by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Animals, Authentic, Awareness, Feline, Health, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Magic, Question, Self-Actualization, Self-Worth, Spirituality, Thrive, Value, Well-Being |
There is a magic to Life that is found in the most simplest of situations. In fact, more and more, it seems that things show up with ease and almost effortless. When things become flustered or chaotic, it’s time to pause and step back. Not step back as in give up, but rather as an acknowledging of the natural laws that really run the show. So it’s a reminder that it’s time to tap into to the magic and allow it to bring it in.
With any plan, one that will work, there has to be a clear intention. Like when you set out on a journey from A to Z. You know where you are starting and you know where you are going. What happens on the way between B to Y this is the part where the magic happens. Your part is in choosing to go on the journey and to enjoy the adventure on the way.
Today, was a day in which plans came together. Not mega huge things, but a coming together of smaller pieces that simply shift into position. Magic often shows up silently and almost unobtrusively, yet its power is incontestable.
I had to take my cat to the vet today. I had booked in with a particular vet. So imagine my trepidation when I realized that I had booked in with the ‘wrong’ vet. I got the names mixed up. Or so I thought! He was amazing and just the person I needed to see. In the short time I was in with him, he took care of my beloved feline friend with such caring and efficiency. I had taken my cat in, expecting to be told that she would have to be operated on. That is what the other vet had advised. He also gave me a solution on how to deal with a stray cat that has been hanging around my place and attacking my cat, for the last year. I had called animal control, the SPCA and also taken the stray cat to the vet and was at a loss at to what to do. Here was the information I had been asking for. All this magic arose from staying opening, constantly asking what the next and best step was and who could help me. And then with a wave of its wand, the Universe ‘mistakenly’ put me in touch with just the right person. It is so wonderful to get the right person and circumstances align. I love it when a plan comes together.
But there’s more. When I came to pay the vet with my card the transaction was denied. Admittedly a bit miffed, I called the bank when I got home to find out what the problem was. I got to speak to the most delightful and helpful lady on the phone. She answered my questions and walked me through opening up an online account, which I had previously been told was not possible. So once again, an apparent mistake with my card led me in a direction which turned out to be highly beneficial. Magic at work!
So what exactly was the plan that came together, you may be wondering? Today, in the matter of a few hours, I found the resolution for several issues that had been of concern. The synchronicity between past events and the ‘mistakes’ that took me to where I would find the resolution I had been asking for, is undeniable, although some may insist on calling it coincidence.
They say that to see the Magic, you have to look for it and be willing to see it. I had started my journey from A to Z almost over a year ago, had made several stops along the way, gotten lost on a few occasions, had some great and not so great moments. Throughout it all I kept on coming back to the plan – asking for direction on how to get to Z, being willing to receive and consider the options that showed up on the way and taking action and in moments of doubts choosing to know that I was on the way to Z and trusting that I would arrive. The magic is found in those moments when the plan comes together and there is no doubt that you have arrived – exactly where you need to be because you are there. And what’s so exciting is that each day there are plans coming together in so many ways and to receive their unfolding with thanks, fun and adventure. And then to start all over again. To realize that the greatest plan that is coming together, every day in so many ways, is Life itself.
Many blessings and in love and light.
Trilby D. Johnson is an Author and Vibrational Integration Mentor whose message of self-actualization, embodiment and self-love invites people from around the world to embrace their Sovereign Authenticity as they release chronic thinking around money, health and love. She provides tools and skills for people to live a life free of pain, suffering, sadness and self-limiting beliefs and makes spiritual living practical.
Find out more about the possibilities here –
©Trilby D. Johnson 2015. If you do share any part of this article, please quote the author and reference this blog at – Thank you.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Animals, Awareness, Body, Cellular Memory, Choice, Consciousness, Earth, Embodiment, Gardening, Health, Holistic, Inspiration, Intuitive, Law of Attraction, Love, Organic Living, Value, Well-Being |
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Alternative Therapy, Animals, Authentic, Awareness, Body, Cellular Memory, Choice, Coaching, Energy Bodywork, Health, Holistic, Nutrition and Health, Organic Living, Personal Development, Pharmaceutical Industry, Reiki, Research, Self-Actualization, Uncategorized, Well-Being |
As an Intuitive Energy Healer, both for humans and animals, I cannot stress enough the importance of transmuting the vibrational frequency at the root cause of any symptom. Until this is done, the body is locked in a vice-like repetitive loop.
Pharmaceuticals are synthetic copies of what Nature already provides us with as healing agents, such as air, water, food and plant remedies. Because they are synthetic the body’s ability to decipher their codes is hindered and this is what is labelled as ‘side-effects’. Whilst medication may be a temporary and necessary relief strategy, it cannot bring a long term solution to a dis-ease.
As far as research for cures go, please know that most of this research is funded by these very same pharmaceutical companies, who also fund most medical schools. These are profitable institutions that sadly have ever increasing profit margins, as people feel confused and scared about their health.
Many medical professionals unfortunately do not even know about or suggest alternative methods to their patients. Please be pro-active and ask them, or find out from friends or google alternative therapies. Holistic healing is about creating balancing in and between the body, mind and soul. Your health is your wealth. Don’t make it merely the business and profit margins of pharmaceuticals!
Energy work is a beautiful effective non-invasive way to transmute the energetic imprint without necessarily knowing the root cause.
The symptom is the tip of the iceberg and for true healing, i.e. wholeness, to be fulfilled, it is necessary to address the deeper lying issues under the surface. Popping a pill will not do this long-term. There is no wholistic healing pill.
Here’s to your Wholistic Health.
In Light.
p.s. join me on FaceBook at
Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor, Intuitive Healer, Author and Speaker. Clients hire her to acquire new life skills and experience an inner shift of awareness that inspires and propels them into a greater reality. Trilby’s abilities and knowledge helps promote an inner harmony and outer balance that helps to heal, alleviate stress and cultivate freedom.
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Animals, Awareness, Beauty, Inspiration, Uncategorized |
Adieu is a french term that is used to mean farewell. I have taken the liberty to break it down into A D
ieu – which could literally be translated as “To God”. This post is a dedication and a farewell to Herbie the baby hedgehog. He passed over last week. He showed me that love, miracles and grace do exist.
When this little baby hedgehog came into my life just over three weeks ago, I had no way of knowing of how much this small creature would teach me and gift me. And how much I would come to love and miss him ………………
My last blog I spoke about how Herbie showed me that miracles do exist and that they can be expected. So when he left, a part of me wanted to discount the miracle that had come before. After all, his leaving wasn’t part of something miraculous …………. or was it?
Spirit does not see things in the way that the human mind does and so it does not see any limitations or make judgements. Spirit continues to flow and change and expand and be. The human mind when confronted with a different or uncomfortable or painful outcome, will always attempt to discredit the magic. When magic is allowed to run its true course, the outcome is far greater than anything we can imagine, even if it appears in a totally unexpected way or form. Whilst I know that death is simply a changing of form, I do miss seeing and having Herbie’s little physical form around. Yet the gifts he gave me far outweigh the feeling of loss. He touched my life with his presence and love……. and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Now, he is free and I know he is dancing and playing with the faeries at the bottom of the garden.
Beyond Miracles ………..
In Light.
Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.
©2013 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.
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by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Alternative Therapy, Animals, Awareness, Body, Consciousness, Energy Bodywork, Intuitive, Uncategorized |
A few weeks ago I wrote about the arrival of my Unexpected Visitor – Herbie the baby hedgehog. He had been doing really well – eating, sleeping and growing – for the last two weeks. Yet last night when I picked him up for our daily cuddle time, I was alarmed to notice that he had a ruptured intestine which was protruding quite extensively. I wasn’t quite certain what to do. I emailed the Hedgehog Rescue to ask for advice and as it was late I night, I directed the Light to come in and heal. I also asked my healing partner to do some distance healing. I put Herbie to bed and we all had a good nights rest.
The phone ringing awoke me in the morning. It was the Hedgehog Rescue. I had not yet had a look at Herbie. Anyway the rescue told me that there was no hope for Herbie and that he would have to be put to sleep. I was overcome by sadness and was crying. I felt filled with a sense of loss, even though I know there is no death.
Suddenly, I became aware of how I had aligned and agreed with the outcome of Herbie having to be put to sleep. My little voice told me to go and see how he was and take it from there. Herbie was sleeping peacefully and was curled up in a ball, so I had to encourage him awake so I could look him over.
There was no sign of the protruding intestine! I don’t know how it happened, but a Miracle had occured. The energy work I had done and my Friend had paid off. Herbie was whole again and his intestine has somehow been placed back into its cavity without any physical intervention. I had once again witnessed the power of energy healing and a miracle. Having been in energy healing for over 2 decades, I am always humbled and awed to see healings and it is moments like these that keep me going. I have no doubts that the ability to heal and be healed is available to us all. When the ego steps aside and the demand is true, Spirit always delivers the highest positive outcome.
I am so grateful for the great gifts that Herbie the baby hedgehog has contributed to my life. That a small little creature full of prickles has touched my heart. I feel honoured and blessed to have him for another day and so grateful for every day more he spends with me. I get to look at his cute little feet a while longer …………………. and Expect Miracles!
In Light.
Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.
©2013 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.
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With a strong connection to the Elemental Gaia, I know that Her plan is not our plan. All that is occuring is happening as a response to energy. We cannot get away from this fact. Everything is energy. All animals, plants, elementals, minerals, etc, everything does have a consciousness of its own, in that it is a part of a greater unfolding.
Humans are lucky in that they get to see, in this predominantly physical realm of denser vibration, the manifestation or de-manifestation of energy, visibly. That is, made physical, as are we! Because we have not been taught how to inter-commune with others or our surroundings, we are looking at things through the limited eyes of polarity thinking and until this shifts, well the rest of Creation is going to be doing what it has to do.
I hear people all the time moaning about the weather …………… too this, that, not enough this or that. When it rains I have to mow the lawn more often. Then they appear surprised when their lawn begins to die. The concept of Oneness already is. It is not something we have to attain, only to become conscious of. Creation is unfolding exactly as it is meant to. The Earth, Gaia does not need humans to continue. However, humans very much depend on the physical qualities of this planet to sustain their life. Whilst we are responsible for our vibration, the rest of the Universe is not dependent on it. This is a great arrogance that humans, if we are to survive, must transcend.
In Light.