Interconnected Oneness

Tulips Near RuttenI know that everything is interconnected. I have felt it. And that as the Hathi’s said, where awareness goes energy flows and where energy goes awareness flows. Whichever is the predominate vibrational awareness will manifest and not focusing one’s awareness, a form of unconsciousness, is an awareness in itself.

With a strong connection to the Elemental Gaia, I know that Her plan is not our plan. All that is occuring is happening as a response to energy. We cannot get away from this fact. Everything is energy. All animals, plants, elementals, minerals, etc, everything does have a consciousness of its own, in that it is a part of a greater unfolding.

Humans are lucky in that they get to see, in this predominantly physical realm of denser vibration, the manifestation or de-manifestation of energy, visibly. That is, made physical, as are we! Because we have not been taught how to inter-commune with others or our surroundings, we are looking at things through the limited eyes of polarity thinking and until this shifts, well the rest of Creation is going to be doing what it has to do.

I hear people all the time moaning about the weather …………… too this, that, not enough this or that. When it rains I have to mow the lawn more often. Then they appear surprised when their lawn begins to die. The concept of Oneness already is. It is not something we have to attain, only to become conscious of. Creation is unfolding exactly as it is meant to. The Earth, Gaia does not need humans to continue. However, humans very much depend on the physical qualities of this planet to sustain their life. Whilst we are responsible for our vibration, the rest of the Universe is not dependent on it. This is a great arrogance that humans, if we are to survive, must transcend.

In Light.