Easy Peezy Bright and Breezy
What would an easy peezy bright and breezy Life look like?
In a recent radio interview with Linda Irwin of Unseen World, the issue of self-love, simplicity and receiving came up. Linda drew on several quotations from my new e-book “a-Ha – insight inspiration question” and if there is a main theme to this book it is to offer suggestions of different possibilities and choices for Living and Well-Being.
More and more I am choosing to experience Life as truly simple. It is our ego mind that adds the drama and trauma to our idea of Living. Intensity seems to have become equated with validity, whereas simplicity is considered as easy peezy bright and breezy…….. or in other words ……….. BORING! And no one wants to be bored or considered boring, right?
I used to think that the more dysfunctional a relationship was, the more real it was. Because it was intense!! Just like a soap opera. Until I actually began to get bored by the repeated intensity of all my relationships. And one day I woke up and asked myself to find another way to Living that is fulfilling and peaceful and not endlessly depleting.
Whilst most people feel impelled to find an answer for any and all questions – the brain has become hardwired to function this way over the centuries – what if asking the correct question can unlock pandora’s box? And would you want to go there?
They say that the truth is often hidden in plain sight. This is the reason why simplicity is required. How do you simplify things? First, you stop whatever you are doing and shift your awareness to your breathing. Our breathing is so simple that we take it completely for granted and yet it – above all else – keeps us alive in our body. Just begin to give more and more attention to how you breathe – without attempting to change anything. Become aware of how this simple small shift in focus, leads to more space …….. and perhaps in the quiet you begin to notice and sense the magic that is continuously unfolding, just beyond the perimeter of you current awareness. When you transmute the energy by consciously choosing your thoughts, your can discover the magical secrets of pandora’s box.
When you ask a question and stop to allow and receive the influx of information without judgement, there is a mental door that opens up during the pause, offering a world of possibilities to choose from. It happens in a split milli-second and most of us are too busy to even notice it there. And our cognitive programming is such that in its efficiency to support us, our physical brain has programmed these habits into our neurological make-up. Very efficient, but perhaps no longer practical and applicable. It is time to outgrow the habit ….. and this requires conscious input of new data. So if you are feeling bored by simplicity, open the door named boredom and take a closer look. You may find there is more to boredom than you first thought or perceived.
Life can be challenging and we can find ourselves in difficult situations, so I am not being flippant when I talk about a life that is easy peezy bright and breezy. Rather I am inviting you to stop and connect to your power of creation and look for the simplicity. If you are vibrating on a frequency of simplicity, then you will attract all the simplicity that the Universe has to offer – Law of Attraction. The truth is quite literally under your nose ……. YOUrself!
May you enjoy and have fun with the unfolding of your Creations.
In Light.
p.s. you can sign up for and download my BREATHE audio for free now