Balancing the Act of Life

BALANCING THE ACT OF LIFE – A little bit of this and a little bit of that

Hello Beautiful People!

Has your life been like a balancing act since the beginning of 2013? Mine certainly has, especially over the last three months and there have been moments when I thought I would go over the edge. And I did………… only to come back with even more bounce and swing!

The more I integrate into this New Energy and acclimatise and test the waters, so to speak, I am reminded about the role of harmonious balance and balanced harmony in Life. Sometimes it may be referred to as the Law of this or the Law of that, to offer guidelines to the many possibilities that exist.

Often when we think about balance, the notion of getting it right or even comes into play. When the balance is either up or down, is this right or wrong? When the balance is even and there is no movement, is this right or wrong? What if true balance was Being in Harmony with whatever IS, rather than always coming from a place of correcting something ?!  In our striving to get things right, or not to get them wrong, could we actually create the unbalance of ourselves?

Contrast is, I believe an important part of balance. The spice of life in many ways. After all, how can you know what you do desire, unless you can recognize what it is not to BE that? This may sound paradoxical, however have you heard of the pivotal point? This is the centre, the axis from which the movement of harmony or balance stems and flows. It is a state of alignment from which energy can flow to and from without obstruction or question.

My experience of how energy moves, is that it desires to flow and so when I am in harmonious balance and balanced harmony I am in alignment and can flow either way without losing balance or focus.  It is our connection to ourselves, the Within that all the mystics talk about, that is the pivotal point.  This is the point from which the life force flows and dances.

If you become aware that some area of your living is off-balance then by simply focusing more on that which you desire, you begin to direct the energy towards a more harmonious state of being. Life is a dance filled with a little bit of this and a little bit of that. How much fun could it be exploring and experiencing the play of Life as we awaken to each new day.

Sometimes in Life, we get very unexpected events occuring. Like a surfer getting ready for the big wave, there is always that one that creeps up on you unexpectedly. Here in New Zealand, we have again been experiencing a series of quite large Earthquakes, effecting both islands. In fact the most activity is occurring in the Cook Straigh, which is the land underneath the surface between the North and South Island. So only about 20km from the town I live in. So when the first 5.9 one struck, most people were caught off balance. Then an even larger one of 6.4 magnitude struck 2 days later, this time causing quite a lot of collateral damage in Seddon and Wellington. Thankfully, loss of life and injury has been minimal.

Teetering from the imbalance caused by the aftershocks, I was very aware of the Earth’s changes taking place and the intense energy of fear being released by people. It is one thing to remain balanced when the outside is stable and quite another to find one’s harmony and balance when everything is rocking and rolling.

The aftershocks, interspersed by a few Quakes are still occurring. Yet I feel calmly alert. I am balanced in my trust of my ability to be as prepared as humanly possible and to respond in all circumstances and to be in harmony with how that plays out. To think we actually control anything is an illusion, however our power lies in our ability to choose how we respond and stay with the flow.

Life is indeed a balancing act, providing us with adventurous experiences. Our empowerment comes from our ability to ACT, not from a place of doing but rather from a space of being. A willingness to receive the bounty of Life and to embrace it no matter what. Yes, there are highs and lows, but this it what makes it one hell of a ride!

May you enjoy the harmonious unfolding of your Creations.

I am honoured and blessed. In Light.


Trilby Johnson, is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator, Author, Radio Host and the Founder of Connective Embodiment™. Her joy and motivation is to empower others in their Authentic Self-Actualization so that people can have fulfilling and abundant lives, by giving them skills and tools to have greater choice and to choose belief systems that enrich and expand their Authentic Relating within themselves and their bodies.
Trilby’s first book “a-Ha” – insight inspiration question, published July 2013 as an e-book, is a collection of intuitive quotes of food for thought and balm for the Soul, in these exciting and challenging times of New Being. Website info –