by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Animals, Awareness, Beauty, Inspiration, Uncategorized |
Adieu is a french term that is used to mean farewell. I have taken the liberty to break it down into A D
ieu – which could literally be translated as “To God”. This post is a dedication and a farewell to Herbie the baby hedgehog. He passed over last week. He showed me that love, miracles and grace do exist.
When this little baby hedgehog came into my life just over three weeks ago, I had no way of knowing of how much this small creature would teach me and gift me. And how much I would come to love and miss him ………………
My last blog I spoke about how Herbie showed me that miracles do exist and that they can be expected. So when he left, a part of me wanted to discount the miracle that had come before. After all, his leaving wasn’t part of something miraculous …………. or was it?
Spirit does not see things in the way that the human mind does and so it does not see any limitations or make judgements. Spirit continues to flow and change and expand and be. The human mind when confronted with a different or uncomfortable or painful outcome, will always attempt to discredit the magic. When magic is allowed to run its true course, the outcome is far greater than anything we can imagine, even if it appears in a totally unexpected way or form. Whilst I know that death is simply a changing of form, I do miss seeing and having Herbie’s little physical form around. Yet the gifts he gave me far outweigh the feeling of loss. He touched my life with his presence and love……. and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Now, he is free and I know he is dancing and playing with the faeries at the bottom of the garden.
Beyond Miracles ………..
In Light.
Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.
©2013 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.
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by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Authentic, Awareness, Consciousness, Inspiration, Intuitive, Law of Attraction, Uncategorized, Value |
It has often been said that what is true is often cloaked in simplicity. For many a human mind, if it’s too easy or simple, it cannot be true. An interesting belief that ripples out to manifest this as a Truth.
Magic is much the same. In attempting to believe or understand Magic, the cognitive mind has created a complicated mystery. If the magical event is not earth shattering accompanied by fire works, many discount it as mediocre and insignificant.
I choose to believe that Magic is all around us all of the time and I enjoy observing how this shows up in my life. Let me share.
A few days ago, my vacuum cleaner packed up. So off I went back to the store to exchange it. This has been the third vacuum cleaner that I have had to return, although not the same make. I mention this because when I got to the store, they were really suspicion as to how come this was the third exchange I was requesting. I stayed really focused and light and did not allow myself to be drawn into the red tape drama. Finally they said I could exchange the item or get a refund. Choosing an exchange item, off I went to pick up a new vacuum cleaner. I was limited by the price and so had to choose another model. Here’s how the magic worked ………………..
– I got to purchase a new and more powerful vacuum cleaner
– I got to save money because the new item was cheaper than the value I had available
– I got to saved an extra $20 because the new item was on sale
– AND although the sale has ended the day before, the vendor gave me the sales price
– I received a credit note which enabled me to purchase items that I had on my wish list.
I left the store with a big grin on my face and my Heart filled with De-Light, knowing that I had just experienced a magical moment, that had been a gift to my asking. Simply MagiC!
I was in the Zone, connected and receiving. It felt wonderful and yes, it defied logic. How cool is that?
Magic is around everywhere, all of the time. As energy follows Awareness, becoming and being aware of the magic that is, enlivens it and gives it form. It’s not by accident that it is called a Wish List.
Here’s to the Magic that makes Wishes true! May you enjoy your Creations.
In Light.
Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.
©2012 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.
If you enjoyed this article, then please like it, rate it and tell others about it by sharing it. Thank you. 🙂
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Animals, Authentic, Awareness, Beauty, Consciousness, Inspiration, Uncategorized, Value |
No matter how much we plan our days and the routines we follow, Life often throws in some unexpected and thankfully truly pleasant surprises for us to experience. As Albert Einstein said “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous”. So there I was 3 days ago bringing in my washing, when I heard this really clear and persistant chirping. Looking in the trees and on the roof, I was looking for this bird with a new song. It seemed to be getting louder and nearer, however I wasn’t able to see it. Then, for some reason I looked down and there, crawling towards me was a baby hedgehog. He was chirping quite frantically
and now that I knew where the noise was coming from, realised that I had been hearing this chirping for a while. So there was this little creature crawling towards me and who stopped at my feet. I was in awe and in some strange way felt that the baby had come to me for help. I picked up the little hedgehog and walked around to see if I could spot a nest anywhere, whilst remembering that a few weeks ago, when going to work early morning, there had been an adult hedgehog in front of the garage door and we had shared a little dance, whilst I opened the garage door. So I knew there were others around and very likey this had been the mother. I asked the neighbours if they knew about a nest and although they had also mentioned seeing a hedgehog and hearing the chirping, they did not know it’s location.
By now they baby had snuggled into my hand and fallen asleep. I offered it some fruit however it didn’t eat any. What did I know of feeding small hedgehogs. Anyway, come nightfall I put the little animal back under a bush in the hope that mum would come looking for it during the night and hear its calls. Well she didn’t and the next morning around midday, I found the little creature lying in the middle of the paving, weak and exhausted. Without hesitation this time, I took the little creature into my care. I put him in a little box and gave him some structured water to drink. After a few short minutes of drinking he immediately began to perk up and I realised that the poor little hedgehog was probably dehydrated and terribly hungry. What could I feed little Hedgie? I offered some bread which fortunately he turned his nose up at (cause I found out later that bread is a no no for hedgehogs). Having mentioned at work earlier in the morning about the hedgehog I remembered a colleague saying that Hedgehogs ate bugs and were good to have in the garden. So, I took some of my cats meat and offered a bit to Hedgie. Well it hit the spot and I was so thrilled to see that the baby was old enough to eat solids and could eat on its own.

Then little Hedgie curled up under a little towel and fell asleep exhausted. I have a feeling mum is no longer around or for some reason abandoned the nest and so I will be looking after my new unexpected visitor until he is big and strong enough to fend for himself. Will just check in with the local hedgehog rescue service to see what else I can do for this little chap. For now, he spends lots of time sleeping and wakes up to eat. He makes cute little grunting noises, whilst sleeping, much like a baby does when they suck their dummies. Very cute. I know he feels safe cause he has stopped that urgent chirping.
I gave strict instructions to my cat Merlot to leave him alone and bless her she does. She wasn’t too impressed with me when I took him in and gave me that feline look, as only cats can. I just told her to get over herself though and continue to sneak some of her meat aside for our little visitor.
What a De-Light-Full experience this is, I am having. It reminds me of that song, “All things bright and beautiful, all Creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.” I feel so honoured by this little creature and am thoroughly enjoy nurturing and caring for it. How did I get so lucky?
In Light.
Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.
©2012 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.
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by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Alternative Therapy, Authentic, Awareness, Consciousness, Inspiration, Question, Self-Worth, Uncategorized, Value |

Everywhere you are being “nice” in your life, would you like to give that up now please? I can’t hear you, so I am just going to assume that you chose to say “yes”. If you did not, well then the rest of this blog will probably not be of interest to you.
It was recently brought home to me that my whole life I have been striving to be nice. Of course underlying this was the fear of rejection and not being good enough. I have bent, twisted, contorted, deformed myself in so many ways to try and please others and to be nice, so that I would be ……….. accepted and acceptable. Well, not only did all those contortions bring me aches and pains, however they left me in a state of disrepair and disconnection with myself. I thought that if I could be nice enough to everyone then, I would be acceptable and ultimately loved and lovable. For me, NICE meant – Not into Conflicting Energy.
I spent many years of my life confused as to why despite my niceness, people still did not respond or treat me like I wanted them to. Nothing manipulative in that train of thought now is there? So, not so nice after all 🙂
A while ago whilst listening to a talk, the speaker mentioned volcanoes and how volcanoes are the only way in which new earth mass is created. Now there is enormous conflicting energy when a volcano erupts, as the very layers of the earth are melted and ejected through the earth crust. And this gives rise to new territory. How many people shy away from conflict because it gives rise to confrontation and haven’t most of us been taught that that is not very nice!
An empath, I feel conflicting energies very keenly and this has caused me much confusion until recently. I thought, that if I was nice and people responded in an un-nice way, well then I was the root of all evil and it was my fault. I would try even harder to be nice to them and ostracise myself at the same time for not being “good enough”. I took the notion of responsability to the extreme, where my 50% of the interaction equalled 100%. STOP! This was brought home to me recently in a way that I really got it. (That’s why I am writing this blog). Whilst being polite and respectful whilst in a training situation, I observed that my questioning was being regarded as a sign of “stupidity”. Now that’s not nice. So what could I do to change this?
Well, I am happy to say, that I have chosen to exacerbate the situation even more by being me – that includes the good, the bad and the ugly. I am going to be so irritating with my questions and feed the idea that I am stupid. I actually find it extremely humourous! Why? I for some strange reason jumped to the assumption that people actually are interested in connecting with others and getting to know them, that a supervisor really wants to support and build up others, to find fulfilment in their own daily lives, and that others’ aim in life is to be nice. Isn’t that NICE?! All that is nice about it, is that it made a not so nice ass out of me. I assumed that everyone else was like me and wanted what I did. Oops. The only one like me is ………… me. So what to do?
Happily, I finally grew tired enough of wanting to please everyone and have handed back others their 50%. People are choosing to be what they are. Nothing I do or say can change that. All I know is that I have to live my life for me. Each Soul does not actually care whether the personality is a nice or not nice one. Did Hitler’s Soul judge him? I doubt it. For the Soul everything is simply an experience of being. How are we to understand cruelty and murder and genocide if we do not go there? Yet our personality likes to pretend and judge and well, as far as I am concerned gets us in a not so nice mess. I am not condoning certain behaviour more than any other and can only add the reminder that when we point the finger, there are more fingers pointing back at us.
There is no way that I can ever please everyone. I am lucky if I manage to please even 5% of the people that I interact with in my life time – and yes this does include family members 🙂 How can I not be disliked and rejected? The odds are stacked up against me regardless, or are they? What if I can find freedom within these odds? If the odds of my pleasing others is so low, well this gives me the freedom to do and be who I like, simple because I will never please sufficient numbers anyway and hell, I might as well be getting what I desire out of my life whilst I am living it, no?! Today, NICE means Now In Concious Expansion. What others think of me, is none of my business and whether I am included or excluded matters not, because I always will be in the best of company, if I choose it now – my own. I Am everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. I Am the Enlightenment that I Am.
I Am Now in Conscious Expansion. For those of you who wish to journey beside me – welcome and fasten your seat belt. As for the rest, enjoy your expansion.
All I know is, that’s the way this NICE cooky crumbles …………….
With gratitude and light.
by Breakthrough Savvy - Trilby Johnson | Abundance, Awareness, Beauty, Consciousness, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Question, Self-Worth, Uncategorized, Value, Well-Being |

It has been a while since I felt inspired to write a blog. I found myself waiting for that spark of inspiration to inspire me to sit down and blog away. Except, the spark remained unsparked…….. Until today. Walking along, I found myself remunerating on what to do about not having any ideas to blog about. I could feel the stress and pressure building …… what could I write about ? Then I had the idea to write about the lack of having that spark. You know, what they term writer’s block?! Those moments when the inspiration dies or is inaccessible. Ever been there?
You don’t have to be a great or famous author to experience these periods. In fact, in my awareness they are occurring more and more, as we release the old and wait ………. yes wait ………. for the new to begin to show up. These too are moments of creation. Creation does not just occur in the light. Creation occurs in the darkness. And please I am not talking about good and evil here. What if destruction creates and creation destroys? What if being in total allowance and detachment of all that shows up, regardless, is be-ing the question?
Much gratitude, light and laughter.<1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr