A Prescription for Meditation

A Prescription for Meditation

With the resurgence of the practice of meditation into my life, through facilitating meditation classes and requests from clients seeking stress release and health improvement, I was amazed when looking up the definition of meditation online, to come across the medical dictionary interpretation.

Here it quite clearly states: Meditation can be used with other forms of medical treatment and is an important complementary therapy for both the treatment and prevention of many stress-related conditions. Regular meditation can reduce the number of symptoms experienced by patients with a wide range of illnesses and disorders. Based upon clinical evidence as well as theoretical understanding, meditation is considered to be one of the better therapies for panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, substance dependence and abuse, ulcers, colitis, chronic pain, psoriasis, and dysthymic disorder. It is considered to be a valuable adjunctive therapy for moderate hypertension (high blood pressure), prevention of cardiac arrest (heart attack), prevention of atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries), arthritis (including fibromyalgia), cancer, insomnia, migraine, and prevention of stroke. Meditation may also be a valuable complementary therapy for allergies and asthma because of the role stress plays in these conditions. Meditative practices have been reported to improve function or reduce symptoms in patients with some neurological disorders as well. These include people with Parkinson’s disease, people who experience fatigue with multiple sclerosis, and people with epilepsy who are resistant to standard treatment.

I don’t know about you, however in all the years that I have sought medical advice, not one GP ever suggested meditation and its benefits. In fact, I was left with the distinct impression that many in the medical professions considered, and still do, meditation to be total rubbish. 

Researching more online, I was pleasantly surprised to find countless mention of meditation and its amazing and renowned benefits.  So why is it that those in the medical profession are not prescribing meditation more often? I am not advocating for the abolition of medication, however, what about supplementing and complimenting it with meditation sessions?

I know that regular meditation, as in daily, consciously reconnects us with ourself. It is a way of being present. Meditation is so much a part of my life now, that I can hardly remember what it was like before ……….. if there ever was a before.

As an Emotional Breakthrough Mentor, I encourage you to take up meditation and next time your doctor writes you a prescription, why not ask him to prescribe meditation as well?

In fact, why wait until you have to see a doctor, start meditation today. I am sure that wherever you find yourself, there is a group that runs meetings, or write down your own meditation and record your own voice speaking it.  I offer sessions via Phone or Skype, so the possibilities are infinite.

What if meditating today, will keep the doctor away? I know where I choose to invest my money and time. What about you?

Trilby Johnson is an Emotional Breakthrough Mentor, Author and Speaker whose clients hire her to go from emotional zero to emotional hero, as they heal, alleviate stress and cultivate emotional freedom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health and mindset. She shares her knowledge of how to create inner harmony and outer balance with those seeking to deepen their self-knowing and expand their consciousness.

Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Alchemy Assessment if you are ready for go from zero to hero now!

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.

3 Self-Esteem Boosters

3 Self-Esteem Boosters

Are you someone who suffers from low self-esteem? Then I have great news for you! No matter what you have believed up until this moment, it’s possible to change it. Through the right positive focus and resolving some limiting beliefs and core patterns, you can start right now, here today and feel better about yourself and build a positive self-esteem.

Self-Esteem is the regard in which you hold yourself. A lot is learned from parents, education, culture and intuition. Self-Esteem, in my experience, is very much a question about connection on a physical, mental, emotional and soul level. It’s first and foremost about the connection you have with and to yourself – how you think about and feel about yourself and the manner in which you talk to and about yourself. It’s all about you in fact!

For many years, I struggled with low self-esteem, so I know how horrible this feels. In fact, I used to hate myself and my life was miserable because of these feelings. I believed what others had told me about myself, even although it hurt terribly. What hurt so much, was that I knew deep down inside that all of that simply wasn’t true – and yet I let myself down. Until I found another and new way.

For me to get from that place of not liking or loving myself at all, to where I cultivated a level of high self-esteem, took a while plus a lot of honest introspection. So today, I want to share with you, 3 of the elements that I consciously chose to add to and cultivate in my life, that helped me to boost a high and healthy sense of self-esteem. Here’s what I learned.

1. Element of Self-Love

Having been someone who didn’t love myself very much, I can guarantee you that Loving Yourself is the most important thing you will even do. Not only for yourself – also for the other people in your life.

Then, it’s about how you relate to others in ways that either support or disempower your level of Self-Esteem Boosters. The reason is that, when you truly love yourself and allow yourself to be who you truly are – the good, the bad, the ugly and all the other bits – you are a Gift! You can be confident. You can let go of the doubt, guilt and shame – all of which were probably not yours to begin with.

It took me a long time – through bouts of depression, abusive relationships and situations, suicidal tendencies and many low and dark moments – until I realized that all I really wanted, was to love myself.

So please give your permission today, if you are not yet there, to LOVE YOURSELF. It is soooo important! And only you can take the first step and continuously move forward.

Self-Esteem Boosters is a by-product of loving yourself and not vice-versa! So make sure your are not missing out on this crucial self-esteem booster.

2. Element of Worth

I have worked with so many people, who believe that they are not enough. I used to be one of them. They believe that if they try harder or hard enough, if they give more, if they behave in a certain way, that finally they will be enough … and be worthy of other people’s praise, love, approval, or something else.

I have witnessed it and felt it myself – the huge sense of relief that comes with finally accepting and knowing that I am enough already. That I am worthy. And with this, the knowing comes that we all have worth and are worthy!!!

There is nothing to prove, despite that so many of us have been duped into believing it is something to be achieved or earned. The problems arise when we start to doubt or are led astray by other’s opinions and when we think that we have to DO something to Be Enough. We are enough . . . evident in the fact that Life itself has given us Life. We are enough!

So please, choose to know that you are worthy. This choice to know that you are worth yourself will add and Self-Esteem Boosters beyond measure.

3. Element of Safety

This may surprise many people – I know it did me, when I realized that not feeling safe had a huge impact on my sense of Self-Esteem Boosters. Many of us are so afraid of the judgement of others. Perhaps even more so and subconsciously, we are afraid of our own judgement. I don’t know about you, but I have often been my harshest and most unforgiving critic!

I can remember the acute sense of relief I experienced when I finally let go of judging myself and wanting to control everything … aahhhhh … it was amazing! I began to feel safe.

When you don’t feel safe, worthy, nor love yourself, these mindsets create a gravitational pull to everything ‘out there’ that matches these lower vibes of self-esteem. Life will serve up the very things you often fear, as a sign post of your security vibe. Life will show you often paradoxically where you need to boost levels of love, worth and safety.

When you feel safe, you feel okay much of the time – even when you make mistakes. It feels safe even when you don’t always know exactly what to do, all of the time. It feels safe for you to be You – with or without other people’s approval.

Safety, is an inner state of being. Yes, you can live in a dangerous places – I’ve done that – and even in these situations, you can still feel safe. You can begin by claiming and affirming

I love myself,

I am enough

I am worthy,

I am always safe!

Even if at first you don’t quite believe or feel it completely. Claiming and declaring these will boost your self-esteem no end.

This does not mean there will not be days that are difficult nor that you will not have dips in your Self-Esteem Boosters. Simply no longer feed them and soon you will find yourself bouncing back. You will begin to enjoy the benefits of high self-esteem like feeling more confident, happier, healthier and successful in your daily endeavours.

YOU are your most priceless and valuable commodity! Believe in yourself and your self-esteem will follow. Actively boost yours daily with thoughts, words and actions of love, worth and safety that will nurture a healthy and loving connection and web of self-esteem. This is not to be confused with arrogance!

Hold yourself in esteem – this will help you in experiencing your purpose.

Many Blissings



Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor and Metaphysical Intuitive, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. Her clients hire her to stop struggling and feeling stuck in body, mind, emotion and soul and move beyond limitation into wisdom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health, mindset and soul connection. Trilby assists in creating new energetic pathways that empowers and assists in resolving core issues.

Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment if you are ready for breakthrough beyond limitation into wisdom!

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.

The Invitation of Persistent Resistance

The Invitation of Persistent Resistance

Dandelion_light_017What is the invitation of persistent resistance? Are you one of those people who gets highly irritated by the saying, “What you resist will persist.”? Well I certainly have had periods of a love-hate relationship on hearing and saying this myself, depending on which side of the resistance I was standing on at the time. I often have to chuckle when I remember Gloria Steinem’s quote, that “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”! The irony for me of course being that the feeling of irritation is a symptom and sign of resistance in and of itself.

Now, for me resistance shows up mostly as a sensation in my body. It may be different for you, so I invite you to think about something you really are “against” and just observe if you can trace it to a place in your body. The human body is a barometer of information and is continually sending us information through our neural pathways and nervous systems to keep us up to date and ready to act. As I am primarily kinesthetic in my learning style, the signals come to me as a physical sensation or emotional feeling of resistance. Some other learning styles are visual or auditory.

For a while now I have been aware of this sensation of persisting resistance being communicated to me by my body. It baffled me because it did not make sense. By this I mean that whilst I have been choosing to experience a specific kind of lifestyle, I became aware that whenever an opportunity to experience this kind of living actually showed up, an intense feeling of resistance, if not a sense of dislike, would show up.

What really set off my alarm bell, was that I had found myself with this same kinesthetic experience in a situation which was definitely not what I was saying I desired. I was drawn to the perception that I was getting the same sensory feedback from two quite different and seemingly opposite situations. One which I enjoyed and was asking for more of, and another situation which I was choosing to move away from.

So what was the invitation? I found that the persistent niggle of sensation was there to catch my attention. It was my body’s way of letting me know that somewhere in all the mental concluding and judging and decision making, there was something that did not add up. I was out of alignment in my choosing. And so it was time to sit down and have a cup of tea with this feeling and find out what was true about this situation that was bothering me.

What I uncovered was a pattern of mixed signals. And when I took the time to look at it consciously and ask for clarity, the tangle began to unravel. The alarm was to show me that I had unconsciously collapsed the definition around “work” with two completely different meanings. Literally the sensation in the pit of my stomach was telling me that I had gotten myself into a knot.

Until I took the time to bring my awareness and conscious choosing to this knowing and get the information that was there for me, I could not be free and thus was in resistance and literally felt torn in two. That’s what happens when there are conflictual choices. Energy requires directing to move and for this it needs clear instruction. If not, it just hovers around.

To me, the invitation within the persistent resistance is …… there is something here that you need to take a look at and choose. And ……… until I take that time out and stop, breathe, listen and choose, the resistance will persist.

I came away from this experience knowing that resistance that persists is an invitation to take notice. To Be Aware. To choose. How to break through the persistence of resistance? Just keep on choosing!

May you enjoy the unfolding of your Choosing and Creation.

In Light

If you wish to watch/listen to the audio version of this blog, please go here – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N0omPFw8kE


Trilby Johnson, is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator, Author, Radio Host and the Founder of Connective Embodiment™. Her joy and motivation is to empower others in their Authentic Self-Actualization so that people can have fulfilling and abundant lives, by giving them skills and tools to have greater choice and to choose belief systems that enrich and expand their Authentic Relating within themselves and their bodies.

Website info – http://www.beyuwellbeing.com

Daring Self-Promotion

Daring Self-Promotion

crop faceless person turning shop signboard hanging on glass wall
Photo by Amina Filkins on Pexels.com

For many years of my life, I thought that if I went about my business quietly and did everything well, someday I would be rewarded and noticed. Well that didn’t happen that way. I saw people take the credit for work that I had done and get the promotion or salary increase, whilst I got angrier and lost more confidence in myself. These were the days before I had heard about the law of attraction and understood how energy attracts like vibrations.

It hasn’t been a long time either that I was able to acknowledge my gifts and talents. And then it took a while before I had the courage to start telling others about it. I was quite naive in many ways and thought that I would find support and encouragement amongst like-minded people. Not always so. There seems to be quite a bit of competitiveness amongst the realm of Lightworkers, which I found puzzling and confusing.

What was playing out for me, was still this belief that somehow somewhere I would be discovered. Well, the Universe was very lovingly reflecting back to me, my unwillingness to discover myself, in a way that was loving and neutral, rather than coming from the resistance that had motivated me for so long.

I have moved beyond several “metaphysical and holistic groups or movements” because of complaints of too much self-promotion, or that it was not the place for it. Has self-promotion become a dirty word and where exactly is the right place for it?

Part of shining my Light is to let others know about other possibilities. I am after all the only person alive that truly knows my gifts and talents. So if I do not promote myself, well then who?

Now, there is a distinct difference between simple arrogance and genuine self-promotion. When one stands in their knowing and confidence and says, “I can do this!” it is a much different energy than someone who is just full of themselves.

I choose to believe that we live in an abundant Universe and that all in the Universe is there to facilitate and support us. Everything is vibrational information and we get to simply choose from this buffet of information that which we desire to experience. So why get upset about the fact that someone is perhaps eating all the peanuts, when there is so much else to choose from and when all you have to do is ask for more peanuts?

People prayer, meditate, affirm, visualise, chant etc for things to show up in their lives. Yet time and time again they reject or judge the information and others that show up. Why? Well because it does not look like they want or expect it to and because we have been entrained that talking about oneself if unacceptable. This belief dis-empowers one and perpetuates self-sabotage.

When we ask, it is given. We are given the vibrational equivalent of our asking. So what if within all this self-promotional material that comes across the table, is exactly the material and information one has been asking for? Yet blinded by our judgement and unwillingness to receive it, we push it away again and again.

I am so grateful for all the self-promotional information that has come into my life. I have gleaned and experience amazing new things because of it and ultimately always received the clarity I was asking for.

Be your own greatest self-promoter. Praise yourself and let others know what you are good at and that you do it well. This for me is all a part of shining my Light and fulfilling my role as a Light Worker. What if someone out there is looking for the exact ability that you have and they are waiting to find you? May you enjoy your creations!

In LIght.



Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor and Intitiive, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. She facilitate private sessions globally. Visit her website https://www.breakthroughsavvy.com to find out more about the breakthrough mentoring and intuitive bodywork she offers.

Did video kill the radio star?

Did video kill the radio star?

Have you thought of using Radio as a way of getting your message, talents and gifts out to the big wide world? microphone

I started hosting my own radio show BE YU Well-Being Radio about a year ago and what a journey it has been. Enjoyment is definitely the word that springs to mind. Having come a long way since those first few shows, today I still have fun and get to express myself and share my opinions. I have had several guest speakers on my show and we talk about some really interesting topics – in fact anything that pertains basically to Well-Being and that provides tools and food for thought and why not, the Soul 🙂

If you are someone who suffers from fear of public speaking – like I used to – radio is the perfect solution! Whilst I do still get excited before each show or interview with a guest speaker, there is none of the dread and fear that used to plague the times when I had to make a speech in front of a room of people. Talking on the radio is like chatting on the phone to a comfortable acquaintance or good friend and leads to some lively and stimulating conversations.

One of the factors which played a role in my personal journey was the act of having to listen. Those of you who use Neurolinguistic Programming as a tool, understand how the switching of how one programmes information can in fact enhance the recording of the information. At least this has been my experience. Predominantly someone visual, I found myself over the last several years turning more and more to audio as a way of learning. I also noticed after some time that the way in which I was processing the information had shifted and I was gaining a greater understanding and learning quicker than had been the case previously.

Today, when email accounts and the web is inundated by the enormous influx of new information, audio has provided a delightful escape into a new and exciting world.

My journey into radio has been one of growth, confidence building, exploring, experiment, courage and fun. So much so that one of my desires now, is to offer this opportunity to others, who like myself are the neighbour next door and yet who have the ability to create change and something new and are looking for an opportunity to break out.

I would be honoured and blessed if you choose to come and play with me on my radio show at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trilbyjohnson.

What great adventures can we create and have together and share with the world?

If you enjoyed this blog post then please like it, rate it and share it – the YouTube too 🙂 Pass it forward. Much appreciation.

In Light.
