Well-Being, O’Well-Being, wherefore art thou?

Well-Being, O’Well-Being, wherefore art thou?

The dictionary defines well-being (noun) as: “A contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous.” I feel that this sums up our general aspirations for living. It certainly sounds great to me and really, who wouldn’t want this or something greater for...

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Choosing what is right for you.

Choosing what is right for you.

So, let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. Who knows and can choose what is right for you? You, right! The only person on this planet that can do this for you, is none other than yourself. Of course, you can turn to others for advice and draw...

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The Struggle with Struggle

The Struggle with Struggle

Am I addicted to struggle? Is my life-long search to find myself a part of this? Definitely! At least up until NOW 🙂  There is a drama and intensity in struggle, I have found. It appeases the Doing-Part of me. Yet, my Being just waits on the sideline, peaceful,...

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