by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Alternative Therapy, Authentic, Awareness, Beauty, Behaviour, Body, Breathing, Cellular Memory, Challenge, Choice, Consciousness, Energy Bodywork, Health, Holistic, I Am, Inspiration, Integration, Intuitive, Joy, Love, Magic, Personal Development, Self-Actualization, Self-Worth, Spirituality, Take action, Thrive, Value, Well-Being |
Where do you live and under what conditions? Since the age of 17 I have moved 25 times. I haven’t counted the times I moved prior to 17, but it was a lot. I don’t mind and I guess in some way this nurtured my love for travel. I have also had four major country moves in my life and I look forward to more. One thing I have learned from all this moving around though is that wherever I go, I take myself with me. Despite being in new surroundings after some time, the same old patterns would begin to emerge. Have you had this happen to you?
I am sharing this, because most people think of their home as the physical address where they live. There is a place that you live first and foremost though. Your body! Your first and permanent home, whilst you are alive, is your body. Whilst people take tremendous care of their physical houses and places of residence, most have very little knowledge of their true home – their body. This is the reason that so many give away their power to health professionals who supposedly know more about their home than they do. And this is partially true because we have been led away from our true homes. Everything is within and your access route is via your body.
So as your body is the place that you really live in and with for your whole life, what kind of a home do you want to experience and have? The conditions that you live in and under – with regards to your body – are extremely important as they will impact directly on the quality of your life’s experience. What if you had a home that is comfortable, that suits you, that supports you, where you can relax, where there is no judgement, where you can truly be you 24/7, where you can connect to health, abundance, love, joy and to your Self, etc.!
Over my 30 years as a Metaphysical Intuitive and Healer, I’ve seen how disconnected so many are from their bodies. As long as you are disconnected and not fully present in and with your body, you will not experience being home. Most people are not even aware that they are in a space of disconnect because our brains have be wired to overlook this information, particularly in this very mental focused world. The mental will always keep you in the mental. Whereas your body will bring you information from your body-mind-soul. This is the reason that becoming aware of whether, where and how we are connected is, I feel, imperative to us finally experiencing the lives we say we desire. This is the Vision I hold because it has been my life’s experience.
For many years I looked outside of myself for a sense of being home and it was only when I started to love and honour my body exactly as it was that my sense of confidence, love and joy expanded. It was then that I began to get an inkling of the immense wisdom that was hidden and that came through my physical sensations, hunches and feelings. Our bodies capture the language of the Universe – Energy – and are constantly communicating it to us.
Up until now, many of us however have ignored these signals because we have been given misguided information, if any at all. To truly experience living orgasmically – that sense of total and unlimited and beyond time sensual connection to all that is – we have to overcome first the fear – yes fear – of our bodies and then we have to learn to open up to the language of our body-mind-soul connection, which is all channeled via our physical body and aura.
Before we can love our body, we have to establish a connection and if there is a connection already, be willing to explore it further. True intimacy begins within each of us and it is only through a sense of self-trust that a reliable and confident connection comes about. As well as through trial and error. So don’t beat yourself up over it. When you learned to walk, you did it one step at a time.
Also a healthy connection will flourish and become better integrated in a kind and loving environment. And it starts with you choosing these vibrations and then allowing whatever that is not or is to show up and be experienced so that it can be set free. Energy simply wants to move and it is our personalities that lock energy into our bodies through our choices of thoughts, feelings and emotions.
I feel now more than ever, we’re now at a time in evolution where shifting through and out of this is possible. The place to start, is at home. That means you and your body – the connection to your reality.
In Light and Appreciation
Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Metaphysical Intuitive Mentor offering realistic, practical principles to assist highly-sensitive, intuitive and conscious individuals to heal, thrive and live their desired BIG lives.
Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment if you are ready for breakthrough beyond limitation into wisdom!
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Alignment, Authentic, Awareness, Balance, Be Happy, Behaviour, Beliefs, Body-Image, Challenge, Choice, Consciousness, Happiness, Health, How to accept myself for who I am, Joy, Personal Development, Self-Actualization, Self-Worth, Success, Valentine's Day, Value, Well-Being |
Whilst many people who know the power of beliefs will agree, there is a shortage of people who truly believe they are awesome and who feel really good about feeling this way about themselves. So what holds so many back, when it comes to firstly believing they are awesome and secondly living in an awesome way?
I find many people confuse knowing how awesome they are with being arrogant. Somewhere along the line, in their system of beliefs and values, these two qualities have become collapsed together on some subconscious level and perhaps more importantly, with a negative connotation.
And so they are afraid to show up as awesome because they will be judged by others. And of course, they are also, on some subconscious level judging themselves in a negative way. If this was not so, there would be no problem in showing up as awesome and there would also be little judgment around arrogance either for that matter.
Embracing your awesomeness comes from a system of valuing yourself and feeling confident about what you do and can share with others. On the other hand, arrogance tends to stem paradoxically from a feeling of low-esteem and in order to compensate, the person will often adopt a behaviour of exaggerated confidence albeit one that puts others down and does not listen to other people’s opinions or ideas.
Here’s a quiz.
Think of someone who you consider as awesome. What are the qualities of this person that attract you? Now think of someone who you consider as arrogant. What are the qualities of this person that attract you? When done, ask yourself, who would you prefer being around and why? Write the reasons down and how you feel when with these people.
People enjoy being in the company of people who embrace their awesomeness. The main reason is because these people feel good about themselves and exude charm and confidence. And people will want to spend time in the company of these people. Life is simple too short to spend it not enjoying your own awesomeness and then being with awesome people.
Judgment is a natural part of the mental assessment process. However, you still have the choice as to what choice you are going to make. To play small or to play awesome! What if the only thing that is stopping you from being awesome, or even more awesome, is judgment? What if you gave that up, right here and now? Imagine how organically awesome your life can be! Are you ready to dare to be your awesomeness?
Believe in yourself and allow that to grow. The world really needs your awesomeness right now!
In Light and Appreciation
Trilby Johnson is an Emotional Breakthrough Mentor, Author and Speaker whose clients hire her to go from emotional zero to emotional hero, as they heal, alleviate stress and cultivate emotional freedom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health and mindset. She shares her knowledge of how to create inner harmony and outer balance with those seeking to deepen their self-knowing and expand their consciousness.
Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Alchemy Assessment if you are ready for go from zero to hero now!
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Awareness, Behaviour, Challenge, Choice, Consciousness, Freedom, Health, Love, Take action, Valentine's Day |
Working from home I don’t often use my car these days. Which makes the spiders happy because they get to think that they can take over. Until I use the car again. Which happened earlier this week.
It was a hot day and so hopping in the car, I attempted to open the window on the passenger side as it gives better ventilation without me getting blown away. Nothing happened. I pushed the button again. Still nothing. Oh no, it’s broken! I had a quick mental flashback to the days when cars still had window handles that you could use to wind down the windows manually.
Thoughts of having to have the window repaired also flashed through my mind as I wondered where the money for this unforeseen expense would come from? But, I was driving and so concentrated on taking the sharp bends in the road ahead. Several miles further on, I suddenly thought of the window again. Of course I had to check again if it opened, as you do sometimes – just to be sure. So I pushed the same button once again. Still nothing! Then I noticed the other button next to the window one – a little squarish button that I rarely used as I am the sole occupant of my car. ‘Push that’ my little voice said. So I did and then tried again. This time the window opened. It wasn’t broken. It had simply been locked!
I am sharing this story because I love how seemingly unrelated events can suddenly bring clarity in other areas of Life – all at the push of a button. It was as if a floodgate of awareness had opened up across my life to connect the dots of what was really going on at a subconscious level. Reflecting on the incident and the thoughts that had crossed my mind, I realized how often I had believed something wasn’t working – with me, my life, my business, my relationships, my money and my body. How often does that happen – to look at things from the perspective of them being broken? And yes even when things are actually broken, experience has shown me that there is always a solution or something new that presents itself.
My thoughts went on as to how these decisions and conclusion around issues and situations that show up in our lives, create interruption in the flow of energy. The energy becomes locked into this loop of the ‘broken’ belief! Energy loves to flow and is indestructible so it can never be broken. It can however become locked into a pattern of cause and effect that will repeat itself until the right release switch is pushed. And then it’s off again – flowing into expansion!
So what locks the energy in? Energy becomes locked into a particular pattern through attachment to a specific vibrational frequency. Energy responds to awareness and so if awareness is used to focus on particular aspects, then more and more energy will flow towards those aspects. Until such a time as a different button is pushed to release the form that has become attached to the energy.
The analogy of the car window helped make me aware that in fact nothing in my life was broken, only locked in by my conscious and unconscious choice of thoughts, feelings and emotions and behaviours. To open up the flow of energy again, all that was required was to unlock my thinking and choose something different. Change can happen at the push of a button. It has to be the right button though and you have to choose to give it a go. Nothing in Life is ever broken – even though it may appear so on the surface. Life is simply waiting and asking to be unlocked so that it can flow into something else – something different, something new and sometimes just a better version of the same.
It’s not broken. It’s just sometimes locked. And the key to unlocking Life is about you and me co-creating our human Being through choosing consciousness and love. You just have to find the right button and give it a push. It’s the same for your heart. It’s not broken, it’s just locked. Perhaps it’s time to open it up to new ways of loving. What do you say?
In Light, Love and Appreciation.
Trilby Johnson is an Emotional Breakthrough Mentor, Author and Speaker whose clients hire her to go from emotional zero to emotional hero, as they heal, alleviate stress and cultivate emotional freedom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health and mindset. She shares her knowledge of how to create inner harmony and outer balance with those seeking to deepen their self-knowing and expand their consciousness.
Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Alchemy Assessment if you are ready for go from zero to hero now!
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Authentic, Awareness, Beauty, Behaviour, Body, Challenge, Choice, Freedom, Health |
I am currently enjoying my vacation in Switzerland, my former home for over two decades, before I moved to New Zealand. That was almost eight year’s ago. Little did I know at the time that these would be the most intensely challenging years of my life. They have also been the most enriching.
I was excited to book this trip, although my feelings were quite neutral in many ways and even long before the departure I began to observe changes to the agenda. I love to travel and part of the adventure of travel for me is this letting go of what shows up and how. Any one who travels a lot knows how flimsy many travel plans can be and so flexibility and patience is a recommended mind-set.
As my vacation has unfolded, so too have a lot of unexpected surprises. Some pleasant and others not so much, but necessary. When one returns to meet family and friends that have been absent for a long time, it is an amazing opportunity to let go and to receive something new and more.
Sometimes, letting go means saying goodbye to age-old beliefs that have become ingrained and that are no longer suited to sustain anything of value. Sometimes, letting go means dropping old experiences of the way things were and being open to new experiences and connection.
When we step out of the habitual ritual and rut that becomes in so many ways our daily lives, we are somehow offered another opportunity to see things through new eyes.
I have found within myself the courage to say NO no matter what, because I trust myself and to open my heart to new acquaintances because I trust my capacity to love myself and that this is now reflected back to me.
Letting go is imperative to make space to receive something else and yes different. I find myself wondering what made me hold on for so long? Beliefs and entrainment of who and what I am, that quite frankly no longer serve any one, especially me. There is such a sweet release in finally stepping out into the sunshine knowing from within that everything really is simple and beautiful.
All those year’s of intense struggle and self-searching and getting to the core of who I am and who I am not have been worth every step. What has been released has been done so with love and peace and what is being received is joyous and expansive.
Perhaps the reason so many of us resist change is indeed because we don’t realize that we have to let go to receive. We have been brainwashed to give give give, not being informed that for the wheel to come full circle there has to be receiving.
Those who have crossed the desert know that it is a place of both great struggle and yet of great beauty to. Either way, there is no way that you cross it or come out of it the same person.
There is a peaceful simplicity and completion in letting go to receive. And it feels wholesome and freeing.
Happy Spring to those in the Southern Hemisphere as you prepare for new beginnings. Happy Autumn to those in the Norther Hemisphere as you prepare to gather your harvest of richness. Blessings to you all. Life is a wonderful adventure!
In Light.
p.s. I have created a closed facebook group called The Connective – set up to discuss how to marry the metaphysical aspects into every day life in a way that is practical and effective. Come and join here –
p.s.s. One of the methods that has helped me get through this losing my mind phase and helped me cope with this transition, is breathing. Opt-in here to find out how to make it possible to Detox, Destress and Relax in under 10 seconds
p.s.s.s If you feel like you have hit a wall, keep butting your head up against the ceiling and have frankly just given up hope when it comes to life, money, health, love and personal self-expression, then I can assist you. I’ve been there and got myself out of that dark hole of self-hatred and feeling a total failure and unlovable. Apply today for your complimentary 30 minute LET’S TALK session. Your life is worth talking about!
Trilby D. Johnson is an TRANSFORMATIONAL Author and BODY-BRAIN REFORMER WHOSE message of self-actualization, embodiment and self-love invites people from around the world to embrace their Sovereign Authenticity as they release chronic SYMPTOMS around money, health and love. She provides tools and skills for people to live a life free of pain, suffering, sadness and self-limiting beliefs and makes living A SPIRITUAL LIFE practical AND SUCCESSFUL.
©Trilby D. Johnson 2015. If you do share any part of this article, please quote ME AS the author and reference this blog at – Thank you.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Authentic, Awareness, Behaviour, Body, Brain, Breathing, Challenge, Choice, Consciousness, Freedom, Health, Holistic, I Am, Language, Neuroplasticity, Quantum Healing |
Have you felt like you were losing your mind over the last several weeks? This period leading up to the blue moon transition in July 2015 has proven to be a very challenging time in a very unique and particular way for so many of us. Listening and seeing all that is going on around, things certainly appear to be chaotic to say the least. The last several weeks I have personally found very challenging and these new energies are certainly keeping me guessing.
Living in New Zealand, on the South Island, I am reminded of our forefathers from all over the world. Those first brave voyagers who set out without really knowing what they would find, yet driven by a fire in their heart that simply would not be quietened. After months at sea, which was perilous enough, they would arrive in a new and different place, to face unknown territory, fauna and flora and native inhabitants. Often driving the windy road through thick undergrowth and steep mountains, I am struck by how modern roadways are taken for granted. Without these constructed and maintained pathways, traveling even a small distance would be a very different experience.
Yet, there is definitely a Spirit of Pioneer in the air. Situations just seem even more topsy-turvy than usual and whilst I consider myself well equipped to steer these currents, I have been thrown quite some unexpected and totally unfamiliar and highly uncomfortable curve balls of late. It seems the frequencies have ultra-increased and there have been moments when I have felt literally as if I have been losing my mind. As someone who enjoys my solitude, even this was discomforting to say the least. What the heck?
The Observer, observes all of this happening and yes, the mind is becoming lost. The dominant mental energy is now becoming more aligned in compliment to the heart energy and this is creating quite a bit of movement and disruption as the process plays itself out. So yes the mind is being loosened and being lost and like those early pioneers, many of us are going where no human has consciously gone before, at least not at the accelerated speed at which it is being done now. And so yes, feeling overloaded is the correct term for what is happening. And No, it doesn’t feel very comfortable at all.
It is very important to stay focused on your bigger picture. Stay positive, even through the negative moments. Find the right people to support you. This is an existential experience and the mind is shrieking in resistance as it knows its days of total power are numbered. If your family and friends are unable to support you, ensure that you are getting quality solo-time if and when required. As the mental takes a back seat, it is important to honour the unfolding of the new, even though the means of understanding it are now totally changed. Tap into your Pioneer Spirit and whilst things may be serious, there is definitely Light on the horizon. Remember that to get to your destination and to handle those detours, keep focused on what it is you want and ensure that you are connecting to the resources within that fuel your Pioneer Spirit. (There was one tool and action I did use over these last few weeks to keep me in the sane as much as possible. Check out my p.s.s. at the end of this article, to find out more and get this tool for yourself!)
When speaking with my healing partner earlier this week, I was reminded that a leader does not have followers. That is not the purpose of a leader in this new energy world. A leader is to set a path and go ahead so that others may follow if they choose. The pioneers of old knew that they were going ahead of everyone. They cleared the way in a manner of speaking. I feel we are being asked to lead the way with our Pioneer Spirit and in turn allow that Pioneer Spirit to lead us to unfamiliar greener pastures. It is time to leave the Known for the Unknown and Trust that all is well in all of Creation.
Like a beautiful butterfly, a complete overhaul is taking place. The caterpillar must transform into another life-form to experience what it is like to fly. I am a transition in transition. These are exciting times to be alive.
Be Bold. Be Courageous. Be Love. Be Safe. Be Your SELF.
In Light.
p.s. I have created a closed facebook group called The Connective – set up to discuss how to marry the metaphysical aspects into every day life in a way that is practical and effective. Come and join here –
p.s.s. One of the methods that has helped me get through this losing my mind phase and helped me cope with this transition, is breathing. Opt-in here to find out how to make it possible to Detox, Destress and Relax in under 10 seconds
p.s.s.s If you feel like you have hit a wall, keep butting your head up against the ceiling and have frankly just given up hope when it comes to life, money, health or love, then I can help you. I’ve been there and got myself out of that dark hole of self-hatred and feeling a total failure and unlovable. Apply today for your complimentary 30 minute LET’S TALK session. Your life really is worth talking about, don’t you think?
Trilby D. Johnson is an TRANSFORMATIONAL Author and BODY-BRAIN REFORMER WHOSE message of self-actualization, embodiment and self-love invites people from around the world to embrace their Sovereign Authenticity as they release chronic SYMPTOMS around money, health and love. She provides tools and skills for people to live a life free of pain, suffering, sadness and self-limiting beliefs and makes living A SPIRITUAL LIFE practical AND SUCCESSFUL.
©Trilby D. Johnson 2015. If you do share any part of this article, please quote the author and reference this blog at – Thank you.