Well-Being, O’Well-Being, wherefore art thou?

stressfreezoneThe dictionary defines well-being (noun) as: “A contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous.” I feel that this sums up our general aspirations for living. It certainly sounds great to me and really, who wouldn’t want this or something greater for themselves?

What I love about the word ‘well-being’ is the way it drips droplets of all-rounded wholeness of BEING. I can feel the happiness, the health and the prosperity.  It is such a holistic word, and hidden within its semantic vibration all that is mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, it goes a long way to tick the boxes in the schools of Gestalt, Chinese Medicine, Meditation, Yoga and many more of the alternative healing therapies.  It’s a word that personifies balanced harmony!

Who am I to be talking about well-being anyway? I am a traveller on the road of life just like you, undergoing my own awakening. I am a Woman, a Daughter, a Lover, a Goddess, an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and Divine Love in Physical Form. In my role as a Facilitator, I draw from my own personal experiences to weave together the information required and re-membered to align these aspects of the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, for myself and others. As Eric Pearle states, “It is through healing others that we heal ourselves”.

Please also know that the notion of “healing” in no way implies that something is wrong. However, many have forgotten their true potency and greatness. There is a thread that runs through everything, weaving it together. For example, is not happiness said to be a state of mind? If so, then does not this cultivate health – both physical and mental? And is not your health your wealth? All is intricately interwoven and moving in synergy towards optimal integration and Well Being.

When you are WELL in your BEING, everything FLOWS! And you are BEING YOU in your entirety. Now, doesn’t that feel good and for what reason would you not want more of this yummyness?

In Light.


Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.

©2012 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.

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