What is the value of YOU?

What is the value of YOU?

In  my role as a Breakthrough Mentor and Metaphysical Intuitive, I often come up against the many ways in which I and others continue to limit ourselves in connection with our values. The polarity of what is or is not valuable!



Throughout our lives, we strive to uphold our values and the beliefs that stem from these. Yet how many of us are truly aware of these values and what they actually mean and the ways in which they both free and limit us?  Ask a few people what their values are and what these values actually represent to and for them and you open up a real can of worms.


Values like respect, love, faith, hate, safety, time, money, etc are the backbone of so much of what we do and choose and yet how many of these values are truly of our own choosing and are they still valid for us today?


Here, I particularly want to look at the value of VALUE.


How do you value yourself?

Do the ways in which you value yourself add to you and your life?

Do the ways is which you value yourself actually limit you?

When you choose something, or not, does your value system, value YOU?


This comes up often, when for example a person turns down a Reiki class for reasons of time and money.

How to argue against these two staunch and valid value systems?

I used to go into the justification of the why and how and when, only to stop myself.

I realized that’s about a value system and a feeling of worth.


Where are all the places we use time and money as reasons for not valueing ourselves?


And I chose to hold the value that where there is a will there is a way. I found it felt correct to say that I always have the time and money, however, sometimes I choose to spend it on something else.


This is an important distinction in my opinion and balances the underlying directive energy that sets the tone and vibration of allowing and receiving.


What is the value of a class and learning a new modality?

Is it something that will add to your life and thus your contribution to others?


What if the information from the class has a ripple effect in your life, way above and beyond the time and money you spend?


What is the value of choosing to pay medical bills rather than learn a bodywork modality that increases body health and awareness? Not only for you, but others as well.

What value do you attach to change and is it something you truly desire?

What is the value of time and money?  How have you made them more valuable than YOU?

I don’t know about you, but many times I have turned something down because the time and money were more valuable to me than ME.  I was not choosing from a place of self-worth and valueing ME and then demanding that whatever was required to make it happen show up. What a crazy way to think!


If you’re a practitioner, where have you made the modalities you work with more valuable than leaning something new?

For me, there are no limitations in Oneness and yet within the practitioner field, I am often aware of an unwillingness to explore anything new. What is the value of finding the one modality that works for everything and everyone?

I have played with several modalities and use them all for myself and then my clients.

What’s valuable to me, is the value of how the modality expands and enhances everything in myself and my life.
Definitely worth the time and money, the investment in me – a gift that keeps on gifting…


As Neale Donald Walsch wrote, “your Life begins at the end of your comfort zones.” And what is the value of your comfort zones and holding on to them?  How do they validate you?


What would your life look like if you choose every day in every way to value the Greatness of YOU, no matter what?

When you align daily with the value of you and what’s of value to you, then infinite possibilities appear…

And if you’re not sure what your values are and would like to release yourself from old values and not sure how, I can assist you in a Breakthrough 1:1 session. Just reach out….


In Light



Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Metaphysical Intuitive Mentor offering realistic, practical principles to assist highly-sensitive, intuitive and conscious individuals to heal, thrive and live their desired BIG lives.

Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment if you are ready for breakthrough beyond limitation into wisdom!

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.

Daring Self-Promotion

Daring Self-Promotion

crop faceless person turning shop signboard hanging on glass wall
Photo by Amina Filkins on Pexels.com

For many years of my life, I thought that if I went about my business quietly and did everything well, someday I would be rewarded and noticed. Well that didn’t happen that way. I saw people take the credit for work that I had done and get the promotion or salary increase, whilst I got angrier and lost more confidence in myself. These were the days before I had heard about the law of attraction and understood how energy attracts like vibrations.

It hasn’t been a long time either that I was able to acknowledge my gifts and talents. And then it took a while before I had the courage to start telling others about it. I was quite naive in many ways and thought that I would find support and encouragement amongst like-minded people. Not always so. There seems to be quite a bit of competitiveness amongst the realm of Lightworkers, which I found puzzling and confusing.

What was playing out for me, was still this belief that somehow somewhere I would be discovered. Well, the Universe was very lovingly reflecting back to me, my unwillingness to discover myself, in a way that was loving and neutral, rather than coming from the resistance that had motivated me for so long.

I have moved beyond several “metaphysical and holistic groups or movements” because of complaints of too much self-promotion, or that it was not the place for it. Has self-promotion become a dirty word and where exactly is the right place for it?

Part of shining my Light is to let others know about other possibilities. I am after all the only person alive that truly knows my gifts and talents. So if I do not promote myself, well then who?

Now, there is a distinct difference between simple arrogance and genuine self-promotion. When one stands in their knowing and confidence and says, “I can do this!” it is a much different energy than someone who is just full of themselves.

I choose to believe that we live in an abundant Universe and that all in the Universe is there to facilitate and support us. Everything is vibrational information and we get to simply choose from this buffet of information that which we desire to experience. So why get upset about the fact that someone is perhaps eating all the peanuts, when there is so much else to choose from and when all you have to do is ask for more peanuts?

People prayer, meditate, affirm, visualise, chant etc for things to show up in their lives. Yet time and time again they reject or judge the information and others that show up. Why? Well because it does not look like they want or expect it to and because we have been entrained that talking about oneself if unacceptable. This belief dis-empowers one and perpetuates self-sabotage.

When we ask, it is given. We are given the vibrational equivalent of our asking. So what if within all this self-promotional material that comes across the table, is exactly the material and information one has been asking for? Yet blinded by our judgement and unwillingness to receive it, we push it away again and again.

I am so grateful for all the self-promotional information that has come into my life. I have gleaned and experience amazing new things because of it and ultimately always received the clarity I was asking for.

Be your own greatest self-promoter. Praise yourself and let others know what you are good at and that you do it well. This for me is all a part of shining my Light and fulfilling my role as a Light Worker. What if someone out there is looking for the exact ability that you have and they are waiting to find you? May you enjoy your creations!

In LIght.



Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor and Intitiive, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. She facilitate private sessions globally. Visit her website https://www.breakthroughsavvy.com to find out more about the breakthrough mentoring and intuitive bodywork she offers.

In-Visible ?!

In-Visible ?!

IN-VISIBLE?! For the last few months, the subject of feeling invisible has been popping up into my awareness in many and diverse ways. Knowing that what shows up in my external is a reflection of my internal realm, I finally got through the usual knee-jerk re-actions into a new place of actual creation and being the question around this and receiving the missing information.

This feeling of being invisible has always felt really heavy for me. It left me in a state of confusion, as if I was wading through thick molasses that slowed me down and any progress hard work and over time exhausting and demotivating.  I seemed to be striving for something elusive and always just out of reach, leading to frustration and unfulfillment. What would it take for me to be seen, supported and acknowledged – to be visible? And then, a few day’s ago, the penny dropped and I saw the word and it looked like this ………. IN-VISIBLE !!

Now I have seen this defined as a noun that means “an invisible thing or being”. or “the invisible, the unseen or spiritual world”.  I realised that my definition of “invisible” was collapsed with that of meaning “non-existing”. A-ha!! Not quite the same thing is it?

What struck me as ironic is that the word used for that which is not visible actually contains within its root verb the word ……….. VISIBLE! We have been duped into not seeing all that is already in-the-visible! Reminded of the idiom, “there are none so blind as those that cannot see”, I now see through the lie within the word “IN-VISIBLE”.

Most of us, I imagine, have experienced a moment of feeling that we are invisible. However, what comes to me from the definition is not that there is non existance, but rather in fact that there is a need for a different perspective or in-sight.

I took heart from this, now knowing fully that being in-visible does not mean I am not seen or that I do not exist.  It is a reminder that we all look at the world through our own unique filter’s, most of the time.  Things, people and situations are rarely as we expect them to be and just as much is outside of our usual range of perception and awareneness, does not mean that it is not there. There are moments however, when the veil drops and all becomes visible and clear.  In NLP, they talk about changing your glasses for another pair, so that another point of observation is possible. Like with a pair of 3-D glasses, once you put them on, the movie has a whole new depth and experience to it.

I have a feeling that 2012 is a year of re-veal-ation and that much that has been filtered out until now, will be allowed to filter through and in. If I choose this.  For today however, I stand in my Knowing that within the Divine’s Eye, all is IN-VISIBLE!!

Wishing you all a glorious, fantastic, de-light-filled and phenomenal year in 2012!! May your Light shine bright and visible.

Gratitude and Light.


Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor and Metaphysical Intuitive, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. Her clients hire her to stop struggling and feeling stuck in body, mind, emotion and soul and move beyond limitation into wisdom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health, mindset and soul connection. Trilby assists in creating new energetic pathways that empowers and assists in resolving core issues.

Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment if you are ready for breakthrough beyond limitation into wisdom!

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.