Do you know how to relate authentically? No secrets here …………. it begins with YOU. The kind of relationship you have with yourself, will impact on other areas of your life. On your health, wealth, relationships, work and spirituality. For truly everything is within before it shows up without.
To create true and lasting change in one’s life and the world, the change starts with oneself. And I mean change as in stepping into or towards total, complete, all-encompassing, unconditional allowance and gratefulness for who we are, in all our complex, confusing, magnificence ….. NOW!
Awareness to what is going on, is the first step and then choosing. So what does this awareness look like and where can it be found? And once aware how can we create the change we desire ?
Whatever is going on in your life, your body, your relationships etc serves as a reflection and offers information as to what kind of vibrational frequency we are at. So, we can get information from these experiences. And from here choose consciously where we desire to travel next and what kind of an experience we are seeking to have.
Plus, there is a whole arena of vibrational frequencies that is just beyond our current level of perception. This is just how energy works. Like a radio station – you have to tune in to the exact frequency to catch the show and when you are in range you can tune in. All that static you can hear, is information that is on another frequency.
Sometimes it’s this static that draws us and that hold the new information we require to take the next step. However, how can we tune in to receive it. As Neale Donald Walsch wrote, “Your real life begins, beyond your comfort zones.”
So what’s it going take to first of all recognise those comfort zones, then know how to choose which are working for you or not, and then choose to focus on what does work?
Often we know we have to choose something different – the signs are all around – however we do not know how to. Choosing a mentor or facilitator is a great choice. I have been fortunate in my life to have received counsel and mentoring from some amazing people and the greatest gift I received was that of objectivity.
A blind spot is a specific vibrational frequency and so having a third person who is inspiring, uplifting and most importantly non-judgemental to guide me to recognising them and how to clear their electromagnetic imprint has been worth the blood, sweat and the tears – leaving space and infinite possibilities. It has given me the ability to be the Observer more and more in my life.
When we are able to stand in a place as the Observer, we are able to see all, without judgement. Meditation teaches us this – for me this is the lesson in the practice of the law of detached consciousness. It gives us the space and tools with which we can see the wood for the trees and opens up an infinite choice of possibility.
My personal journey has been one of learning to love myself 100% – the good, the bad and the ugly. I have and continue to embrace my darker side and to enjoy expanding with it more into my lighter sides. My criteria for choice today are ease and joy. Is this something you would like for you too?
What if you are the one you have been waiting for? And what if the waiting is now over? It is You and the time is NOW!
(Author Unknown)
Trust this inspires you to know just how valuable you are. And please don’t allow the terminology used and that perhaps doesn’t resonate with you to be a distraction that keeps you once again from authentically relating with your true Essence.
Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment if you are ready for breakthrough beyond limitation into wisdom!
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.