by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Authentic, Awareness, Behaviour, Body, Brain, Breathing, Challenge, Choice, Consciousness, Freedom, Health, Holistic, I Am, Language, Neuroplasticity, Quantum Healing |
Have you felt like you were losing your mind over the last several weeks? This period leading up to the blue moon transition in July 2015 has proven to be a very challenging time in a very unique and particular way for so many of us. Listening and seeing all that is going on around, things certainly appear to be chaotic to say the least. The last several weeks I have personally found very challenging and these new energies are certainly keeping me guessing.
Living in New Zealand, on the South Island, I am reminded of our forefathers from all over the world. Those first brave voyagers who set out without really knowing what they would find, yet driven by a fire in their heart that simply would not be quietened. After months at sea, which was perilous enough, they would arrive in a new and different place, to face unknown territory, fauna and flora and native inhabitants. Often driving the windy road through thick undergrowth and steep mountains, I am struck by how modern roadways are taken for granted. Without these constructed and maintained pathways, traveling even a small distance would be a very different experience.
Yet, there is definitely a Spirit of Pioneer in the air. Situations just seem even more topsy-turvy than usual and whilst I consider myself well equipped to steer these currents, I have been thrown quite some unexpected and totally unfamiliar and highly uncomfortable curve balls of late. It seems the frequencies have ultra-increased and there have been moments when I have felt literally as if I have been losing my mind. As someone who enjoys my solitude, even this was discomforting to say the least. What the heck?
The Observer, observes all of this happening and yes, the mind is becoming lost. The dominant mental energy is now becoming more aligned in compliment to the heart energy and this is creating quite a bit of movement and disruption as the process plays itself out. So yes the mind is being loosened and being lost and like those early pioneers, many of us are going where no human has consciously gone before, at least not at the accelerated speed at which it is being done now. And so yes, feeling overloaded is the correct term for what is happening. And No, it doesn’t feel very comfortable at all.
It is very important to stay focused on your bigger picture. Stay positive, even through the negative moments. Find the right people to support you. This is an existential experience and the mind is shrieking in resistance as it knows its days of total power are numbered. If your family and friends are unable to support you, ensure that you are getting quality solo-time if and when required. As the mental takes a back seat, it is important to honour the unfolding of the new, even though the means of understanding it are now totally changed. Tap into your Pioneer Spirit and whilst things may be serious, there is definitely Light on the horizon. Remember that to get to your destination and to handle those detours, keep focused on what it is you want and ensure that you are connecting to the resources within that fuel your Pioneer Spirit. (There was one tool and action I did use over these last few weeks to keep me in the sane as much as possible. Check out my p.s.s. at the end of this article, to find out more and get this tool for yourself!)
When speaking with my healing partner earlier this week, I was reminded that a leader does not have followers. That is not the purpose of a leader in this new energy world. A leader is to set a path and go ahead so that others may follow if they choose. The pioneers of old knew that they were going ahead of everyone. They cleared the way in a manner of speaking. I feel we are being asked to lead the way with our Pioneer Spirit and in turn allow that Pioneer Spirit to lead us to unfamiliar greener pastures. It is time to leave the Known for the Unknown and Trust that all is well in all of Creation.
Like a beautiful butterfly, a complete overhaul is taking place. The caterpillar must transform into another life-form to experience what it is like to fly. I am a transition in transition. These are exciting times to be alive.
Be Bold. Be Courageous. Be Love. Be Safe. Be Your SELF.
In Light.
p.s. I have created a closed facebook group called The Connective – set up to discuss how to marry the metaphysical aspects into every day life in a way that is practical and effective. Come and join here –
p.s.s. One of the methods that has helped me get through this losing my mind phase and helped me cope with this transition, is breathing. Opt-in here to find out how to make it possible to Detox, Destress and Relax in under 10 seconds
p.s.s.s If you feel like you have hit a wall, keep butting your head up against the ceiling and have frankly just given up hope when it comes to life, money, health or love, then I can help you. I’ve been there and got myself out of that dark hole of self-hatred and feeling a total failure and unlovable. Apply today for your complimentary 30 minute LET’S TALK session. Your life really is worth talking about, don’t you think?
Trilby D. Johnson is an TRANSFORMATIONAL Author and BODY-BRAIN REFORMER WHOSE message of self-actualization, embodiment and self-love invites people from around the world to embrace their Sovereign Authenticity as they release chronic SYMPTOMS around money, health and love. She provides tools and skills for people to live a life free of pain, suffering, sadness and self-limiting beliefs and makes living A SPIRITUAL LIFE practical AND SUCCESSFUL.
©Trilby D. Johnson 2015. If you do share any part of this article, please quote the author and reference this blog at – Thank you.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Alternative Therapy, Authentic, Awareness, Behaviour, Body, Cellular Memory, Choice, Consciousness, Embodiment, Freedom, Health, Holistic, Integration, Intuitive, Lightbody, Love, Magic, Money, Take action |

To truly thrive in life requires a consciousness that directs thriving frequencies so that they can be applied practically, effectively and efficiently. Plus a vehicle that is capable of receiving and streaming this information, that is your body. This is and what the
Connective Embodiment™ Thriving Consciousness 4 Weeks Intensive installs and sets up for you in the areas of #money, #health, #love and many more……
Connective Embodiment™ is here to Illuminate, Simplify and Align. It is a quantum energy that is now available for upload on this Earth plane. The upload is facilitated by Trilby D. Johnson, and this consciousness serves as a platform between the physical body, its energy bodies and the intense accelerated photonic energies that are permeating all and now manifesting and coming into our range of awareness. This Connective Embodiment provides a physical context which will enhance the body’s cells ability and capacity to capture, encrypt, integrate and transmute these diverse and varied vibrational frequencies. This provides an easing of the strain and
stress that our bodies are undergoing as they too acclimatise and rewires the brain installing new neural pathways.
Not only does Connective Embodiment encourage and oversee lightbody integration rapidly and with ease, it will directly hook you up to and align you with your original Soul signature’s blueprint. For centuries we have been out of alignment – thus off centre – from our our Soul signature’s tune. The majority of human bodies today are not able to tune into nor assimilate their tune efficiently and quickly. This has been visible in the constant and impenetrable sense of struggle and emotional upheaval that so many have experienced not only on a personal level, but on a social, cultural and even global level.
It is now possible to shift all of this held deep within the subconscious and to move on from striving to a life of thriving, with focus on the areas of money, health and love. Our current understanding and definition of these aspects has been skewed – deliberately manipulated – leading the majority to lead lives of quiet desperation and unexplainable suffering. Connective Embodiment is here to change this! It is deceptively subtly and extremely powerful. It is here to propulse us into the reality we are truly meant to be living and actively co-creating. One of expansion, health, abundance and joy.
If you are ready to move from struggle and striving and to fully embrace a thriving consciousness, please visit my website to read about all that will be illuminated, simplified and aligned in the 4 week intensive. It will quite simply be Life-Changing.
Now you may be thinking, this sounds too good to be true and it cannot be that simple. How is that programming working for you and showing up in your life? What if the beLIEf that no pain no gain is a lie that is keeping you separated and distracted from what really works for you? That keeps you in that space of feeling disconnected and dissatisfied with everything in your life, even though you may have what many consider an ideal life? If you are ready to change, experience a true sense of inner connection and alignment and be in-tune with life, then contact me now. Start investing in yourself now at
In Gratitude and Light.
Trilby D. Johnson is an Author and Vibrational Integration Mentor whose message of self-actualization, embodiment and self-love invites people from around the world to embrace their Sovereign Authenticity as they release chronic thinking around money, health and love. She provides tools and skills for people to live a life free of pain, suffering, sadness and self-limiting beliefs and makes spiritual living practical.
Find out more about the possibilities here –
©Trilby D. Johnson 2015. If you do share any part of this article, please quote the author and reference this blog at – Thank you.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Authentic, Author, Awareness, Body, Choice, Consciousness, Freedom, Health, Inspiration, Massage, Meditation, Nutrition and Health, Personal Development, Question, Self-Actualization, Self-Worth, Thrive, Uncategorized, Value, Well-Being |
Is distraction stealing your life away? Talking with a friend a few days ago, we were discussing the busyness over the Christmas and New Year period and how this can distract us from our true resolutions. Whether you actively participate in the festivities or not, you are bound to be affected by this time of year and through those around you. It’s about this time in January that the fervour is over and life begins to return to a more sedate pace and when a true state of reflection and a perhaps more plausible setting of targets is possible. Remember, even when it comes to choosing what you wish to add or release from your Life in this exciting new year, timing is everything. If you do not take the appropriate time to sit in quiet and conscious reflection and then begin to map out your plan of action, you may experience – yet again – that distraction is stealing your Life away.
Yes, it’s written there in the word itself! Can you see it? Distr-action is there to distract you from taking action. Focus is so easily lost as we are bombarded nowadays with information and calls for action from all sides. But how much of what you do is in alignment with what you really – and I mean REALLY – desire for you and your Life? Whilst humans have developed the ability to multitask in so many ways, the more I have really looked into the importance of focus – the ability to be fully conscious in activity – the more I see the distraction inherent within multitasking. As a massage therapist I learned that touching or massaging two different areas of the body at the same time, causes the brain to ‘defocus’ and creates a – in this case – a deliberate state of distraction. As you are not able to focus on two things at once, with equal attentiveness or consciousness, your cognition will be channeled to the most predominant stimuli being experienced. Which in the instance of massage is relaxation, or in other words relief from tension. So it stands to reason that when you are doing two or even more different tasks at the same time, this causes the brain to defocus and can actually become a distraction that can lead to error or inaccuracy. The ability to maintain an overall main focus is very powerful and creates a force that not many will dare to mess with or confront. This does not mean that focus has to become obsessive and over thousands of year’s the human brain has evolved to make repeated behaviours more habitual, thus streamlining and automating the small stuff. Whilst handy this may not always be optimally beneficial! If you still find yourself having to make the same old same resolutions each year to improve yourself, then it is highly likely that you are allowing distractions like diet, jobs, shopping, relationships, issues of lack around money, health and love to steal your Life away.
So how can you get your Life back? I have found that beginning each day with a declared point of focus helps me to stay calmer and more productive. I keep a sharp eye out for those distractions which creep into conversations, give priority to mobile phone calls, enticing activities that have nothing to do with my daily target. For example, busy with writing my next book for publication later this year, I know that instead of blogging, I wish to focus on writing my book. When I move my focus from writing content that needs to go into my book rather than in a blog or social media, I have to watch it. So I looked for a win-win solution by writing this blog about distractions and touching base with my readers at the beginning of this new year. Then get back to writing focused content for my book.
Make a list of your daily targets and tick them off as you get them. This is taking action. Even if you do not complete your list, keep at it. This is still meant to be fun. It is also a great way to acknowledge and celebrate all that you do achieve. Whatever you do, do it fully present! That way distraction has less chance of sneaking up on you and into your life.
Another great reminder is to notice your breath. Usually when you are in a place of distraction, your body responds to this. So by observing your breathing, you can get an idea of where you are on the scale of allowing yourself to be distracted. The choice to stop and take the action of consciously breathing then allows you to refocus and take the action out of distractions. The act of breathing focuses you back into my body. And then you are able to choose again from a place of focused attention and step out in alignment with your daily aspirations, rather than alongside them. Don’t let distraction steal your focus inappropriately. Follow your breathe – it knows the natural rhythm of the present moment.
Action is something that happens NOW. Whatever comes after that towards reaching a goal is detail. It chops and changes, but when you are totally present, it just becomes a part of the flow. Each moment is tremendously precious, not because you may miss out on doing something, rather because it is a moment of pure creation made available each and every second. Start thinking about it in this way and asking yourself – which helps to keep you present and focused – what would I like to create with this?. Time abounds with creative instances and with your consciousness, you breathe form into being.
May you make and take focused action, so that this year is full of YOU, as you step out and embrace your Life. The world needs you to be living fully here and now. This is why you are here at this time. Distraction steals this knowing from you. Put a stop to it.
Many blessings and in love and light.
Trilby D. Johnson is an Author and Vibrational Integration Mentor whose message of self-actualization, embodiment and self-love invites people from around the world to embrace their Sovereign Authenticity as they release chronic thinking around money, health and love. She provides tools and skills for people to live a life free of pain, suffering, sadness and self-limiting beliefs and makes spiritual living practical.
Find out more about the possibilities here –
©Trilby D. Johnson 2015. If you do share any part of this article, please quote the author and reference this blog at – Thank you.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Authentic, Awareness, Body, Choice, Earth, Freedom, Health, I Am, Inspiration, Intuitive, Personal Development, Question, Self-Actualization, Self-Worth, Value, Well-Being |
Trilby D. Johnson is an Author and Vibrational Integration Mentor whose message of self-actualization, embodiment and self-love invites people from around the world to embrace their Sovereign Authenticity as they release chronic pain. She provides tools and skills for people to live a life free of pain, suffering, sadness and self-limiting beliefs.
Find out more about how she can co-create more Magical Living with you, for you!