Did video kill the radio star?
Have you thought of using Radio as a way of getting your message, talents and gifts out to the big wide world?
I started hosting my own radio show BE YU Well-Being Radio about a year ago and what a journey it has been. Enjoyment is definitely the word that springs to mind. Having come a long way since those first few shows, today I still have fun and get to express myself and share my opinions. I have had several guest speakers on my show and we talk about some really interesting topics – in fact anything that pertains basically to Well-Being and that provides tools and food for thought and why not, the Soul 🙂
If you are someone who suffers from fear of public speaking – like I used to – radio is the perfect solution! Whilst I do still get excited before each show or interview with a guest speaker, there is none of the dread and fear that used to plague the times when I had to make a speech in front of a room of people. Talking on the radio is like chatting on the phone to a comfortable acquaintance or good friend and leads to some lively and stimulating conversations.
One of the factors which played a role in my personal journey was the act of having to listen. Those of you who use Neurolinguistic Programming as a tool, understand how the switching of how one programmes information can in fact enhance the recording of the information. At least this has been my experience. Predominantly someone visual, I found myself over the last several years turning more and more to audio as a way of learning. I also noticed after some time that the way in which I was processing the information had shifted and I was gaining a greater understanding and learning quicker than had been the case previously.
Today, when email accounts and the web is inundated by the enormous influx of new information, audio has provided a delightful escape into a new and exciting world.
My journey into radio has been one of growth, confidence building, exploring, experiment, courage and fun. So much so that one of my desires now, is to offer this opportunity to others, who like myself are the neighbour next door and yet who have the ability to create change and something new and are looking for an opportunity to break out.
I would be honoured and blessed if you choose to come and play with me on my radio show at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trilbyjohnson.
What great adventures can we create and have together and share with the world?
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In Light.