by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Alternative Therapy, Authentic, Awareness, Behaviour, Body, Cellular Memory, Choice, Consciousness, Embodiment, Freedom, Health, Holistic, Integration, Intuitive, Lightbody, Love, Magic, Money, Take action |

To truly thrive in life requires a consciousness that directs thriving frequencies so that they can be applied practically, effectively and efficiently. Plus a vehicle that is capable of receiving and streaming this information, that is your body. This is and what the
Connective Embodiment™ Thriving Consciousness 4 Weeks Intensive installs and sets up for you in the areas of #money, #health, #love and many more……
Connective Embodiment™ is here to Illuminate, Simplify and Align. It is a quantum energy that is now available for upload on this Earth plane. The upload is facilitated by Trilby D. Johnson, and this consciousness serves as a platform between the physical body, its energy bodies and the intense accelerated photonic energies that are permeating all and now manifesting and coming into our range of awareness. This Connective Embodiment provides a physical context which will enhance the body’s cells ability and capacity to capture, encrypt, integrate and transmute these diverse and varied vibrational frequencies. This provides an easing of the strain and
stress that our bodies are undergoing as they too acclimatise and rewires the brain installing new neural pathways.
Not only does Connective Embodiment encourage and oversee lightbody integration rapidly and with ease, it will directly hook you up to and align you with your original Soul signature’s blueprint. For centuries we have been out of alignment – thus off centre – from our our Soul signature’s tune. The majority of human bodies today are not able to tune into nor assimilate their tune efficiently and quickly. This has been visible in the constant and impenetrable sense of struggle and emotional upheaval that so many have experienced not only on a personal level, but on a social, cultural and even global level.
It is now possible to shift all of this held deep within the subconscious and to move on from striving to a life of thriving, with focus on the areas of money, health and love. Our current understanding and definition of these aspects has been skewed – deliberately manipulated – leading the majority to lead lives of quiet desperation and unexplainable suffering. Connective Embodiment is here to change this! It is deceptively subtly and extremely powerful. It is here to propulse us into the reality we are truly meant to be living and actively co-creating. One of expansion, health, abundance and joy.
If you are ready to move from struggle and striving and to fully embrace a thriving consciousness, please visit my website to read about all that will be illuminated, simplified and aligned in the 4 week intensive. It will quite simply be Life-Changing.
Now you may be thinking, this sounds too good to be true and it cannot be that simple. How is that programming working for you and showing up in your life? What if the beLIEf that no pain no gain is a lie that is keeping you separated and distracted from what really works for you? That keeps you in that space of feeling disconnected and dissatisfied with everything in your life, even though you may have what many consider an ideal life? If you are ready to change, experience a true sense of inner connection and alignment and be in-tune with life, then contact me now. Start investing in yourself now at
In Gratitude and Light.
Trilby D. Johnson is an Author and Vibrational Integration Mentor whose message of self-actualization, embodiment and self-love invites people from around the world to embrace their Sovereign Authenticity as they release chronic thinking around money, health and love. She provides tools and skills for people to live a life free of pain, suffering, sadness and self-limiting beliefs and makes spiritual living practical.
Find out more about the possibilities here –
©Trilby D. Johnson 2015. If you do share any part of this article, please quote the author and reference this blog at – Thank you.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Alternative Therapy, Animals, Authentic, Awareness, Body, Cellular Memory, Choice, Coaching, Energy Bodywork, Health, Holistic, Nutrition and Health, Organic Living, Personal Development, Pharmaceutical Industry, Reiki, Research, Self-Actualization, Uncategorized, Well-Being |
As an Intuitive Energy Healer, both for humans and animals, I cannot stress enough the importance of transmuting the vibrational frequency at the root cause of any symptom. Until this is done, the body is locked in a vice-like repetitive loop.
Pharmaceuticals are synthetic copies of what Nature already provides us with as healing agents, such as air, water, food and plant remedies. Because they are synthetic the body’s ability to decipher their codes is hindered and this is what is labelled as ‘side-effects’. Whilst medication may be a temporary and necessary relief strategy, it cannot bring a long term solution to a dis-ease.
As far as research for cures go, please know that most of this research is funded by these very same pharmaceutical companies, who also fund most medical schools. These are profitable institutions that sadly have ever increasing profit margins, as people feel confused and scared about their health.
Many medical professionals unfortunately do not even know about or suggest alternative methods to their patients. Please be pro-active and ask them, or find out from friends or google alternative therapies. Holistic healing is about creating balancing in and between the body, mind and soul. Your health is your wealth. Don’t make it merely the business and profit margins of pharmaceuticals!
Energy work is a beautiful effective non-invasive way to transmute the energetic imprint without necessarily knowing the root cause.
The symptom is the tip of the iceberg and for true healing, i.e. wholeness, to be fulfilled, it is necessary to address the deeper lying issues under the surface. Popping a pill will not do this long-term. There is no wholistic healing pill.
Here’s to your Wholistic Health.
In Light.
p.s. join me on FaceBook at
Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor, Intuitive Healer, Author and Speaker. Clients hire her to acquire new life skills and experience an inner shift of awareness that inspires and propels them into a greater reality. Trilby’s abilities and knowledge helps promote an inner harmony and outer balance that helps to heal, alleviate stress and cultivate freedom.
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.
With a strong connection to the Elemental Gaia, I know that Her plan is not our plan. All that is occuring is happening as a response to energy. We cannot get away from this fact. Everything is energy. All animals, plants, elementals, minerals, etc, everything does have a consciousness of its own, in that it is a part of a greater unfolding.
Humans are lucky in that they get to see, in this predominantly physical realm of denser vibration, the manifestation or de-manifestation of energy, visibly. That is, made physical, as are we! Because we have not been taught how to inter-commune with others or our surroundings, we are looking at things through the limited eyes of polarity thinking and until this shifts, well the rest of Creation is going to be doing what it has to do.
I hear people all the time moaning about the weather …………… too this, that, not enough this or that. When it rains I have to mow the lawn more often. Then they appear surprised when their lawn begins to die. The concept of Oneness already is. It is not something we have to attain, only to become conscious of. Creation is unfolding exactly as it is meant to. The Earth, Gaia does not need humans to continue. However, humans very much depend on the physical qualities of this planet to sustain their life. Whilst we are responsible for our vibration, the rest of the Universe is not dependent on it. This is a great arrogance that humans, if we are to survive, must transcend.
In Light.