So, what’s your body talk? How does your body talk to you? Are you aware that your body can talk, not only to you but with other bodies?
No, I am not talking about body language or even non-verbal communication, in the context of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). I am talking about the language that our bodies use to communicate with us and other bodies and energies. For many, often their first conscious awareness of their body will be through the sensation of pain. Yes, for some strange reason this is usually when people actually become aware of their physical bodies, other than the thing they have to feed and perhaps wash daily. Until this time, many people remain totally disassociated with the one thing that is literally under their nose and closest too them. Not only is it ignored, but it is the receiver of much physical, emotional and mental abuse – usually self-inflicted, making it therefore more permissible.
I am very lucky to have always had an amazing, if until recently unidentifiable-as-that, connection with my body. I am not referring to physical appearance here, but rather to my body’s ability to perceive and receive information about situations, way and above that of the recognised biological five senses, although these are how ultimately information is filtered through. I grew up believing I was over sensitive and that this was a “bad” thing. Today, my work as an Energy Bodyworker has brought me full circle and to a deeper understanding and knowing of just how aware and conscious my body is. There is no doubt in my mind that my body has a consciousness of its own, separate from me. Just as you are separate and autonomous when out of your car, your car “belongs” to you and goes where you steer it, when you are driving, so our body is a vehicle for our Essence.
My personal breakthough in being conscious of my body as a separate life form, started way back with massage and reiki, however it was a body modality from Access Consciousness, called the BARS, that finally allowed me to fully embrace this concept and knowing. Applying this process has liberated my body and me from many limiting patterns, both good and not so good. Today, I know that my body has a consciousness of its own and that it is constantly sharing this information with me. It has been me that so often refused to receive it. Unconditionally in service to me, my body created symptoms in its attempt to share vital information with me. For example, experiencing indigestion after eating food that my body did not want or need, pain to indicate where I was cutting myself off from source energy or information, dis-ease to lovingly attempt to get through to me that something I was doing was not in my greater interest.
Today I constantly ask my body what it wants to do, eat, look like and I tell it as often as I can and remember too, how grateful I am for it. My body is an amazing receptor, a great satellite that is picking up information beyond the limitations of my mind and feeding it back to me. I learn a little more each day to be in awareness of this vast sensory information coming to me. I still experience intense energy (otherwise and usually misidentified as “pain”) that is sometime uncomfortable, as my physical body too has to adjust and expand and evolve. Remember that as my vehicle, my body has its own agenda and requires regular fuel and check-ups. Yes, I am a Spiritual Being having a physical experience, just as may body is a form of consciousness having its own experience, as we dance together.
The basic premise in NLP is that to understand your speaker, you need to understand the language he is using. The same applies to your body. So everywhere where you have misidentified and misapplied physical sensation as good or bad, rather than simply your body talk, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate that now please? What will it take for you to hear and understand you body talk?
Here is an except from Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now”, about transformation through the body.
“The fact is that no one has ever become enlightened through denying or fighting the body or through an out-of-body experience. Although such an experience can be fascinating and can give you a glimpse of the state of liberation from the material form, in the end you will always have to return to the body, where the essential work of transformation takes place. Transformation is through the body, not away from it. This is why no true master has ever advocated fighting or leaving the body, although their mind-based followers often have.”
Have fun and en-joy-ment learning to understand and listen to your body talk!