by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Animals, Authentic, Awareness, Feline, Health, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Magic, Question, Self-Actualization, Self-Worth, Spirituality, Thrive, Value, Well-Being |
There is a magic to Life that is found in the most simplest of situations. In fact, more and more, it seems that things show up with ease and almost effortless. When things become flustered or chaotic, it’s time to pause and step back. Not step back as in give up, but rather as an acknowledging of the natural laws that really run the show. So it’s a reminder that it’s time to tap into to the magic and allow it to bring it in.
With any plan, one that will work, there has to be a clear intention. Like when you set out on a journey from A to Z. You know where you are starting and you know where you are going. What happens on the way between B to Y this is the part where the magic happens. Your part is in choosing to go on the journey and to enjoy the adventure on the way.
Today, was a day in which plans came together. Not mega huge things, but a coming together of smaller pieces that simply shift into position. Magic often shows up silently and almost unobtrusively, yet its power is incontestable.
I had to take my cat to the vet today. I had booked in with a particular vet. So imagine my trepidation when I realized that I had booked in with the ‘wrong’ vet. I got the names mixed up. Or so I thought! He was amazing and just the person I needed to see. In the short time I was in with him, he took care of my beloved feline friend with such caring and efficiency. I had taken my cat in, expecting to be told that she would have to be operated on. That is what the other vet had advised. He also gave me a solution on how to deal with a stray cat that has been hanging around my place and attacking my cat, for the last year. I had called animal control, the SPCA and also taken the stray cat to the vet and was at a loss at to what to do. Here was the information I had been asking for. All this magic arose from staying opening, constantly asking what the next and best step was and who could help me. And then with a wave of its wand, the Universe ‘mistakenly’ put me in touch with just the right person. It is so wonderful to get the right person and circumstances align. I love it when a plan comes together.
But there’s more. When I came to pay the vet with my card the transaction was denied. Admittedly a bit miffed, I called the bank when I got home to find out what the problem was. I got to speak to the most delightful and helpful lady on the phone. She answered my questions and walked me through opening up an online account, which I had previously been told was not possible. So once again, an apparent mistake with my card led me in a direction which turned out to be highly beneficial. Magic at work!
So what exactly was the plan that came together, you may be wondering? Today, in the matter of a few hours, I found the resolution for several issues that had been of concern. The synchronicity between past events and the ‘mistakes’ that took me to where I would find the resolution I had been asking for, is undeniable, although some may insist on calling it coincidence.
They say that to see the Magic, you have to look for it and be willing to see it. I had started my journey from A to Z almost over a year ago, had made several stops along the way, gotten lost on a few occasions, had some great and not so great moments. Throughout it all I kept on coming back to the plan – asking for direction on how to get to Z, being willing to receive and consider the options that showed up on the way and taking action and in moments of doubts choosing to know that I was on the way to Z and trusting that I would arrive. The magic is found in those moments when the plan comes together and there is no doubt that you have arrived – exactly where you need to be because you are there. And what’s so exciting is that each day there are plans coming together in so many ways and to receive their unfolding with thanks, fun and adventure. And then to start all over again. To realize that the greatest plan that is coming together, every day in so many ways, is Life itself.
Many blessings and in love and light.
Trilby D. Johnson is an Author and Vibrational Integration Mentor whose message of self-actualization, embodiment and self-love invites people from around the world to embrace their Sovereign Authenticity as they release chronic thinking around money, health and love. She provides tools and skills for people to live a life free of pain, suffering, sadness and self-limiting beliefs and makes spiritual living practical.
Find out more about the possibilities here –
©Trilby D. Johnson 2015. If you do share any part of this article, please quote the author and reference this blog at – Thank you.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Authentic, Awareness, Beauty, Body, Feline, I Am, Self-Worth, Uncategorized, Value, Well-Being |

Now, before you think that I have a drinking problem, Merlot is a beautiful black soft silky smooth female cat and not a bottle of great tasting red wine. We adopted each other a few months ago and I knew at the time that she would have a big impact on my life. It had been over 2 decades since I had shared my life with a feline personality and it has admittedly taken me a few weeks to learn and re-familiarise myself with some of their amazing and unique peculiarities. For indeed, they are a personality – as any cat lover will tell you. Cats are after all, renowned for their particularities. And yes, either you love them or you don’t.
So what has Merlot taught me.
1. Cats are not dogs
Well, yes I may be stating the obvious here, however, there is quite a distinctive difference. After all, the generalism is that dogs are givers and cats are receivers. So yes, I do get a bit peeved when I feel like a cuddle session and well, it is just not on Miss Merlot’s agenda. Admittedly, she is really patient with the crazy lady (that’s me by the way :-}) who picks her up far more than necessary for cuddles. Her body language is quite distinctive though about whether she is up for a cuddle session or not. Trying to cuddle a squirming and clawing bundle of fur is a challenge in itself.
Lesson: Everyone is unique and different
2. Just sleep until something really interesting comes along
Now Merlot is quite a house cat and she does love company. She is thrilled when I get visitors, so that she gets to see faces other than my own. Although when they arrive she does this bizarre disappearing act, only to appear ten minutes later with the air of just having stepped out of a limousine. Don’t you just love how cats can pull that off?
Used to having male cats earlier in life, who were more out of the house than in, Merlot hangs around a lot. And what does she do – well sleeps of course. I am amazed at how she will just settle down anywhere – along a wall, in the middle of the floor, on top of a cupboard, behind a curtain – and just sleep. The sleeping positions are a wonder to behold – from fully extended in a stretch, relaxingly contorted in some corner, hiding in the closet, to curling up in a seemingly impossible tight ball. Of course, all this relaxed lethargy vanishes within seconds when something esteemed interesting happens and she is off in a flash. No warm up required there.
Lesson: Rest is important and there is very little in life that is actually worth losing sleep over. So relax!
3. Be Self-ish
Cats are renowned for their particular presence and Merlot is no exception. She is the centre of the Universe, at least her own and she just expects everyone else to know this. She does not doubt herself or second-guess herself or do any profound soul searching. Just just is. If she’s in a grumpy mood, she’s grumpy. If she wants some quite time, she will find a quite spot. If she wants to eat, she will find food or make sure that her food provider (that’s me usually ;-}) takes care of things. When she wants to cuddle, she comes to cuddle.
I just get such pleasure from observing her and she has certainly contributed to me relaxing more and just going with the flow.
In our society, we have been brainwashed into thinking that doing what we truly feel like doing, is being selfish and that this is a bad thing. I watch Merlot and am filled with admiration at just how truly being selfish actually uncomplicates things and allows others to be themselves. That’s of course if one can get past the judgments and conditioning and takes responsibility for one’s behaviour and attitude.
Lesson: Be you and change the world.
4. Don’t sweat the small stuff
Yes, Merlot does get up to cat things – like sharpening her claws on my mattress base and on my beautiful carpets – in spite of the fact that she has a few trees outside and her tree inside on which to practise this. She will jump up to places that are not where I wish to find her and has turned that soft paw come sharp clawed weapon on me, just because she felt it was appropriate without even offering an explanation, I might add. So yes, I have growled at her (not like a dog though, at least not yet) and she has taken off at high speed, just because she can.
What I love about her – she doesn’t hold a grudge. Now I can hear you males out there sighing in understanding and longing, because well let’s face it that’s what females do – and they are often quite good at it, n’est pas? Well, as a female myself, I can vouch for the weightiness of holding and bearing grudges. There comes a point where it does just get all so heavy. So Merlot is like a breath of fresh air, as she will often turn up a few minutes later and be so totally over it. Her only concern – what’s next. It’s truly delightfully liberating.
Lesson: Don’t sulk and hold a grudge. Life is too short.
5. The healing power of touch
Since having Merlot in my life, my awareness of what this means has taken on a new and whole different dimension. I have always loved the contact of touch – probably why I so enjoy giving massage. There is a beauty to the moments though, when Merlot comes for her cuddle session. When listening to Dee Wallace’s I Am talks, she has often used the example of thinking of one’s child or pet, to reconnect us with a sense of total gratitude. I really get this when I cuddle Merlot. It is as if we melt into each other and I feel my heart chakra fill up and overflow. And Merlot just receives and in her receiving, she allows and honours my gifting to her. These are moments of pure unconditional being.
There is something so soothing, comforting and grace-filled that occurs when I touch her beautiful soft silky fur. When I touch her, I am touched and moved within my Being.
Lesson: Giving (or gifting) is receiving and receiving is giving
6. Communication is beyond words
Merlot, is a real talker. She will miaow for this and that and sometimes just for nothing really. Whilst sometimes, I get what she is saying, there are moments where, well, she is just expressing herself. She will just look at me with those big green eyes of her’s, with such intensity, that I know she is sharing something big. Of course, most of the time, I have no idea what she is going on about. But, is it really so important that I understand her, or is it more important just to listen to her? After all, are cat’s that much different to people, in that we sometimes just desire to share something with another?
And then of course there is the body language. Well, I find Merlot has the most fascinating tail. It really is like a receptor. And it is seldom still. I think with her, the code book for what tail movement actually mean according to humans can be thrown out the window. She has a tail language all of her own and she changes it as the days goes along. Even sometimes when asleep, the tip of the tail is still moving. Perhaps she was a dog in a past life? MMMMmmmmhhhhhh.
Lesson: Communicate in your own unique way and just know that those who are looking for what you have to say, will hear. People do truly hear what they want to. Mia culpa.
7. I Am that I Am
All animals are beautiful and grace us with their particular uniqueness. However, I do believe that cats personify this so wonderfully for us humans. It is no wonder that the ancient Egyptians worshipped them as gods, for their is something very regal in their bearing is there not? Even when they are acting like crazy, hissing, spitting, furballs of clawed energy. I think cats just do everything with flair. They act like the world revovles around them and so of course it does. They are such great examples of creating your reality and then know what you asked for is done.
I know that for me, Merlot has taught me so much already and continues to contribute to my life everyday. She is often a reflector of me and when I look at her, I can read what kind of vibration I am giving off. She provides me with companionship simply by being around and with her presence.
Lesson: I Am Perfect just the way I Am and so is everybody else
8. Energy follows energy
Merlot will often keep to herself until I am busy with a client and giving a healing session. She is amazing to watch. She usually comes in and depending on the person, will stay for verying length of time. She will usually always jump up on the table, if the client is OK with this of course. She seems to sense this though and will not come to the clients who are not willing to receive.
The healing abilities of animals have been foretold since forever. Merlot just is healing. She follows the energy, gives and receives. There is no ego involved and no mulling over what it is to be a healer. She comes in, contributes, receives and off she goes. I have felt and seen how human bodies experience healing because of her simple presence. She just IS 100% Being. It is most beautiful to behold.
Lesson: Follow the energy. Energy never lies
I could go on and on, but this is a blog site, not a book. So I will stop here for now. I know that through this blog, beautiful Merlot will be contributing to you too. She is a crazy cat and I am a crazy lady, so we make a fine pair. 🙂 For however long she chooses to be with me, I rejoice and am honoured and blessed.
With gratitude for all the amazing pets and animals out there that contribute to us and the planet. Continue to take care of each other. How did we get so lucky?
To you all, sending Light and Love.
Founder and Well-Being Facilitator at BE YU Well-Being