SimplY MagiC
It has often been said that what is true is often cloaked in simplicity. For many a human mind, if it’s too easy or simple, it cannot be true. An interesting belief that ripples out to manifest this as a Truth.
Magic is much the same. In attempting to believe or understand Magic, the cognitive mind has created a complicated mystery. If the magical event is not earth shattering accompanied by fire works, many discount it as mediocre and insignificant.
I choose to believe that Magic is all around us all of the time and I enjoy observing how this shows up in my life. Let me share.
A few days ago, my vacuum cleaner packed up. So off I went back to the store to exchange it. This has been the third vacuum cleaner that I have had to return, although not the same make. I mention this because when I got to the store, they were really suspicion as to how come this was the third exchange I was requesting. I stayed really focused and light and did not allow myself to be drawn into the red tape drama. Finally they said I could exchange the item or get a refund. Choosing an exchange item, off I went to pick up a new vacuum cleaner. I was limited by the price and so had to choose another model. Here’s how the magic worked ………………..
– I got to purchase a new and more powerful vacuum cleaner
– I got to save money because the new item was cheaper than the value I had available
– I got to saved an extra $20 because the new item was on sale
– AND although the sale has ended the day before, the vendor gave me the sales price
– I received a credit note which enabled me to purchase items that I had on my wish list.
I left the store with a big grin on my face and my Heart filled with De-Light, knowing that I had just experienced a magical moment, that had been a gift to my asking. Simply MagiC!
I was in the Zone, connected and receiving. It felt wonderful and yes, it defied logic. How cool is that?
Magic is around everywhere, all of the time. As energy follows Awareness, becoming and being aware of the magic that is, enlivens it and gives it form. It’s not by accident that it is called a Wish List.
Here’s to the Magic that makes Wishes true! May you enjoy your Creations.
In Light.
Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.
©2012 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.
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Choosing what is right for you.
So, let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. Who knows and can choose what is right for you? You, right! The only person on this planet that can do this for you, is none other than yourself. Of course, you can turn to others for advice and draw even on your own past experiences. However, when it comes down to it, each choice you make will impact on your life and you will be the one to deal with the consequences. People may tell you that you are oversensitive, selfish, a bore, egotistical, a trouble maker, naive, a dreamer, arrogant, etc – and perhaps they are correct – nevertheless, whatever you may or may not be, you are the only one that can choose for you.
Being in a place of confusion or indecision is probably the most uncomfortable state in which one can be. Humans tend to respond better when they have direction and as the saying goes, you have to know where you are going, to get there. This requires making a choice in the moment now, based on the influential factors in the moment of now, that will take you into the next moment of now. In other words, choice is flexible and is our greatest tool to be used every second of the day as we go along. According to most spiritual scriptures, the one thing that the Creator gave us as our greatest quality and tool was freedom of CHOICE. It is so important to consistently be choosing again and again. Why? Well, because how do you know if something works for you or not? You have to give it a go, no? Like when purchasing new clothes, or a car, a new recipe, a new relationship, a job, etc, – you will only know what it is like when you have done it. And yet many of us have been conditioned to make a choice and then stick to it FOREVER. We actually often even convince ourselves with external circumstances that we have made the right choice, even when it is blatantly apparent that this is not in our favour.
How many of us actually choose from a place of choice and choose what is right for us? The majority of us, myself included, have been entrained into erroneously believing that we are actually choosing for ourself, when in fact we are often on the default choice of the collective consciousness. Want to test this? This becomes apparent the minute we do not conform to group, ethnic, social, cultural, financial, religious and spiritual norms, when we are made to feel weird, strange, crazy or an outsider. Most of us are unconsciously so afraid of being alone, shunned, disliked, poor, being judged and not fitting in, that we “almost” happily conform to the most acceptable social and cultural behaviours, whilst in fact robbing ourselves of our own empowerment and authenticity. I say “almost” because I find that when I buy into this charade, the feeling of emptiness within increases and there is always that little niggle that something, is just not quite right that won’t go away. This entrainment is so subtle and runs through everything and as I found out recently, is probably most insidiously dangerous and retarding when one believes that they are doing it from a place of genuineness.
I give an example from my own recent experience. I found myself working in a place that pushed a lot of buttons for me. One of Life’s generous and humourous curve balls, so to speak. 🙂 As is the case when learning a new skill, there is always a final exam and I feel that Life operates in a similar way. Not to test us – this is a linear human mental concept – but rather as the law of attraction or matching vibrational frequencies denotes, to sort out what matches or not, now. It has been a most fantastic, enriching and enlightening experience!. It was in this situation that I began to APPLY the tools I have acquired to the situations showing up. I chose to respond rather than react. Reaction cuts off the flow of creation. The changes showed up thick and fast. Perhaps the greatest change being that I no longer shied away from confrontation when it comes to being me. Once I got that most people ain’t going to like me anyway, for their own personal reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with me or that are a reflection of me, I was able to fully embrace this state of being.
What also came under fire was my beliefs of what being a spiritual person means and unveiled the default programme running in the background. For those of you who are familiar with Neuro-linguistic Programming, this technique came about because the founders wanted to find out how experts did what they did and did it well and to basically copy this. The premise is that as all information is coded into the brain, if one was able to decipher the language used to create an expert strategy, then it would be possible to extrapolate this to other areas and strategies and thus transform behaviours. And it does. What amazes me is how the mental mind compartamentalises everything. This comes about through repetition and forms what is commonly called habits. It is only when we start to undo these neural habitual pathways that we become aware that it is indeed possible to apply all data to everything. For instance, as we do one thing, so we do it all. This is one possible explanation of why when we have an issue in one area of our life that is constantly showing up, we find that the underlying cause effects all areas of our lives. We are just more aware of it in a certain areas that others. Once the limitation is removed at the root though, the effect ripples out across the whole.
So, in this instance it seemed I was keeping spirituality and money in separate compartments of my brain. What this working experience revealed to me was this limitation in my thinking. Whilst I cognitively can recognise that both of these aspects are made of energy, the judgements I had about both and in regards to myself and how I was supposed to behave as a spiritual person, well got me in a right royal bind. I had separated myself from myself and my Source of Creation. I found myself caught between a spiritual rock and a financial hard place! In spite of the fact that my awareness was showing me quite cleary that the situation was abusive in many ways and was not working for me, I had chosen to believe that I had to stick it out for some strange spiritual misconception that confrontation is a bad thing and that I had to put up with this abuse because I needed the money.
Fortunately, this got so uncomfortable that my mental compartments finally lifted and I got that I was choosing to allow myself to be abused for money. That’s a good one, no?!?! I had allowed myself to be devalued because I – yes me – had unconsciously chosen to give away my sovereign power, to money. The second I got this clarity, my heart chakra opened and everything shifted and I was filled with a sense of relief and peace and space. Aahhhhhhhhhh.
This shift may mean that I am criticised, judged and disliked by others. That’s okay. When we choose to stand in our Light and shine, we may shine light on our darkness and that of others’. Many will not thank us for this. However, some may experience something different because of it. How could this turn into something even greater than anything I can imagine?
I really feel that what 2012 and beyond is about is that we all fully integrate on an intrinsic and cognitive level that we are the Creators of our Lives. That Life is constantly giving us pop up screens of what it is we are creating, not to judge ourselves with and make us right or wrong, but rather so that we can experience it and then choose again. Choice offers freedom and a state of being grateful. What if choosing can be as simple as saying, thank you for that experience. Mmmhhh. Interesting. Now I would like to choose to experience this or that too. It is about grasping the essence that I am the one I have been waiting for and that no law of attraction, deity or Universe is going to give me what I desire, if I do not create it first, by claiming and demanding it. Just as I gave my power of creation away to money, I also give it away to something outside of myself when I believe that I am not my own creator. There is no separation between me and Source, because I, as well as everyone, are Sparks of the Divine. What if the sole reason for me being here at this time on Planet Earth is to BE the Divine and to know this in every cell of my body? I Am that I Am.
I hold a vision of each and every Human Being on this planet coming to full consciousness of choice in their role of the Creator of their Life and that they can stand in the greatness of their creations with ease and joy and glory. And that each and everyone knows how precious, magnificent and valuable you are. You are a gift to the world. These are such exciting times!
It is an honour to be of service. In Light, AL-WAYS

To Blog, or not to Blog – is this the question?
It has been a while since I felt inspired to write a blog. I found myself waiting for that spark of inspiration to inspire me to sit down and blog away. Except, the spark remained unsparked…….. Until today. Walking along, I found myself remunerating on what to do about not having any ideas to blog about. I could feel the stress and pressure building …… what could I write about ? Then I had the idea to write about the lack of having that spark. You know, what they term writer’s block?! Those moments when the inspiration dies or is inaccessible. Ever been there?
You don’t have to be a great or famous author to experience these periods. In fact, in my awareness they are occurring more and more, as we release the old and wait ………. yes wait ………. for the new to begin to show up. These too are moments of creation. Creation does not just occur in the light. Creation occurs in the darkness. And please I am not talking about good and evil here. What if destruction creates and creation destroys? What if being in total allowance and detachment of all that shows up, regardless, is be-ing the question?
Much gratitude, light and laughter.

Sadness dealt with well brings happiness.

Was sitting sipping a delicious Soy Milk Coffee when I picked up a magazine and read this profound statement made by the beautiful smooth operator Sade. “Sadness dealt with well brings happiness. It purges you and enables you to leave it behind.” I was struck by the wisdom and compassion of these words.
It made me aware of how much non-dealing I have done most of my life. For some strange reason, I thought that resistance would get me where I wanted to go. If I resisted sadness, anger, hatred, love, happiness, joy and so many other emotions, then I would finally get there. But where was I getting too? By not dealing with issues, they persisted and could not be purged and left behind.There is such a relief in finally surrendering and allowing that which is, to be, for in my honouring of what is, I become more of me. For all those moments of sadness, anger, hatred, love, happiness, joy and so many other emotions are a part of me and me a part of them. What else is possible?
With gratitude, light and laughter.