An Ageless Mindset

An Ageless Mindset

Oscar Wilde’s insightful quote, “With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone.”, really resonates with me. This highlights that across our lives we always have the choice of what we believe and how we respond. This is the essence of any mindset and being responsible when it comes to ageing and how each of us will experience this. Many people still do not know or embrace this. And quite honestly, because we haven’t been taught to think of ageing as anything other than ‘growing old’. Ageing, is often a reminder of our mortality. This scares many people.

I enjoy ageing gracefully – it’s true, I do! One reason for this is that it means I am alive! For many years – when younger – I struggled to enjoy being alive. I felt confused, an outsider in my own life and on several occasions didn’t want to live. Today, I celebrate each day and that I am alive and even more so, that I chose to stick around and embrace life. I enjoying this phase of the adventure that is my life.

Today, I love ageing gracefully because I used to be at the opposite of the spectrum – I was scared of living! When I chose to embrace both life and death as an experience on the continuum of life itself, I was freed from mindsets of stress and fear.

Stress and fear have a huge impact on our physical bodies and cause the body to age much quicker. The energy of our emotions and thoughts have a direct impact on our physical bodies. This knowledge is still vague and misunderstood for many, not to mention the ability to change this.

When I meet with a prospective client, we discuss some of the aspects that come to light for them and also where I can encourage them to begin enjoying their ageing process in a happy and healthy way and offer ways in which they can accomplish this.

As my relationship with my own body has grown and deepened, I am enjoying the different experiences I have. Yes, I can look in the mirror and notice that my face has more wrinkles and judge these as undesirable. Compared to whose face though? Who am I going to compare my own unique face to anyway?

I feel much calmer and confident within myself now and worry less about what the fashion is and more about feeling comfortable and happy with what I am doing. And I love seeing how others find their way of expressing themselves.

I openly declare each birthday that I am and feel younger. I enjoy the joy that I feel when I doing this. I also find it amusing to see the disbelieving glances from others, who don’t know me or think I am quite mad. I have had others warn me about menopause and how this will change my life and body. “Good” I say! I welcome these changes all with ease.

When did we ever become so resistant and abhorrent of this phase of change? Ageing is a natural process and different phase of life. Resisting it is not going to make it any easier or more enjoyable.

I know that it is possible for the human body to age differently than from the commonly held current mindset. We can observe this already with many mature elders who certainly do not resemble their basic physical age, as previous generations may have. Access to better living conditions and food has played a role here, however, mindset is the final frontier to explore.

The human body changes for sure. The speed and degree to which it does and how it ages depends largely on the belief systems that a person adheres too. This is evident in where several people of the same ages can have very different appearances.

Being present in and with my body each moment, while I may be ageing, I don’t feel like I am becoming old. I have more energy and joy in my life today that I did when I was much younger. I find it amazing when I do think about my physical age, because it really is just a reference number on my birth certificate.

What about the future? Well I will deal with that one day at a time. I love ageing gracefully and while I do this, I feel alive. Yes, I have up and down days – I don’t blame it on growing old though – because I know about my infinite nature. Could that make the difference?

Would we age or grow old and to the degree that we do, if we didn’t hold the current beliefs that we do? I know that bodies hears, feels and see everything and the process of ageing is a collaboration. Together, we are on a wonderful journey – two fellow travellers and conscious creators. I find it empowering to explore the possibilities of being forever younger in body, mind and spirit.

In my own personal transformation and from working with many clients and their beautiful bodies, minds and souls – I have glimpsed future possibilities that are beyond time and limitations.

Perhaps ageing serves to remind us of our mortality to wake us up and break down the resistance we have to this life phase. When we truly understand how our beliefs and thoughts impact on our physical environment and circumstances, does it not stand to reason that we may be selling ourselves short?

Allow the ageing process to become one of celebration and exploring new aspects of ourselves and life, rather than the current perception of ageing as a slow and often painful decline into nothingness.

Enjoy every moment of your life, not because it may be your last and more because you are still alive and kicking.


Many Blissings


Trilby Johnson is an Emotional Breakthrough Mentor, Author and Speaker who supports the healing of relationships and alleviates emotional stress, so that individuals experience more inner harmony and freedom in their lives. Trilby’s success story is one of going from emotional zero to emotional hero. She helps her clients achieve and cultivate the same.

Contact Trilby for a complimentary Breakthrough Alchemy Assessment to boost your emotional hero now!

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer. Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.

4 Breakthrough Steps To Gratitude

4 Breakthrough Steps To Gratitude

Breakthrough Steps To GratitudeThere’s so much emphasis around ‘gratitude’ and how important it is if you want to be successful and fulfilled. So what happens when it seems a big ask to find something to be grateful for or about?

While being grateful is something we can all probably aspire to be more of, for many years I admit – I struggled to feel gratitude. It’s not that I didn’t want to be grateful – I did – however, keeping with my own integrity and honesty, I knew I wasn’t there yet! And quite frankly, faking it until I made it, wasn’t working for me either.

This often left me confused and feeling guilty – was there something wrong with me that I couldn’t feel gratitude for everything and all of the time? I was in a transformational pickle and for some time did not know which way to turn! Have you ever felt like this and wondered what’s going on or how to change it?

Quite simply, as the individual you are, the way in which you experience events and gratitude, is totally exclusive to you. So when presented with a new concept, it’s up to you to find the doorway in. Here are some of clues I followed that helped me to break through into gratitude, in a way that felt genuine and empowering.


1. Define Gratitude

Very often, due to indoctrination and socialization, you can get pulled into the definition of the ‘group consciousness’ around different concepts. Gratitude, is simply one example. So what does gratitude mean for you?

As humans, there is a tendency to want to classify information. For the most part, the linguistic or language meaning is used, as a form of creating easier understanding and cognitive cohesion. On the surface this works. However, this only addresses the mental aspects of definitions. There is another level of definition, commonly called semantics, or in other words, meaning. Take a look at what’s underneath the gratitude.

The way the brain stores data is very much linked to the emotional charge of the events in your life. When strong emotions are involved, then defining gratitude becomes a whole different kettle of fish. If you were to stop and imagine yourself being grateful, what would that look like, feel like, sound like to you? Follow these clues. I suggest one way of how, in point two.


2. Feel Your Way

Trust your feelings because they are your compass. If even feeling gratitude feels off, then all it is showing you, is that you haven’t yet found your way. Often there is a tendency to judge this as right or wrong, which can create a wedge between where you are and feeling gratitude. This is the reason that defining what gratitude embodies for you is essential, otherwise it simply will not stick and keeps you stuck.

If you feel that gratitude means giving up, faking it, lying to yourself, making another part of you feel wrong and it’s greedy to ask for more – then you will sabotage yourself in some way. It’s important to look at all the aspects that go into an attitude of gratitude – for you. And when along the way, it feels off for you, keep going and ask for clarity as you move forward. Feel your way – it’s your best bet!


3. Use Manners

Your words matter! They really do. Do you consciously say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when you want or receive something? This may appear an ‘old fashioned’ way of doing things, however, I am a firm believer in ‘old wisdom’.

The way you are speaking to others, is an outward reflection of how you speak to yourself – it shows what kind of a mind-map you have. Everything is within and this includes the capacity to gift and receive – and the code words to access these states are ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.

As a child, I was taught that if I wanted something, to ask and say ‘please’. And when I received something, to say ‘thank you’. Only much later as an adult did I observe, that when I consciously applied these to my intentions and desires, there was a distinct shift in the energy dynamic. Almost as if the Universe stopped and paid attention to what I was going to say and do.

Using manners helps to cultivate a ‘walk the talk’ behaviour! When I use my manners, I am acknowledging the divine aspect within myself and my capacity to co-create with Life itself. I am honouring my Self. This allows more ease and joy and a feeling of being ‘great-full’.


4. Make your Life a Gratitude Journal

A very powerful and practical way to create the possibility of breaking through into gratitude in my experience, is with a gratitude journal. I found it really helpful to focus on writing down things I was grateful for. It helped me to count my blessings and give them form. However, please don’t let keeping a journal be the end result. It’s the starting point! Apply this ‘gratitude’ in your daily life and interactions and communications with others.

In my personal experience, to fully integrate a mindset, takes conscious direction and frequent implementation. This is about applying mental and often abstract concepts with focus daily to create a ‘habit of gratitude’. This helped me to move through the struggle and meet gratitude in a pragmatic and tangible way that worked for me. And so can you!

Remember, gratitude is a process and as such, you simply cannot force your way into it. By connecting to the essence of what gratitude feels like for you, then you will have your unique form of gratitude. You do this by systematically assessing your feelings and observing what comes up for you.


Adjust. Align. Choose.


As you move forward with each step you are feeling your way and breaking through into gratitude.

Many Blissings

Trilby x

Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor and Metaphysical Intuitive, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. Clients hire her to stop struggling and move beyond limitation. Trilby assists in creating the new energetic pathways that empowers and assists in resolving core issues.

Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment if you are ready for breakthrough beyond limitation into wisdom!

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.

5 Ways to Beat Loneliness

5 Ways to Beat Loneliness

 5 ways to beat lonelinessHave you ever felt lonely?

Odds are that you have, at some point or other in your life. For some, this is a temporary and transient emotion that comes and goes. For others, feeling lonely can be a more permanent and unwanted visitor, that has far outstayed its welcome.

For instance, recent reports from Help Lines for those in need, show an increased number of calls, in particular during or around public holidays, from both people in relationships as well as those living alone.

Loneliness doesn’t discriminate!

Emotions are powerful players in our lives and depending on what and how they make us feel, are considered either friends or foes. Within our societies, cultures and gender roles, we become conditioned early on about what type of emotional behaviour is or isn’t acceptable. Yet, simultaneously, emotions are extremely personal and influenced by an individual’s inner relationship and sensibilities and personality types, such as introverts and extroverts.

Regardless of your personality type, however, it’s important and handy to know what to do and how to respond when loneliness begins to spread its fingers across our hearts and minds, to taint our lives in sad, dull and uncomfortable colours.

Loneliness has the power to disempower us so deeply in the most profound corners of our lives.

I know this because I used to feel constantly lonely, isolated, and totally useless. So, I want to share 5 ways to beat loneliness, that can work for you too!

Here are 5 Ways to Beat Loneliness:


1. Admit How You are Feeling.

This may seem counterproductive at first because it can stir up fear. The fear of being consumed by feeling lonely. The fact of the matter, however, is that until you acknowledge what you feel, you are a slave to it. Many people feel ashamed or guilty to admit that they feel lonely, because of what it may imply. There is a fear that by admitting to something, it makes it true. This is a falsehood!

By admitting what it is you are feeling, you take back your power and can be objective about what’s really going on.

What you won’t own, enslaves you!


2. Give Your Loneliness A Form.

Strong emotions can often make us feel irrational. So, a great way to begin to ‘contain the situation’ in a safe environment and way, is by giving loneliness a form. For example, when you feel lonely, give it a scale of intensity from 1 -10. This is helpful, as it creates a space of detachment from the feeling, while still admitting it exists.

Each time you give a form to your loneliness helps you to see the intensity of your loneliness in a constructive way.

Remember that your emotions are real in your mind/brain and by giving them a form, as in a number, helps you to take a step back and be able to be detached in a healthy way.


3. Dig Deep.

The last thing you probably want to do when it comes to loneliness, is to dig deeper right? That’s fear – False Evidence Appearing Real – talking! And boy, it can feel scary feeling lonely. So, to beat this fear, dig deep and explore what is underneath the feeling of loneliness.

Make a list of all the feelings and thoughts that come to mind, no matter what they are. And practice makes progress, so do this often.

You can only change what you are willing to confront. Healing comes through feeling.

Which brings me to the next key point.


4. Don’t Shoot the Messenger.

Loneliness, like all emotions, brings a message with it. Humans, after all, are highly complex individuals. We are also creatures of habit and so it’s important to find out what is underneath our emotions. There is always a belief system that is attached to an emotional reaction. It’s part of our social, cultural and gender upbringing.

Ask yourself, “what is making me feel lonely?” and explore what comes up. This may sound challenging and requires a good dose of being honest with yourself in a gentle yet rigorous way.

The messenger is you, telling you more about yourself. Stop and listen and you will find that with more clarity the loneliness very often fades into the background and the true issue can be resolved, bringing peace of mind and calm.


5. Change Your Emotional Map.

Did you know that for the brain, all behaviours and emotions are mini programmes running the show? Otherwise called habits. The above keys are an outline on how to change your internal and emotional map. When you do this, your external map will begin to match up.

Allow yourself to stop and ask for directions on the way. You don’t have to beat loneliness on your own. I know from personal experience, that finding the help you need is key to beating loneliness.

Add pit stops of support to your emotional map as you progress and look for new destinations.

I hope you enjoy these 5 ways to beat loneliness. If you would like more tips on how to beat loneliness effectively, my book FEARLESSLY ALONE takes an in depth look at what makes us feel lonely and really afraid and how to break free and find your happy no matter what!

Many Blissings,



Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Healer and Mentor, Best Selling Author and Speaker. She offers her clients practical effective life skills and facilitates an energetic inner shift that empowers them to heal by alleviating anxiety, relieving psycho-emotional pain and reducing stress levels in their lives, relationships, finances, health, mindset and soul connection.

Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment 

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.

3 Self-Esteem Boosters

3 Self-Esteem Boosters

Are you someone who suffers from low self-esteem? Then I have great news for you! No matter what you have believed up until this moment, it’s possible to change it. Through the right positive focus and resolving some limiting beliefs and core patterns, you can start right now, here today and feel better about yourself and build a positive self-esteem.

Self-Esteem is the regard in which you hold yourself. A lot is learned from parents, education, culture and intuition. Self-Esteem, in my experience, is very much a question about connection on a physical, mental, emotional and soul level. It’s first and foremost about the connection you have with and to yourself – how you think about and feel about yourself and the manner in which you talk to and about yourself. It’s all about you in fact!

For many years, I struggled with low self-esteem, so I know how horrible this feels. In fact, I used to hate myself and my life was miserable because of these feelings. I believed what others had told me about myself, even although it hurt terribly. What hurt so much, was that I knew deep down inside that all of that simply wasn’t true – and yet I let myself down. Until I found another and new way.

For me to get from that place of not liking or loving myself at all, to where I cultivated a level of high self-esteem, took a while plus a lot of honest introspection. So today, I want to share with you, 3 of the elements that I consciously chose to add to and cultivate in my life, that helped me to boost a high and healthy sense of self-esteem. Here’s what I learned.

1. Element of Self-Love

Having been someone who didn’t love myself very much, I can guarantee you that Loving Yourself is the most important thing you will even do. Not only for yourself – also for the other people in your life.

Then, it’s about how you relate to others in ways that either support or disempower your level of Self-Esteem Boosters. The reason is that, when you truly love yourself and allow yourself to be who you truly are – the good, the bad, the ugly and all the other bits – you are a Gift! You can be confident. You can let go of the doubt, guilt and shame – all of which were probably not yours to begin with.

It took me a long time – through bouts of depression, abusive relationships and situations, suicidal tendencies and many low and dark moments – until I realized that all I really wanted, was to love myself.

So please give your permission today, if you are not yet there, to LOVE YOURSELF. It is soooo important! And only you can take the first step and continuously move forward.

Self-Esteem Boosters is a by-product of loving yourself and not vice-versa! So make sure your are not missing out on this crucial self-esteem booster.

2. Element of Worth

I have worked with so many people, who believe that they are not enough. I used to be one of them. They believe that if they try harder or hard enough, if they give more, if they behave in a certain way, that finally they will be enough … and be worthy of other people’s praise, love, approval, or something else.

I have witnessed it and felt it myself – the huge sense of relief that comes with finally accepting and knowing that I am enough already. That I am worthy. And with this, the knowing comes that we all have worth and are worthy!!!

There is nothing to prove, despite that so many of us have been duped into believing it is something to be achieved or earned. The problems arise when we start to doubt or are led astray by other’s opinions and when we think that we have to DO something to Be Enough. We are enough . . . evident in the fact that Life itself has given us Life. We are enough!

So please, choose to know that you are worthy. This choice to know that you are worth yourself will add and Self-Esteem Boosters beyond measure.

3. Element of Safety

This may surprise many people – I know it did me, when I realized that not feeling safe had a huge impact on my sense of Self-Esteem Boosters. Many of us are so afraid of the judgement of others. Perhaps even more so and subconsciously, we are afraid of our own judgement. I don’t know about you, but I have often been my harshest and most unforgiving critic!

I can remember the acute sense of relief I experienced when I finally let go of judging myself and wanting to control everything … aahhhhh … it was amazing! I began to feel safe.

When you don’t feel safe, worthy, nor love yourself, these mindsets create a gravitational pull to everything ‘out there’ that matches these lower vibes of self-esteem. Life will serve up the very things you often fear, as a sign post of your security vibe. Life will show you often paradoxically where you need to boost levels of love, worth and safety.

When you feel safe, you feel okay much of the time – even when you make mistakes. It feels safe even when you don’t always know exactly what to do, all of the time. It feels safe for you to be You – with or without other people’s approval.

Safety, is an inner state of being. Yes, you can live in a dangerous places – I’ve done that – and even in these situations, you can still feel safe. You can begin by claiming and affirming

I love myself,

I am enough

I am worthy,

I am always safe!

Even if at first you don’t quite believe or feel it completely. Claiming and declaring these will boost your self-esteem no end.

This does not mean there will not be days that are difficult nor that you will not have dips in your Self-Esteem Boosters. Simply no longer feed them and soon you will find yourself bouncing back. You will begin to enjoy the benefits of high self-esteem like feeling more confident, happier, healthier and successful in your daily endeavours.

YOU are your most priceless and valuable commodity! Believe in yourself and your self-esteem will follow. Actively boost yours daily with thoughts, words and actions of love, worth and safety that will nurture a healthy and loving connection and web of self-esteem. This is not to be confused with arrogance!

Hold yourself in esteem – this will help you in experiencing your purpose.

Many Blissings



Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor and Metaphysical Intuitive, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. Her clients hire her to stop struggling and feeling stuck in body, mind, emotion and soul and move beyond limitation into wisdom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health, mindset and soul connection. Trilby assists in creating new energetic pathways that empowers and assists in resolving core issues.

Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment if you are ready for breakthrough beyond limitation into wisdom!

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.

If money talked… what would it say?

If money talked… what would it say?

If money talkedWhen it comes to being an expert in NOT having money, that used to be me! I remember so much of it really clearly. Today, I can also truly say that I wouldn’t change a thing and I learned so much about myself that now enriches my life. It’s certainly wasn’t always this way and like so many people, I felt like a fly caught in the financial web of beliefs around money – helpless, not enough, disempowered and struggling to survive.

I know what it’s like to be broke and broken.

I know what it’s like to lay sleepless worrying about how to pay for food and rent.

I know what it’s like to have a well paid job and yet feel empty inside.

I know what it’s like to be so deep in debt that all I work to earn goes to repayments.

I know what it’s like to want more money and yet feel it’s inaccessible in sufficient quantities.

I know what it’s like to pay for numerous classes on ‘how to manifest more money’ and still come up empty handed despite all the expert advice.

I know how it feels to be working my butt off and yet be stuck up against a wall financially and not see any way out.

I know what it’s like to feel totally trapped and at the mercy of my finances.

I know how it feels to be ashamed not to have the money to socialize at all and the pain of seeing people drop out of my life like flies, to be left alone and penniless.

I know how it feels to think that perhaps the only solution is suicide, because dead people don’t have to pay bills or need money.

Up until 5 years ago, this used to be my financial lifestyle and beliefs. It was a horrible and impoverished way to live. And yet in some strange and magical way, it proved to be my road to freedom. When I finally stopped and decided to have a heart to heart conversation with money, I was blown away.

I sat down to have a necessary conversation with Money and to listen to its side of the story. I did this in a contemplative state and invited money in for a talk and was open to receive its answers intuitively. This allowed money to have a shape and form of it’s choosing, beyond my past perception of it. And this talk set us both free!

At first, I felt a little bit crazy talking to money like this, because it was such unfamiliar behaviour and mindset. However, I also felt a deep sense of relief and ease – a stark contrast to the bottomless struggle I had been experiencing around money and budget up until then. So I let go and consciously trusted the process. Here are a few things that Money shared with me:

1. Money is enslaved

One of the first things that money shared with me, was that it had become enslaved to the human mindset and was being used incorrectly. It is used as a form of power over others rather than the tool of exchange and value that it wants to be.

The dominant beliefs that are held about money and what it can or cannot be used for, holds it prisoner. Although it can afford and offer us so much more, most of us are not able to receive this and this is reinforced by the judgement of those that do.

2. Money is a tool of empowerment

Money wants to be seen as a tool of empowerment. As a consumer, did you know that your power lies in where you spend your money? Consumer marketing is rigged in such a way that will keep you buying stuff you don’t need. This is how corporations get away with unethical behaviour and how consumers keep on buying products that are harmful in the long run. Buy consciously and use your buying power wisely. This is one way of being a steward of income and the relationship becomes one of mutual empowerment and servitude.

3. Money likes a budget

One way that money feels more visible is through the use of a budget. A budget gives form and shape to money. No matter how much money is available, part of conscious buying is keeping an eye on where money is going and what it is used for. So much income is wasted and is spent on unnecessary things. Remember point 2 about buying wisely – well having a budget supports this.

Money wants to encourage the use of a budget as a tool for materializing abundance rather than it’s more current perception of curbing spending. Using a budget can help to really see where and how money is spent and to change these patterns and create expansion.

4. Money is a neutral wealth contributor

There is an intrinsic value to money that is mostly overlooked and misunderstood. Money, when unshackled from the prejudice placed on it through misguided beliefs, can contribute to wealth in ways that benefits all parties. It is waiting to be of service. Many successful business entrepreneurs understand this principle intuitively and know how to get the best out of their buck.

The points above are just a few of the messages that I got from conversing with Money. It can sound crazy and then again, what is true often seems crazier than fiction. I invite you to sit down and initiate a necessary conversation with your money and have a budget in place. See what shows up for you.

When used as an extension of one’s self, money becomes a tool of personal empowerment and a way to nurture compassion and support for everyone, rather than a means to manipulate from greed, lack and separation.

For most of us, money is extremely emotional and impacts our lives in huges ways. Once we are able to find a place of relaxed calmness and really listen – above and beyond the emotions which are generally associated to indoctrinated judgements – it’s possible to experience money and abundance in a totally fresh way.

Here’s to having amazing, expansive and necessary conversations with money, on your own terms.

Many Blissings.
Trilby x

Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor and Metaphysical Intuitive, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. Her clients hire her to stop struggling and feeling stuck in body, mind, emotion and soul and move beyond limitation into wisdom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health, mindset and soul connection. Trilby assists in creating new energetic pathways that empowers and assists in resolving core issues.

Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment if you are ready for breakthrough beyond limitation into wisdom when it comes to your abundance!

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.