It’s Not Broken!

It’s Not Broken!

itsnotbrokenblogpicWorking from home I don’t often use my car these days. Which makes the spiders happy because they get to think that they can take over. Until I use the car again. Which happened earlier this week.

It was a hot day and so hopping in the car, I attempted to open the window on the passenger side as it gives better ventilation without me getting blown away. Nothing happened. I pushed the button again. Still nothing. Oh no, it’s broken! I had a quick mental flashback to the days when cars still had window handles that you could use to wind down the windows manually.

Thoughts of having to have the window repaired also flashed through my mind as I wondered where the money for this unforeseen expense would come from? But, I was driving and so concentrated on taking the sharp bends in the road ahead. Several miles further on, I suddenly thought of the window again. Of course I had to check again if it opened, as you do sometimes – just to be sure. So I pushed the same button once again. Still nothing! Then I noticed the other button next to the window one – a little squarish button that I rarely used as I am the sole occupant of my car. ‘Push that’ my little voice said. So I did and then tried again. This time the window opened. It wasn’t broken. It had simply been locked!

I am sharing this story because I love how seemingly unrelated events can suddenly bring clarity in other areas of Life – all at the push of a button. It was as if a floodgate of awareness had opened up across my life to connect the dots of what was really going on at a subconscious level. Reflecting on the incident and the thoughts that had crossed my mind, I realized how often I had believed something wasn’t working – with me, my life, my business, my relationships, my money and my body. How often does that happen – to look at things from the perspective of them being broken? And yes even when things are actually broken, experience has shown me that there is always a solution or something new that presents itself.

My thoughts went on as to how these decisions and conclusion around issues and situations that show up in our lives, create interruption in the flow of energy. The energy becomes locked into this loop of the ‘broken’ belief! Energy loves to flow and is indestructible so it can never be broken. It can however become locked into a pattern of cause and effect that will repeat itself until the right release switch is pushed. And then it’s off again – flowing into expansion!

So what locks the energy in? Energy becomes locked into a particular pattern through attachment to a specific vibrational frequency. Energy responds to awareness and so if awareness is used to focus on particular aspects, then more and more energy will flow towards those aspects. Until such a time as a different button is pushed to release the form that has become attached to the energy.

The analogy of the car window helped make me aware that in fact nothing in my life was broken, only locked in by my conscious and unconscious choice of thoughts, feelings and emotions and behaviours. To open up the flow of energy again, all that was required was to unlock my thinking and choose something different. Change can happen at the push of a button. It has to be the right button though and you have to choose to give it a go. Nothing in Life is ever broken – even though it may appear so on the surface. Life is simply waiting and asking to be unlocked so that it can flow into something else – something different, something new and sometimes just a better version of the same.

It’s not broken. It’s just sometimes locked. And the key to unlocking Life is about you and me co-creating our human Being through choosing consciousness and love. You just have to find the right button and give it a push. It’s the same for your heart. It’s not broken, it’s just locked. Perhaps it’s time to open it up to new ways of loving. What do you say?

In Light, Love and Appreciation.


Trilby Johnson is an Emotional Breakthrough Mentor, Author and Speaker whose clients hire her to go from emotional zero to emotional hero, as they heal, alleviate stress and cultivate emotional freedom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health and mindset. She shares her knowledge of how to create inner harmony and outer balance with those seeking to deepen their self-knowing and expand their consciousness.

Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Alchemy Assessment if you are ready for go from zero to hero now!

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.


The FREE Price Tag

The FREE Price Tag

FREE!  Wow, has this been brought into my awareness over the last few days!! I thought I would do like most others and follow the marketing tips by offering some free coaching sessions. Admittedly, with the intention of drawing more people in. I could just see them just discovering what a wonderful experience this was and then of course, signing up for more coaching. I really thought people would just jump at the chance to experience this.  Right? Uh, not quite!!

Firstly, I had no fish biting at all. Mmhhhhhhh. Not good enough bait? So I started asking questions. What was right about this that I was not getting? What showed up?

1. I felt deflated that no one had even responded. Where is the joy in that?

2. I fell into self-doubt, which is the ultimate attitude of lack. Where is the joy in that?

3. I tried to cognitively understand the cause as to why people would not jump at this free offer. Where is the joy in that?

4. I did actually facilitate two free sessions and the feedback was – honestly – nothing had changed. Of course, I took full responsability for this outcome – both mine and theirs. Generous or stupid? Where is the joy in that?

OK, so is it only me that’s sees a pattern here? Where is the JOY!!

This has been such a valuable lesson for me. Basically, how much do I value what I do? Am I valueing myself and standing in my joy when I give my services away for FREE or no thing?

Isn’t the Universe or LOA, wonderful? The information is always there and it will continue to show up in a myriad of ways – until we finally get it. For me, it was someone asking me this question: what is the value of giving away your sessions for free? GLOP!!This brought me up short, to a stockstill stand. There was no value and there was no JOY.

What I got out of it:

1. I am valuable and so are the gifts that I offer.

2. Anything FREE is not valuable enough to shift anyone’s belief. It’s simply too easy and therefor cannot work, thus has no value.

3. In the grand scheme of things, there is always an exchange of some kind. This is Law. It just probably never shows up like we expect it to.

4. My work and time is valuable. This involves my greatest commodity – my attention. So, to honour the exchange of energies, my time = money.

Now, knowing all this is of true value – and it did not come for FREE, but with blood, sweat and tears.

I Am Valued and Valuable. I Am supported and acknowledged in all I do, by My-Self, and Others.

In Gratitude and Light!
