The FREE Price Tag

The FREE Price Tag

FREE!  Wow, has this been brought into my awareness over the last few days!! I thought I would do like most others and follow the marketing tips by offering some free coaching sessions. Admittedly, with the intention of drawing more people in. I could just see them just discovering what a wonderful experience this was and then of course, signing up for more coaching. I really thought people would just jump at the chance to experience this.  Right? Uh, not quite!!

Firstly, I had no fish biting at all. Mmhhhhhhh. Not good enough bait? So I started asking questions. What was right about this that I was not getting? What showed up?

1. I felt deflated that no one had even responded. Where is the joy in that?

2. I fell into self-doubt, which is the ultimate attitude of lack. Where is the joy in that?

3. I tried to cognitively understand the cause as to why people would not jump at this free offer. Where is the joy in that?

4. I did actually facilitate two free sessions and the feedback was – honestly – nothing had changed. Of course, I took full responsability for this outcome – both mine and theirs. Generous or stupid? Where is the joy in that?

OK, so is it only me that’s sees a pattern here? Where is the JOY!!

This has been such a valuable lesson for me. Basically, how much do I value what I do? Am I valueing myself and standing in my joy when I give my services away for FREE or no thing?

Isn’t the Universe or LOA, wonderful? The information is always there and it will continue to show up in a myriad of ways – until we finally get it. For me, it was someone asking me this question: what is the value of giving away your sessions for free? GLOP!!This brought me up short, to a stockstill stand. There was no value and there was no JOY.

What I got out of it:

1. I am valuable and so are the gifts that I offer.

2. Anything FREE is not valuable enough to shift anyone’s belief. It’s simply too easy and therefor cannot work, thus has no value.

3. In the grand scheme of things, there is always an exchange of some kind. This is Law. It just probably never shows up like we expect it to.

4. My work and time is valuable. This involves my greatest commodity – my attention. So, to honour the exchange of energies, my time = money.

Now, knowing all this is of true value – and it did not come for FREE, but with blood, sweat and tears.

I Am Valued and Valuable. I Am supported and acknowledged in all I do, by My-Self, and Others.

In Gratitude and Light!


In-Visible ?!

In-Visible ?!

IN-VISIBLE?! For the last few months, the subject of feeling invisible has been popping up into my awareness in many and diverse ways. Knowing that what shows up in my external is a reflection of my internal realm, I finally got through the usual knee-jerk re-actions into a new place of actual creation and being the question around this and receiving the missing information.

This feeling of being invisible has always felt really heavy for me. It left me in a state of confusion, as if I was wading through thick molasses that slowed me down and any progress hard work and over time exhausting and demotivating.  I seemed to be striving for something elusive and always just out of reach, leading to frustration and unfulfillment. What would it take for me to be seen, supported and acknowledged – to be visible? And then, a few day’s ago, the penny dropped and I saw the word and it looked like this ………. IN-VISIBLE !!

Now I have seen this defined as a noun that means “an invisible thing or being”. or “the invisible, the unseen or spiritual world”.  I realised that my definition of “invisible” was collapsed with that of meaning “non-existing”. A-ha!! Not quite the same thing is it?

What struck me as ironic is that the word used for that which is not visible actually contains within its root verb the word ……….. VISIBLE! We have been duped into not seeing all that is already in-the-visible! Reminded of the idiom, “there are none so blind as those that cannot see”, I now see through the lie within the word “IN-VISIBLE”.

Most of us, I imagine, have experienced a moment of feeling that we are invisible. However, what comes to me from the definition is not that there is non existance, but rather in fact that there is a need for a different perspective or in-sight.

I took heart from this, now knowing fully that being in-visible does not mean I am not seen or that I do not exist.  It is a reminder that we all look at the world through our own unique filter’s, most of the time.  Things, people and situations are rarely as we expect them to be and just as much is outside of our usual range of perception and awareneness, does not mean that it is not there. There are moments however, when the veil drops and all becomes visible and clear.  In NLP, they talk about changing your glasses for another pair, so that another point of observation is possible. Like with a pair of 3-D glasses, once you put them on, the movie has a whole new depth and experience to it.

I have a feeling that 2012 is a year of re-veal-ation and that much that has been filtered out until now, will be allowed to filter through and in. If I choose this.  For today however, I stand in my Knowing that within the Divine’s Eye, all is IN-VISIBLE!!

Wishing you all a glorious, fantastic, de-light-filled and phenomenal year in 2012!! May your Light shine bright and visible.

Gratitude and Light.


Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor and Metaphysical Intuitive, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. Her clients hire her to stop struggling and feeling stuck in body, mind, emotion and soul and move beyond limitation into wisdom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health, mindset and soul connection. Trilby assists in creating new energetic pathways that empowers and assists in resolving core issues.

Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment if you are ready for breakthrough beyond limitation into wisdom!

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.

To Blog, or not to Blog – is this the question?

To Blog, or not to Blog – is this the question?

It has been a while since I felt inspired to write a blog. I found myself waiting for that spark of inspiration to inspire me to sit down and blog away. Except, the spark remained unsparked…….. Until today. Walking along, I found myself remunerating on what to do about not having any ideas to blog about. I could feel the stress and pressure building …… what could I write about ?  Then I had the idea to write about the lack of having that spark. You know, what they term writer’s block?! Those moments when the inspiration dies or is inaccessible. Ever been there? 

You don’t have to be a great or famous author to experience these periods. In fact, in my awareness they are occurring more and more, as we release the old and wait ………. yes wait ………. for the new to begin to show up.  These too are moments of creation. Creation does not just occur in the light. Creation occurs in the darkness. And please I am not talking about good and evil here. What if destruction creates and creation destroys? What if being in total allowance and detachment of all that shows up, regardless, is be-ing the question?

Much gratitude, light and laughter.

You Are Not Alone!!

You Are Not Alone!!

I don’t know about you, but the last few months have been, well pretty tough. The expression a “Dark Night of the Soul” came to mind several times, however, this awareness did not offer any comfort or further insight. I felt isolated and removed from the world and even my gratitude lists remained sparse if non existant. Even when things did show up, they parted very abruptly and rudely, only adding to the feeling of intense non-belonging. My way of handling this is well, to withdraw even further, adding to and aggravating the issue. And of course, the famous question, “what’s wrong with me?”.
Does this sound intensely familiar? Of course I know this only applies to me!

Thankfully, every now and then something or someone would penetrate my haze, which was annoyingly reassuring. When I actually had these moments and got over myself, I started to hear and observe what others around me were saying and doing and experiencing. And low and behold, I realised that there seemed to be a collective “dark night of the soul” going on. Until I really got the message ………. You Are Not Alone!!

I was waiting for a sign, and it took a while to realise that a sign is not only something that we label and experience as positive. When asking for awareness around the situation, I constantly got that I needed this experience and time to integrate and create. If like me, you still associate action with creation, then You are Not Alone! The only difference between CREATION and REACTION, is the position of the letter “C”. So where have you misidentified and misapplied Action as Creation?

So great, now you may have some insight into the fact that You Are Not Alone, what can you do with this? I believe that whilst there is a collective consciousness and we are connected to this and drawing on this most of the time, it does pay to stop and ask, is this mine? for every thought, feeling and emotion. And sometimes, when it is truly yours, all that is required is to sit with whatever is there.

I was watching Kiesha, Little Grandother’s talk again from November 2010 and was struck by how I had a total new awareness of what she was saying. “We are the One’s We have been waiting for. There is no one else. It is up to us to save the Planet.” So what will it take to change this and what contribution can you be? I believe it is truly knowing, that YOU ARE ALL ONE.

Much Gratitude, Light and Laughter.

p.s. I would love to share this beautiful song by Jenn August with you.  If you would like to share the song Grace with your family and friends send them the link Grace by Jenn August



“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.” ~ Anne Lamott

When I read this quote, I had one of those visceral hits to my solar plexus. I am a healer and teacher and this spoke volumes to me. In a second, this phrase summed up and revealed my life purpose. All I and any of us ever have to do, is BE. So why do we as humans, spend so much time doing instead of being, or saving boats as opposed to shining?

Nothing has brought this more home to me than the recent earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan. Yes, there has been terrible devestation and loss of life. Yet amazing and wonderous stories of love and caring are surfacing more and more each day. Nature has shown us that once the material possessions and comforts and infrastructure is removed, we are all that is left. Although some do still not “get it” and perhaps it is simply a matter of time, so many people have seen the light in others. I am reminded of that saying, “when it is darkest, then you can see the stars”.

My heart and thoughts go out to those who are in the stricken areas and for who everyday has changed and is now an unforeseen challenge. It is these people who are showing us that it is time for all of us to stand and shine.

Shine bright!