Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

5896-fantasy-landscape“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” from Sonnet 18 of William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliette’ sprung to mind recently. This blog is not about the sonnet itself, but rather this simple yet profound question. Let me extrapolate.

This question sprang to mind as I found myself comparing myself to others and in a way that was bringing up some strong ‘negative’ self-judgement. On taking a closer look at the underlying energy, I had an epiphany as I came across a contradictory belief – I simply do not believe in competition. I value individuality and celebrate the uniqueness of each. Yet, here I was confronted by my own inner Judge. Which was a great moment, because now that I had identified who the players were, I could choose where to focus. This is when this question sprang to mind.

Being compared to a Summer’s day feels delicious. It it light and fluffy and filled will luminescence. There is an ease and a warmth of Being that I desire to experience and be in this comparison. It felt good. I felt good! Better than all that heavy judging stuff.

I really realized that to break free of old ways of thinking of beliefs systems that were limiting the birth of new creations for me and them manifesting in my life, I was and would have to focus exclusively on this delightful sense of what I already was and could accomplish from this place.

The only one that was bringing clouds and stormy dark weather into my day, was me. Each time I looked at myself or what I was doing in a way that devalued me, I took one step further away from my Soul. This is the reason that I felt so awful! I was disconnected. And I am definitely standing on the brink of ‘this is where it ends!’. Focus is such an amazing tool of choice, that can cut through so much unnecessary drama and trauma. I am no longer looking for the heavy and intense energy anymore. I am breaking free because I am already free. Identity is a facade that we wear to become ‘socially’ acceptable and which simply no longer works for me, if it ever did.

Shall I compare me to a Summer’s day? Absolutely! Free. Abundant. Generous. Light. Warm. Alive.

So if I am going to compare myself at all, I am going to choose the most amazing of things to compare myself to. I Am a Child of the Universe!

In Light.

©Trilby D. Johnson 2014. All Rights Reserved. Any sharing of this or any part of this document must acknowledge the work of the author and the link! All posted reviews and shares are most appreciated. Thank you for sharing the Magic!


Trilby D. Johnson is an Author and Vibrational Integration Mentor whose message of self-actualization, embodiment and self-love invites people from around the world to embrace their Sovereign Authenticity as they release chronic pain. She provides tools and skills for people to live a life free of pain, suffering, sadness and self-limiting beliefs.
Find out more about how she can co-create more Magical Living with you, for you!