are selfish.
- If happiness and health are not in your top 10, I invite you to add them in. Just for fun and because you can. Then sit back and watch what shows up.
When it comes to your personal values about happiness and health, the way you feel can offer up wonderful and powerful clues. Tune in to your body and sense where the feelings are physical sensations and what they feel like. For instance, do you feel heavy or light. Your body is the best barometer you will ever have when it comes to making the best life choices for you. Simply because, if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t the best choice – for you, in the moment. Check in regularly as you are constantly changing with each choice you make. What makes you happy or feel healthy today, may not be the same in two weeks time.
The more you clarify your values and the beliefs you hold around happiness and health, the more confident you can be when making important life decisions. Your happiness and health and how you create and sustain them are so important to feeling confident and fulfilled in your life. Incorporating these H Factors into your decisions will put the You into Value! That’s what happened for me, once I did. And the same is possible for you too.
In Light and Appreciation
Trilby Johnson is an Emotional Breakthrough Mentor, Author and Speaker whose clients hire her to go from emotional zero to emotional hero, as they heal, alleviate stress and cultivate emotional freedom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health and mindset. She shares her knowledge of how to create inner harmony and outer balance with those seeking to deepen their self-knowing and expand their consciousness.
Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Alchemy Assessment if you are ready for go from zero to hero now!
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.Save
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Authentic, Author, Awareness, Beauty, Behaviour, Body, Body-Image, Books, Cellular Memory, Coaching, Consciousness, Health, Holistic, Law of Attraction, Nutrition and Health, Self-Actualization, Self-Worth, Take action, Thrive, Well-Being |
Have you ever noticed how you are just cruising along and ticking off those things on your to-do-list – whether for your business or your personal affairs – and you are feeling really good and in cruise mode – when suddenly, it’s like a trap door opens up beneath your feet and you fall into the black abyss? Yet again! Almost as if you had made no progress at all. I know, right! It can be extremely frustrating and disheartening to say the least, even when you can say it happens less often. This is what happened to me recently. Let me explain!
There I was, toodling along in creative mode, feeling really excited and filled with a wonderful sense of accomplishment. I had completed writing for two new projects – my new book ‘Fearlessly Alone’ and a collaborative project. Phew! (Which is the reason I hadn’t written any blogs in a while and I had wanted to stay totally focused on getting these done.) Now, I found myself suddenly with heaps of more time on my hands, as you do when you complete a big project and are working to a deadline. There was a lot of empty space – to enjoy and for new stuff to come in. And it did! Some really great and easy new stuff and some not so new stuff, obviously still hidden in the dark recesses of my subconscious and that needed to be looked at in a new way. And yes, ouch that hurt!
What really intrigues me when it comes to Awareness, is that being ‘aware’ enables me to access pools of information all of the time. This is a relief to the perfectionist in me, because it means I don’t have to learn everything – all I have do is tune in to my Awareness and allow that specific information to show up. Of course this attitude means I have to give up the need to control every single little aspect of everything. All of which is fueled by a fear of failure. Now, I am not going to lie and say that this always runs smoothly. Cause just like those little emoticons that pop up on your screen, when strong emotions are at play, it can make for a rocky day. So it helps me to have a strategy for firstly coping and then resolving. Sounds good, doesn’t it! And so how can this hurt, you may be wondering?
A while ago, I signed-up for breakthrough session with a coach whose work I have participated in and whose expertise I respect and admire. So I was looking forward to the 30 minutes conversation and hoping for some more clarity around a specific issue. You know, one of those areas in my life where I still felt like I ‘had to work on myself’. It was not five minutes into the call and conversation, when my mood took a sharp nose-dive and it felt like I was floundering. By the end of the call, I hung up feeling really down in the dumps and filled with doubt. What had happened?! Where had my sense of inner calm and accomplishment vanished to? Allow me to share.
Just like many people, I have my ‘down’ moments and experience feelings of doubt, fear, anger at times – it is part of the human experience. Thank goodness though, that I have the strategy that I mentioned earlier above, because here Life had presented me with an opportunity to apply it – take it for another test run. In other words, a curve ball. I was faced with an opportunity to grow. I knew there was something positive and insightful to take away from this situation and that would reveal to me, my inner workings and how they were derailing me and looking for fine-tuning. Whereas previously, these kinds of moments would last for days, if not weeks or months and become situations, nowadays I am happy to say that whilst they hurt in the moment, they no longer lasted very long anymore. The highs and the lows are becoming more harmonious!
Now, if you don’t yet know me or my story, then I want to share that ‘walking my talk’ is an essential and practical part of how I choose to experience Being Me. It is also an important part of the ‘know how’ that I teach, about how to move away from overwhelm and stress and move into a place of being able to make choices calmly and confidently in daily life. Fortunately, I had recorded the conversation, so I could go back and listen. I was curious as to what had triggered this downward emotional spike and so I listened to the replay. And I got real clear on the reason that it felt Ouch, That Hurt!
What was evident to me when listening back over the conversation, was how, after the first few minutes, the way I spoke about myself and my situation came from a place of victim mentality and focus. It was a real eye opener for me, to listen to the way in which I spoke about my situation during this call and what I had focused on. Furthermore, I had doubted myself and where I was at on my timeline. I had allowed myself to become distracted! No wonder my feelings had plummeted! And thank goodness they had. My inner alert system is working well. I had to listen to the replay for a third time – this time with conscious detachment – before I felt my inner calm and energy once again. It no longer hurt!
What did I take away from this experience?
- This served as such a wonderful wake-up call for me and the realizations that there are still parts within myself that may feel afraid and full of doubts.
- By choosing to love these parts of myself and to thank them for showing me that my journey of knowing myself unfolds more each day in remarkable ways, I was able to raise my vibration again to a place of feeling good.
- This incident proved to be a powerful reminder to honour and follow my own Inner Authority, no matter what or who I was talking to.
- Respecting and admiring another person does not mean disregarding what I know does or does not work for me.
- I am the one who picks up the tab and so I figure that allows me to choose and enjoy the contrast of experiences that springs up and seems appropriate for me.
- In the moment I was able to be grateful for and release the Ouch, that hurt and turn it into a Yay, I am on my way!
- Every situation is an opportunity to take stock of where I am on my vibrational scale of inner balance, because what is within is reflected without.
I am so grateful for this experience that brought me greater understanding of myself!
Can you identify an area or situation in your life where you felt down or heavy and then something wonderful emerged later on? Where you turned your Ouch that hurt, into a Yay! ? Choose to believe that not only does Life have your back – you do as well! Re-member that you are the vital part of your Equation.
In Light and Appreciation
Trilby Johnson is an Emotional Breakthrough Mentor, Author and Speaker whose clients hire her to go from emotional zero to emotional hero, as they heal, alleviate stress and cultivate emotional freedom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health and mindset. She shares her knowledge of how to create inner harmony and outer balance with those seeking to deepen their self-knowing and expand their consciousness.
Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Alchemy Assessment if you are ready for go from zero to hero now!
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Alternative Therapy, Awareness, Body, Choice, Consciousness, Freedom, Joy |
Where does your compass lead you? Does it point to struggle, doubt and ill health with sporadic spurts of happiness and clinging to hope? Or does it point to ease, health, wealth and a state of joy that is sustainable? In the film “Pirates of the Caribbeans”, Captain Jack Sparrow seeks and finds a magical compass that appears faulty as it does not point to nautical True North. What it actually directs the bearer to is their deepest desire of the moment. Once this desire is accomplished, the compass awaits a new desire to fulfill and then shows the way. In much the same way your values, both conscious and subconscious, will impact on the direction in which your compass turns. However, when you are conscious of your value system and the beliefs they fuel, you can prepare for your journey and set your priorities to have the best results. Depending on what it is you are planning on achieving, some values will shuffle around at times as priorities shift. Just like the tides.
About three and a half years ago my life hit rock bottom. I found myself penniless, barely recovered from yet another failed relationship, my business was not flourishing and in spite of a bone-weary day job, I found myself living in poverty. I was unable to pay my bills or buy food to eat and things got that bad that I was facing possible eviction. Since the age of 17 I had been independent and earning my own money and taking care of myself. So to find myself decades later in such a predicament was terrifying, shaming and utterly overwhelming. Everything I knew to try and that had worked before, no longer seemed to work or enough to get me through. My life seemingly came to a horrifying standstill. And I had run out of options! How did I turn my finances around fast, rebuild my life and regain my self-trust?
It was at this moment, in my darkest moments of despair, that in response to this question I was surprised by the simplicity of the answer, which came through loud and clear. The answer was not about money or a better job or success in my business. What I wanted and what my compass was directing me to was to have joy in my life. Period. In that moment my life shifted forever as an intense wave of joy filled every cell in my body. There was no overthinking or analyzing. I just knew what Joy was and what it felt like.
As with everything in life, it is about free will, as in choices. Once you make joy your priority, if you so choose, it will show up each time without fail, even whilst life continues to have its ups and downs. And so, I want to share at least 10 reasons for adding joy to your life.
1. Joy feels good
This may seem quite obvious, but some things can seem so obvious that they need to be said. If you have been having a hard time in life, you may feel that joy is so far away and beyond your horizon. What’s so great about feeling good – in your body, mind and soul – is that it simply feels good! You feel complete and fulfilled and successful. And joy can get you there.
2. Joy makes you laugh more
How often do you see someone who is serious or sad laugh? Not often, right? Unless it’s a bit hysterically. When you feel filled with joy you tend to laugh more. And laughter is contagious. So you and often those around you laugh more. As the saying goes, laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone. Admittedly there are those moments too, when you laugh so much that you do have tears running down your face. Tears of joy.
Laughter that is deep belly laughing is really good for your body as it creates a massage effect which is really beneficial and endorphins are released into your bloodstream. These are the body’s natural pain relief and stress release. Your body is rigged for joy!
And you feel better and good things show up easier in your life, because your vibration is more expansive and energized.
3. Joy attracts Money
Money follows Joy. Joy does not follow money. I really got this when I was penniless. The minute I connected with the feeling and state of joy, within 10 days I had shifted my situation. New prospects showed up and my finances started to increase. There are so many intertwined and associated beliefs floating around out there about money and very few of them are linked to joy. Hold a joy party or do something fun and then money and other great things begin to flow in, with ease.
Feeling good, having a raised vibration and laughing a lot means that money cannot be far away, because that’s how energy moves. Energy will always expand. And joy is expansive. If you don’t believe me, just think of how much energy it takes to remain grumpy. Then observe what happens with your money flow!
4. Joy is healthy
The effects of stress on the human body are becoming more and more evident. For so long, and still, stress is not ‘officially’ recognized. The symptoms however cannot be ignored. So many people live with bad health and mostly they are miserable for it. Your health is your wealth and wealth means joy. When you are wealthy you are able to do as you please and well hopefully enjoy yourself. There is an ease to life that may not be there minus wealth. You only have to catch a simple cold or flu to understand the impact of not being healthy. Your body is amazingly resilient and strong and yet it can also be extremely fragile. Joy can turn health into wealth just like that!
Dr. Patch Adams worked on helping terminally ill patients and others to laugh and although many in the medical sector squashed his work, there is no doubt that it had a huge impact in shifting a lot of the pain and suffering of the people he came into contact with. Laughter everyday keeps the doctor away. And it raises the quality of your health.
5. Joy makes joy
When you consciously choose to add joy to your life, you just enjoy life more and guess what. More joyous things show up. Everything in the Universe is made up of vibration so to have a particular quality show up in your life, for example success, abundance, health, you have to vibrate as that quality, so that success, abundance, health can match that consciousness. Joy raises your vibration and you begin to feel good.
Joy is expansive and feels like you are in love, all of the time and with everything, not just one person. It is a warm thrumming and sense of excitement at the beginning of each day and falling asleep with gratitude and appreciation as your last feelings of the day. For so many, living life this way may seem like a fantasy because we are so far removed from these emotion of lightness and vibrancy. Joy knows no bounds. There are simply variations in intensity.
6. Joy motivates
Often the opposite of fear is thought of as love. I found that joy is a more powerful opposite. Fear inhibits and this is often felt as a heaviness or uncomfortable feeling. Some people say that fear motivates them. Perhaps yes, but where is the vibration around fear – high or low? Fear is more about moving away from a situation or other, rather than a movement towards.
Joy is a motivator. Joy is a sense of energized excitement and also a constant certainty. That everything is simply wonderful and okay as it is. For me, joy embraces and embodies love and peace at the same time. It’s excitingly whole and very comforting. And I feel inspired and motivated to have and do bigger and better, to see what other possibilities lie beyond this joy.
7. Joy inspires interest
Have you ever noticed how you are naturally drawn to happier people? There are just some people who are really pleasant to be around. They make you feel that everything in life is okay and that you are special. When you are living in joy, this is what you appear like to others. People want to be with you and they want to know what it is you have or are doing that makes you so wonderful to be around. The amazing part is that you are so filled with joy that this is really not important to you because you feel fulfilled and find everything interesting in your own right.
8. Joy creates connection
Joy expands and creates connection. The more you choose to have and be joyful, the more shows up. And very quickly. Even when not so great things show up in life, as soon as you think, where is the joy? Ta da, it is there. There is also a very strong physical sensation afforded by joy. Joy is actually a strong physical feeling. It really grounds you in your body and your body responds instantly with more energy and awareness. You are connected to higher vibrational fields.
9. Joy is freedom
When you get to the point of living each moment of your life with joy, regardless of the nature of what is going on in your life, then you are free from control. Your own and others. Joy is extremely powerful and resilient in a very flexible sort of way. It sweeps up everything that it comes across and transforms it. There is very little that stands up against joy – not for very long anyway.
10. Joy is your natural state
What this means is, you are meant to feel joy most of the time. My experience has show me how natural joy is. I have never had to work at being joyful. It’s not like happiness, hope, being positive. That takes work. Joy doesn’t, because it’s natural and organic. Once you choose to make feeling joy your priority, you will be amazed at how easily it starts to show up. When I was in that space years ago, this is what I experienced. As soon as I thought of joy, voila! The feeling was there. My mind and my body knew what it was! Isn’t that amazing? Things like happiness seem so hard to connect to and yet there I was at the worst part in my life and I felt joy.
Since that moment, whenever life is a bit tough or there is a situation that I wish to shift to another level, I ask myself, where is my joy? What shows up is immediate and unmistakable. Just like that magical compass. Joy makes whatever the situation seem easy and organic. And it makes me wonder what life would like if more people experience this daily and on an amplified level.
When enough people experience and live in a state of joy more and more, there will be sufficient critical mass to create a pivotal point and shift for everyone. And then there will be a new foundation that stems from joy on which to build a new and exciting future. And then, you can begin to live the life you were born to live. A joyful experience better than anything you can imagine.
Once you begin to look for ways in which to add more joy into your life and to pay attention to the places where it shows up naturally, you will see and experience life through different eyes. Don’t take my word for it! Use these points as guidelines and ask joy to show up in your life and then be open to how it shows up.
I found that my compass was set for Joy and I didn’t even know it until that moment when I had been stripped of my false beliefs. My adventure has been exhilarating and most rewarding. I have personally experienced these 10 benefits and that is how I know they are real. Wherever you find yourself in your life, allow yourself to open up to the possibility and invitation of joy. You owe it to yourself.
Here’s to your unlimited supply of joy.
In Light.
Trilby Johnson is an Emotional Breakthrough Mentor, Author and Speaker whose clients hire her to go from emotional zero to emotional hero, as they heal, alleviate stress and cultivate emotional freedom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health and mindset. She shares her knowledge of how to create inner harmony and outer balance with those seeking to deepen their self-knowing and expand their consciousness.
Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Alchemy Assessment if you are ready for go from zero to hero now!
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.