by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Animals, Authentic, Awareness, Feline, Health, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Magic, Question, Self-Actualization, Self-Worth, Spirituality, Thrive, Value, Well-Being |
There is a magic to Life that is found in the most simplest of situations. In fact, more and more, it seems that things show up with ease and almost effortless. When things become flustered or chaotic, it’s time to pause and step back. Not step back as in give up, but rather as an acknowledging of the natural laws that really run the show. So it’s a reminder that it’s time to tap into to the magic and allow it to bring it in.
With any plan, one that will work, there has to be a clear intention. Like when you set out on a journey from A to Z. You know where you are starting and you know where you are going. What happens on the way between B to Y this is the part where the magic happens. Your part is in choosing to go on the journey and to enjoy the adventure on the way.
Today, was a day in which plans came together. Not mega huge things, but a coming together of smaller pieces that simply shift into position. Magic often shows up silently and almost unobtrusively, yet its power is incontestable.
I had to take my cat to the vet today. I had booked in with a particular vet. So imagine my trepidation when I realized that I had booked in with the ‘wrong’ vet. I got the names mixed up. Or so I thought! He was amazing and just the person I needed to see. In the short time I was in with him, he took care of my beloved feline friend with such caring and efficiency. I had taken my cat in, expecting to be told that she would have to be operated on. That is what the other vet had advised. He also gave me a solution on how to deal with a stray cat that has been hanging around my place and attacking my cat, for the last year. I had called animal control, the SPCA and also taken the stray cat to the vet and was at a loss at to what to do. Here was the information I had been asking for. All this magic arose from staying opening, constantly asking what the next and best step was and who could help me. And then with a wave of its wand, the Universe ‘mistakenly’ put me in touch with just the right person. It is so wonderful to get the right person and circumstances align. I love it when a plan comes together.
But there’s more. When I came to pay the vet with my card the transaction was denied. Admittedly a bit miffed, I called the bank when I got home to find out what the problem was. I got to speak to the most delightful and helpful lady on the phone. She answered my questions and walked me through opening up an online account, which I had previously been told was not possible. So once again, an apparent mistake with my card led me in a direction which turned out to be highly beneficial. Magic at work!
So what exactly was the plan that came together, you may be wondering? Today, in the matter of a few hours, I found the resolution for several issues that had been of concern. The synchronicity between past events and the ‘mistakes’ that took me to where I would find the resolution I had been asking for, is undeniable, although some may insist on calling it coincidence.
They say that to see the Magic, you have to look for it and be willing to see it. I had started my journey from A to Z almost over a year ago, had made several stops along the way, gotten lost on a few occasions, had some great and not so great moments. Throughout it all I kept on coming back to the plan – asking for direction on how to get to Z, being willing to receive and consider the options that showed up on the way and taking action and in moments of doubts choosing to know that I was on the way to Z and trusting that I would arrive. The magic is found in those moments when the plan comes together and there is no doubt that you have arrived – exactly where you need to be because you are there. And what’s so exciting is that each day there are plans coming together in so many ways and to receive their unfolding with thanks, fun and adventure. And then to start all over again. To realize that the greatest plan that is coming together, every day in so many ways, is Life itself.
Many blessings and in love and light.
Trilby D. Johnson is an Author and Vibrational Integration Mentor whose message of self-actualization, embodiment and self-love invites people from around the world to embrace their Sovereign Authenticity as they release chronic thinking around money, health and love. She provides tools and skills for people to live a life free of pain, suffering, sadness and self-limiting beliefs and makes spiritual living practical.
Find out more about the possibilities here –
©Trilby D. Johnson 2015. If you do share any part of this article, please quote the author and reference this blog at – Thank you.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Authentic, Author, Awareness, Body, Choice, Consciousness, Freedom, Health, Inspiration, Massage, Meditation, Nutrition and Health, Personal Development, Question, Self-Actualization, Self-Worth, Thrive, Uncategorized, Value, Well-Being |
Is distraction stealing your life away? Talking with a friend a few days ago, we were discussing the busyness over the Christmas and New Year period and how this can distract us from our true resolutions. Whether you actively participate in the festivities or not, you are bound to be affected by this time of year and through those around you. It’s about this time in January that the fervour is over and life begins to return to a more sedate pace and when a true state of reflection and a perhaps more plausible setting of targets is possible. Remember, even when it comes to choosing what you wish to add or release from your Life in this exciting new year, timing is everything. If you do not take the appropriate time to sit in quiet and conscious reflection and then begin to map out your plan of action, you may experience – yet again – that distraction is stealing your Life away.
Yes, it’s written there in the word itself! Can you see it? Distr-action is there to distract you from taking action. Focus is so easily lost as we are bombarded nowadays with information and calls for action from all sides. But how much of what you do is in alignment with what you really – and I mean REALLY – desire for you and your Life? Whilst humans have developed the ability to multitask in so many ways, the more I have really looked into the importance of focus – the ability to be fully conscious in activity – the more I see the distraction inherent within multitasking. As a massage therapist I learned that touching or massaging two different areas of the body at the same time, causes the brain to ‘defocus’ and creates a – in this case – a deliberate state of distraction. As you are not able to focus on two things at once, with equal attentiveness or consciousness, your cognition will be channeled to the most predominant stimuli being experienced. Which in the instance of massage is relaxation, or in other words relief from tension. So it stands to reason that when you are doing two or even more different tasks at the same time, this causes the brain to defocus and can actually become a distraction that can lead to error or inaccuracy. The ability to maintain an overall main focus is very powerful and creates a force that not many will dare to mess with or confront. This does not mean that focus has to become obsessive and over thousands of year’s the human brain has evolved to make repeated behaviours more habitual, thus streamlining and automating the small stuff. Whilst handy this may not always be optimally beneficial! If you still find yourself having to make the same old same resolutions each year to improve yourself, then it is highly likely that you are allowing distractions like diet, jobs, shopping, relationships, issues of lack around money, health and love to steal your Life away.
So how can you get your Life back? I have found that beginning each day with a declared point of focus helps me to stay calmer and more productive. I keep a sharp eye out for those distractions which creep into conversations, give priority to mobile phone calls, enticing activities that have nothing to do with my daily target. For example, busy with writing my next book for publication later this year, I know that instead of blogging, I wish to focus on writing my book. When I move my focus from writing content that needs to go into my book rather than in a blog or social media, I have to watch it. So I looked for a win-win solution by writing this blog about distractions and touching base with my readers at the beginning of this new year. Then get back to writing focused content for my book.
Make a list of your daily targets and tick them off as you get them. This is taking action. Even if you do not complete your list, keep at it. This is still meant to be fun. It is also a great way to acknowledge and celebrate all that you do achieve. Whatever you do, do it fully present! That way distraction has less chance of sneaking up on you and into your life.
Another great reminder is to notice your breath. Usually when you are in a place of distraction, your body responds to this. So by observing your breathing, you can get an idea of where you are on the scale of allowing yourself to be distracted. The choice to stop and take the action of consciously breathing then allows you to refocus and take the action out of distractions. The act of breathing focuses you back into my body. And then you are able to choose again from a place of focused attention and step out in alignment with your daily aspirations, rather than alongside them. Don’t let distraction steal your focus inappropriately. Follow your breathe – it knows the natural rhythm of the present moment.
Action is something that happens NOW. Whatever comes after that towards reaching a goal is detail. It chops and changes, but when you are totally present, it just becomes a part of the flow. Each moment is tremendously precious, not because you may miss out on doing something, rather because it is a moment of pure creation made available each and every second. Start thinking about it in this way and asking yourself – which helps to keep you present and focused – what would I like to create with this?. Time abounds with creative instances and with your consciousness, you breathe form into being.
May you make and take focused action, so that this year is full of YOU, as you step out and embrace your Life. The world needs you to be living fully here and now. This is why you are here at this time. Distraction steals this knowing from you. Put a stop to it.
Many blessings and in love and light.
Trilby D. Johnson is an Author and Vibrational Integration Mentor whose message of self-actualization, embodiment and self-love invites people from around the world to embrace their Sovereign Authenticity as they release chronic thinking around money, health and love. She provides tools and skills for people to live a life free of pain, suffering, sadness and self-limiting beliefs and makes spiritual living practical.
Find out more about the possibilities here –
©Trilby D. Johnson 2015. If you do share any part of this article, please quote the author and reference this blog at – Thank you.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Alternative Therapy, Animals, Authentic, Awareness, Body, Cellular Memory, Choice, Coaching, Energy Bodywork, Health, Holistic, Nutrition and Health, Organic Living, Personal Development, Pharmaceutical Industry, Reiki, Research, Self-Actualization, Uncategorized, Well-Being |
As an Intuitive Energy Healer, both for humans and animals, I cannot stress enough the importance of transmuting the vibrational frequency at the root cause of any symptom. Until this is done, the body is locked in a vice-like repetitive loop.
Pharmaceuticals are synthetic copies of what Nature already provides us with as healing agents, such as air, water, food and plant remedies. Because they are synthetic the body’s ability to decipher their codes is hindered and this is what is labelled as ‘side-effects’. Whilst medication may be a temporary and necessary relief strategy, it cannot bring a long term solution to a dis-ease.
As far as research for cures go, please know that most of this research is funded by these very same pharmaceutical companies, who also fund most medical schools. These are profitable institutions that sadly have ever increasing profit margins, as people feel confused and scared about their health.
Many medical professionals unfortunately do not even know about or suggest alternative methods to their patients. Please be pro-active and ask them, or find out from friends or google alternative therapies. Holistic healing is about creating balancing in and between the body, mind and soul. Your health is your wealth. Don’t make it merely the business and profit margins of pharmaceuticals!
Energy work is a beautiful effective non-invasive way to transmute the energetic imprint without necessarily knowing the root cause.
The symptom is the tip of the iceberg and for true healing, i.e. wholeness, to be fulfilled, it is necessary to address the deeper lying issues under the surface. Popping a pill will not do this long-term. There is no wholistic healing pill.
Here’s to your Wholistic Health.
In Light.
p.s. join me on FaceBook at
Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor, Intuitive Healer, Author and Speaker. Clients hire her to acquire new life skills and experience an inner shift of awareness that inspires and propels them into a greater reality. Trilby’s abilities and knowledge helps promote an inner harmony and outer balance that helps to heal, alleviate stress and cultivate freedom.
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Alternative Therapy, Authentic, Awareness, Body, Choice, Coaching, Consciousness, Earth, Health, I Am, Inspiration, Intuitive, Love, Meditation, Nutrition and Health, Personal Development, Question, Self-Actualization, Self-Worth, Spirituality, Uncategorized, Value, Well-Being |
The human mind and how exactly it functions is still very much a mystery today, even to scientists and those of us alive and living this experience of Life. Where does it begin and where does it end and what role does it play in our daily existence? Many theories and philosophies have been and continue to be put forward as to its origin, essence and functioning. Perhaps an even greater mystery however, is that of the human heart and its role in our human experience and emotions.
Thanks to recent research and advanced modern technology, researchers have been able to determine and monitor that the heart itself emits a distinct frequency of its own and that this frequency emission occurs prior to the brains perception of sensory information. This is called the ‘torus or toroidal field’. It is most interesting to note that the auric torus field around the body has its centre in the heart and that it also emits the strongest electromagnetic field (#EMF) in the body. The torus field is found around every atom’s nucleus, and in every cell of the body is found in the DNA spiral helix ‘receiver’. These findings are changing the way in which we view not only how we as humans function, they also present an array of greater possibilities and insights into the way we can live our lives. This goes way beyond what has previously been believed about human’s abilities to think and feel and adds a most interesting perspective to the myriad ways in which we view and experience the aspect of Love.
For many of us, over the past few year’s there has been a very distinctive shift in consciousness, as we have intuitively become more aware of this heart frequency field. Whilst the way this showed up may not seem like anything to do with love – global chaos, breakdown in relationships, business loss, more outbreaks of war, financial challenges, lack of reference points, methods no longer work, etc – there does seem to be an underlying common aspect of transparency that is coming to light. Perhaps the most challenging current aspect so many of us face today, is having the skills in ‘how’ to listen and act upon this frequency in such a way as to enrich our existence further and to step into a state of thriving and release the notions of surviving and striving. To move beyond the illusions of the world reality we know today, on personal and social levels. To embrace a level of personal self-actualization, whilst keeping in mind that as an individual, we are a part of the current society. It behooves us to focus most diligently and lovingly on our own personal journey of self-actualization. Why? Because, in my opinion and in conjunction with the workings of the torus field, the key to a fulfilling and joy filled existence is in choosing with consciousness, to operate from this frequency of Love. Could it be that this IS a hidden Knowing within our very make-up, written in our very DNA – that true unconditional guidance comes from and through the Heart?
Writings about Love and its virtues have been around since the beginnings of time and it continues to fascinate and allure so many today. Yet for so many true Love continues to remain elusive and the experience of only an alloted few. I feel this has to do with the way in which Love is viewed and defined in the group consciousness. There are many kinds of Love and everyone’s experience will differ, according to their personal stories, sensitivities and awareness. For the purpose of this article, the focus is on Self-Love, because in my observation and personal journey, it really is the one Love relationship that nurtures all others and through which all others are experienced. It is the aligning factor in our personal empowerment and autonomy.
The notion of Love and what it is, has been fed to us through social, religious, cultural, political, sexual, gender, familial and spiritual ideologies and philosophies for so long and so subtly that very few of us actually stop at all to ponder what the definition is. The power of the hypnotic entrainment hidden within this one word – the implicit belief and value systems that are so deeply entrenched in the group psyche and their effect – is not to be underestimated. I feel that the symptoms of this hidden agenda can be found in the confusion so many of us feel when it comes to the concept of Love – evidenced in our self- and personal-relationships. Why is it that so many of us do not feel loved or loving, despite holding the trappings of success that this reality decrees as truth? As long as you continue to buy into the commonly held definition and belief system of what love is or supposed to be without stopping to ask if the definition and subsequent belief system is true for you, then you will be unconsciously perpetuating the illusion of separation. And the only way in which this can change is through each of us taking a look at ourselves and then understanding how the energy of love works, so that we can operate from a place of conscious choice, when it comes to what matters most for us.
So how does this energy of love operate? My understanding and growing experience of this frequency called love, is that it really is unconditional. As is all energy mind you! However, there are frequencies and frequencies from which to choose. Everything in the Universe is currently experiencing a rise in vibrational frequency. There is an ongoing debate amongst researchers and authors as to what the actual hertz frequency of love is, as even here different definitions and thus belief systems are at play and providing interesting points of view. I personally feel that when one is in the presence of love, there is no doubt, nor words, which is in and of itself a challenge for the human mind. The human mind has been trained throughout social evolution to cognitively compartmentalize ideas, concepts, emotions, thoughts, behaviours. In other words, to make ‘reality’ fit! The Love energy does not operate along these linear and conceptual lines, despite all of mankind’s manipulation to make it appear so. Thus the concept of unconditional love. So what does this mean for you?
1. Drop all judgment
The biggest killer today is judgment. I am not talking about the kind of judgment which pertains to the purely cognitive processing of data. I am referring to the polarity based thought-forms that are instigate and rife on this planet. That creates the illusion of separation – even in love. Romantic love is a good example. How? This concept feeds the notion that we are separate. Not only as an individual but also within ourselves. That we can only be fulfilled when we have found our opposite! Then the true definition of what an opposite is, has been deliberately tampered with. When coming from a place of polarity there is never a winner. Not long-term. Because there will always be division. This is a distraction to lead us away from the fact that we are already One. Within Your-Self you are One. The vital life force that animates us all, is the same Source. Everything is already within each of us. The feminine and masculine aspects. Jung’s work highlighted this, although the cultural and professional context in which his work was presented, distorted his work to fit the accepted version of reality. So whilst there are gender differences, each gender holds within the whole!
As long as you are judging any part of you, you are in polarity thinking and divided within yourself. There is no division in love. It accepts everything as it is, whilst maintaining its unique resonence frequency. When you hold yourself in this particular frequency and make a choice from that space and place, there is no separation. And how will you know? Because you will have a sense of wholeness and completion.
2. Accepting what is
Byron Katie speaks of this in her work. What I love about Byron Katie, is her untiring drive for what I consider spiritual practicality. This suits me too, because we are after all faced with physical requirements here on this Earth plane. Allowing is for me a form of receiving which honours what is. To me it feels like that meditative state of knowing that there is an observer to all that transpires. There is no need to silence the mind, for it has its role to play. There is no need to choose between this or that, for there is the knowing that I am not that. There is the peace that comes with taking respons-ability for what is in my life now and then consciously choosing which step to take next and the direction.
A common belief is that giving is better than receiving. Really? For many years there was an incongruency around this energy dynamic for me. When I looked at who was stating this information as fact it made sense. All those organizations that stood to profit financially from people’s sense of guilt. Guilt, like many emotions, is based in limited thinking. It is time to re-cognize that the Universe is abundant. Just look at Nature to see this and also please acknowledge that you are a part of this Nature. Whist there is an order within Nature there is no judgment. There is a natural gifting just because!
The Universe is set-up to give you whatever you ask for. How do you ‘ask’? By means of your dominant vibration. So are you willing to accept that the Universe is abundant and simply desires to deliver unto you that which you ask for? When you compartmentalize your energy into good/bad, right/wrong, black/white you create a mixed signal. And the Universe responds. When you accept whatever it is, as it is and embrace it with love, there literally are no limitations. And the Universe responds.
3. Loving it all
Love does not discriminate between good and bad energy. To do so would require judgment. Love knows no taboos, yet respects all choices. Love is beyond belief systems, which are all creations of the mind. You cannot love some parts of yourself and not others and expect to experience wholeness. What you will experience is fragmentation. This is what is meant by the shadow-self. Not that this is good or bad. It simply is.
For many years, in my endeavour to move out of suffering and to be positive, I denied many emotions like fear, anger, anxiety, sadness, hatred etc. because they were labelled as ‘negative’. On a vibrational level, what this now means to me, is that these are heavier frequencies. And I feel it straight away when I pick up on them. With the exception that now I welcome them in, firmly balanced in the frequency of love. My version admittedly, however the transformation that occurs is undeniable. How do I know? Because I feel it with every fibre of my being.
4. Let your body be your guide
Your physical body is the greatest sensory computer available to you. It is constantly giving you information and feedback as to what is going on around you, so that you can choose what experience you desire to have next. So many people think of their body as a ‘thing’. I am still amazed at how cut off people can be from the living organism in which they live daily. I feel that much of the obsession with sex is a side effect of this sense of disconnection. For centuries the human body has been literally buried alive under judgment fueled by religions and cultural beliefs, in many ways fueling this dis-ease around the human body. Etiquette was established to define where and how it was acceptable to enjoy one’s physicality and anything outside of this was judged as depraved or a sin.
The body remembers everything. And not only from one lifetime. Cellular memory can be passed down from generation to generation through blood lines and DNA, if it remains hidden in the subconscious and is not transmuted. What I particularly love about bodies though and working with them, is that they never lie. Just like energy! What a coincidence, n’est pas. 🙂
Whilst your human body is very much programmed and designed to be in service to you, the vehicle for your Soul during your Earthly adventure, it does have an innate state of self-preservation. And thank goodness I say. When the balance between the human mind and the body consciousness drops out of alignment, energy begins to collect and creates a dis-ease. This can show up as a mental physical manifestation, like depression or anxiety. Or it can show up as a physical manifestation in the form of a physical misalignment, like cancer, pain, arthritis, etc.
So then in regard to the torus field, when you do not listen to your body, you are ignoring and impeding your Heart’s Knowing – connected to a far greater source of pure information than your brain – from enriching your human physical experience and its connection to universal energy.
So what is the value of compartmentalizing Love, or anything else for that matter? Just as a positive will cancel out a negative, so a higher frequency will entrain lower vibrational frequencies to accelerate and escalate their vibration in an ascending movement. So lower density energies are invited to move to a higher frequency. This is the reason that when you find yourself in the presence of true unconditional love, there will be no doubt in your mind. Because you will have become mind-less and heart-filled.
When you take action to consciously choose the space of frequency from which you desire to operate from, there is a huge shift. The Universe is a living and intelligent Energy Source that captures absolutely everything and responds accordingly. It takes an effort of your will, i.e. action to choose your thoughts. This will then impact and influence your behaviour, i.e. your doing. This will then be held within your YOU-nique vibrational frequency that you emit, i.e. your being. This is similar to being able to observe the ripple and the effect as separate yet the same movement. Just as when a pebble is thrown into a pond, this action creates the movement in the water, that sets the stage for the water to change it’s surface tension.
In conclusion, I invite you to please claim to know that everything is already within you. You come from Love because this is at your essence, as Source. You are already Love! I invite you to choose to step out from this space of Knowing and watch how you change the world as you step into a Beingness that goes way beyond your current identity and personality. As Gandi said, ‘Be the change that you wish to see in the world!‘. This is about expansion, not about contraction, which compartmentalization is. The mind will never fully understand what the heart knows, however, it can be useful in it’s appropriate role and function. That is, to instigate the action required in this physical existence, after all information has been aligned with and from unfetted and unconditional Love.
May you enjoy the unfolding and expansion of your creations.
In Light.
Hello, I’m Trilby Johnson and I’m the founder of BE YU Well-Being – where I share and facilitate my holistic expertise and walk-the-talk techniques on how to live your self-actualization and authenticity, and how to heal your body, mind and soul. If you are looking for facilitation, please visit my website at
I am the author of an e-book ‘a-Ha insight inspiration question‘ available on and the founder of a quantum being technique Connective Embodiment.
Please feel free to download my free audio BREATHE delivered to your inbox by signing for my free audio
©Trilby Johnson 2014. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this further, as long as you acknowledge the rightful author and without changing any of the text as written here. Thank you.