Expect Miracles

A few weeks ago I wrote about the arrival of my Unexpected Visitor – Herbie the baby hedgehog. He had been doing really well – eating, sleeping and growing – for the last two weeks. Yet last night when I picked him up for our daily cuddle time, I was alarmed to notice that he had a ruptured intestine which was protruding quite extensively. I wasn’t quite certain what to do. I emailed the Hedgehog Rescue to ask for advice and as it was late I night, I directed the Light to come in and heal. I also asked my healing partner to do some distance healing. I put Herbie to bed and we all had a good nights rest.

ImageThe phone ringing awoke me in the morning. It was the Hedgehog Rescue. I had not yet had a look at Herbie. Anyway the rescue told me that there was no hope for Herbie and that he would have to be put to sleep. I was overcome by sadness and was crying. I felt filled with a sense of loss, even though I know there is no death.

Suddenly, I became aware of how I had aligned and agreed with the outcome of Herbie having to be put to sleep. My little voice told me to go and see how he was and take it from there. Herbie was sleeping peacefully and was curled up in a ball, so I had to encourage him awake so I could look him over.

There was no sign of the protruding intestine! I don’t know how it happened, but a Miracle had occured. The energy work I had done and my Friend had paid off. Herbie was whole again and his intestine has somehow been placed back into its cavity without any physical intervention. I had once again witnessed the power of energy healing and a miracle. Having been in energy healing for over 2 decades, I am always humbled and awed to see healings and it is moments like these that keep me going. I have no doubts that the ability to heal and be healed is available to us all. When the ego steps aside and the demand is true, Spirit always delivers the highest positive outcome.

I am so grateful for the great gifts that Herbie the baby hedgehog has contributed to my life. That a small little creature full of prickles has touched my heart. I feel honoured and blessed to have him for another day and so grateful for every day more he spends with me. I get to look at his cute little feet a while longer …………………. and Expect Miracles!

In Light.



Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.

©2013 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.

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SimplY MagiC

ImageIt has often been said that what is true is often cloaked in simplicity. For many a human mind, if it’s too easy or simple, it cannot be true. An interesting belief that ripples out to manifest this as a Truth.

Magic is much the same. In attempting to believe or understand Magic, the cognitive mind has created a complicated mystery. If the magical event is not earth shattering accompanied by fire works, many discount it as mediocre and insignificant.

I choose to believe that Magic is all around us all of the time and I enjoy observing how this shows up in my life. Let me share.

A few days ago, my vacuum cleaner packed up. So off I went back to the store to exchange it. This has been the third vacuum cleaner that I have had to return, although not the same make. I mention this because when I got to the store, they were really suspicion as to how come this was the third exchange I was requesting. I stayed really focused and light and did not allow myself to be drawn into the red tape drama. Finally they said I could exchange the item or get a refund. Choosing an exchange item, off I went to pick up a new vacuum cleaner. I was limited by the price and so had to choose another model. Here’s how the magic worked  ………………..

– I got to purchase a new and more powerful vacuum cleaner
– I got to save money because the new item was cheaper than the value I had available
– I got to saved an extra $20 because the new item was on sale
– AND although the sale has ended the day before, the vendor gave me the sales price
– I received a credit note which enabled me to purchase items that I had on my wish list.

I left the store with a big grin on my face and my Heart filled with De-Light, knowing that I had just experienced a magical moment, that had been a gift to my asking. Simply MagiC!

I was in the Zone, connected and receiving. It felt wonderful and yes, it defied logic. How cool is that?

Magic is around everywhere, all of the time. As energy follows Awareness, becoming and being aware of the magic that is, enlivens it and gives it form. It’s not by accident that it is called a Wish List.

Here’s to the Magic that makes Wishes true! May you enjoy your Creations.

In Light.



Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.

©2012 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.

If you enjoyed this article, then please like it, rate it and tell others about it by sharing it. Thank you. 🙂

The Unexpected Visitor

No matter how much we plan our days and the routines we follow, Life often throws in some unexpected and thankfully truly pleasant surprises for us to experience. As Albert Einstein said “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous”. So there I was 3 days ago bringing in my washing, when I heard this really clear and persistant chirping. Looking in the trees and on the roof, I was looking for this bird with a new song. It seemed to be getting louder and nearer, however I wasn’t able to see it. Then, for some reason I looked down and there, crawling towards me was a baby hedgehog. He was chirping quite frantically 2013-02-03 20.38.52and now that I knew where the noise was coming from, realised that I had been hearing this chirping for a while. So there was this little creature crawling towards me and who stopped at my feet. I was in awe and in some strange way felt that the baby had come to me for help. I picked up the little hedgehog and walked around to see if I could spot a nest anywhere, whilst remembering that a few weeks ago, when going to work early morning, there had been an adult hedgehog in front of the garage door and we had shared a little dance, whilst I opened the garage door. So I knew there were others around and very likey this had been the mother. I asked the neighbours if they knew about a nest and although they had also mentioned seeing a hedgehog and hearing the chirping, they did not know it’s location.

By now they baby had snuggled into my hand and fallen asleep. I offered it some fruit however it didn’t eat any. What did I know of feeding small hedgehogs. Anyway, come nightfall I put the little animal back under a bush in the hope that mum would come looking for it during the night and hear its calls. Well she didn’t and the next morning around midday, I found the little creature lying in the middle of the paving, weak and exhausted. Without hesitation this time, I took the little creature into my care. I put him in a little box and gave him some structured water to drink. After a few short minutes of drinking he immediately began to perk up and I realised that the poor little hedgehog was probably dehydrated and terribly hungry. What could I feed little Hedgie? I offered some bread which fortunately he turned his nose up at (cause I found out later that bread is a no no for hedgehogs). Having mentioned at work earlier in the morning about the hedgehog I remembered a colleague saying that Hedgehogs ate bugs and were good to have in the garden. So, I took some of my cats meat and offered a bit to Hedgie. Well it hit the spot and I was so thrilled to see that the baby was old enough to eat solids and could eat on its own.

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Then little Hedgie curled up under a little towel and fell asleep exhausted. I have a feeling mum is no longer around or for some reason abandoned the nest and so I will be looking after my new unexpected visitor until he is big and strong enough to fend for himself. Will just check in with the local hedgehog rescue service to see what else I can do for this little chap. For now, he spends lots of time sleeping and wakes up to eat. He makes cute little grunting noises, whilst sleeping, much like a baby does when they suck their dummies. Very cute. I know he feels safe cause he has stopped that urgent chirping.

I gave strict instructions to my cat Merlot to leave him alone and bless her she does. She wasn’t too impressed with me when I took him in and gave me that feline look, as only cats can. I just told her to get over herself though and continue to sneak some of her meat aside for our little visitor.

What a De-Light-Full experience this is, I am having. It reminds me of that song, “All things bright and beautiful, all Creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.” I feel so honoured by this little creature and am thoroughly enjoy nurturing and caring for it. How did I get so lucky?

In Light.


Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.

©2012 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.

If you enjoyed this article, then please like it, rate it and tell others about it by sharing it. Thank you. 🙂

Well-Being, O’Well-Being, wherefore art thou?

stressfreezoneThe dictionary defines well-being (noun) as: “A contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous.” I feel that this sums up our general aspirations for living. It certainly sounds great to me and really, who wouldn’t want this or something greater for themselves?

What I love about the word ‘well-being’ is the way it drips droplets of all-rounded wholeness of BEING. I can feel the happiness, the health and the prosperity.  It is such a holistic word, and hidden within its semantic vibration all that is mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, it goes a long way to tick the boxes in the schools of Gestalt, Chinese Medicine, Meditation, Yoga and many more of the alternative healing therapies.  It’s a word that personifies balanced harmony!

Who am I to be talking about well-being anyway? I am a traveller on the road of life just like you, undergoing my own awakening. I am a Woman, a Daughter, a Lover, a Goddess, an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and Divine Love in Physical Form. In my role as a Facilitator, I draw from my own personal experiences to weave together the information required and re-membered to align these aspects of the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, for myself and others. As Eric Pearle states, “It is through healing others that we heal ourselves”.

Please also know that the notion of “healing” in no way implies that something is wrong. However, many have forgotten their true potency and greatness. There is a thread that runs through everything, weaving it together. For example, is not happiness said to be a state of mind? If so, then does not this cultivate health – both physical and mental? And is not your health your wealth? All is intricately interwoven and moving in synergy towards optimal integration and Well Being.

When you are WELL in your BEING, everything FLOWS! And you are BEING YOU in your entirety. Now, doesn’t that feel good and for what reason would you not want more of this yummyness?

In Light.


Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.

©2012 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.

If you enjoyed this article or the youtubes, then please like it, rate it and tell others about it by sharing it. Thank you. 🙂

Did video kill the radio star?

Have you thought of using Radio as a way of getting your message, talents and gifts out to the big wide world? microphone

I started hosting my own radio show BE YU Well-Being Radio about a year ago and what a journey it has been. Enjoyment is definitely the word that springs to mind. Having come a long way since those first few shows, today I still have fun and get to express myself and share my opinions. I have had several guest speakers on my show and we talk about some really interesting topics – in fact anything that pertains basically to Well-Being and that provides tools and food for thought and why not, the Soul 🙂

If you are someone who suffers from fear of public speaking – like I used to – radio is the perfect solution! Whilst I do still get excited before each show or interview with a guest speaker, there is none of the dread and fear that used to plague the times when I had to make a speech in front of a room of people. Talking on the radio is like chatting on the phone to a comfortable acquaintance or good friend and leads to some lively and stimulating conversations.

One of the factors which played a role in my personal journey was the act of having to listen. Those of you who use Neurolinguistic Programming as a tool, understand how the switching of how one programmes information can in fact enhance the recording of the information. At least this has been my experience. Predominantly someone visual, I found myself over the last several years turning more and more to audio as a way of learning. I also noticed after some time that the way in which I was processing the information had shifted and I was gaining a greater understanding and learning quicker than had been the case previously.

Today, when email accounts and the web is inundated by the enormous influx of new information, audio has provided a delightful escape into a new and exciting world.

My journey into radio has been one of growth, confidence building, exploring, experiment, courage and fun. So much so that one of my desires now, is to offer this opportunity to others, who like myself are the neighbour next door and yet who have the ability to create change and something new and are looking for an opportunity to break out.

I would be honoured and blessed if you choose to come and play with me on my radio show at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trilbyjohnson.

What great adventures can we create and have together and share with the world?

If you enjoyed this blog post then please like it, rate it and share it – the YouTube too 🙂 Pass it forward. Much appreciation.

In Light.
