There is no Wholistic Healing Pill
As an Intuitive Energy Healer, both for humans and animals, I cannot stress enough the importance of transmuting the vibrational frequency at the root cause of any symptom. Until this is done, the body is locked in a vice-like repetitive loop.
Pharmaceuticals are synthetic copies of what Nature already provides us with as healing agents, such as air, water, food and plant remedies. Because they are synthetic the body’s ability to decipher their codes is hindered and this is what is labelled as ‘side-effects’. Whilst medication may be a temporary and necessary relief strategy, it cannot bring a long term solution to a dis-ease.
As far as research for cures go, please know that most of this research is funded by these very same pharmaceutical companies, who also fund most medical schools. These are profitable institutions that sadly have ever increasing profit margins, as people feel confused and scared about their health.
Many medical professionals unfortunately do not even know about or suggest alternative methods to their patients. Please be pro-active and ask them, or find out from friends or google alternative therapies. Holistic healing is about creating balancing in and between the body, mind and soul. Your health is your wealth. Don’t make it merely the business and profit margins of pharmaceuticals!
Energy work is a beautiful effective non-invasive way to transmute the energetic imprint without necessarily knowing the root cause.
The symptom is the tip of the iceberg and for true healing, i.e. wholeness, to be fulfilled, it is necessary to address the deeper lying issues under the surface. Popping a pill will not do this long-term. There is no wholistic healing pill.
Here’s to your Wholistic Health.
In Light.
p.s. join me on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/trilbytheconnective
Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor, Intuitive Healer, Author and Speaker. Clients hire her to acquire new life skills and experience an inner shift of awareness that inspires and propels them into a greater reality. Trilby’s abilities and knowledge helps promote an inner harmony and outer balance that helps to heal, alleviate stress and cultivate freedom.
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.

Are you taste buds taking you for a ride?
Recently, I hauled out my juicing machine and purchased a blender and I began juicing fruit and veggies. Adding a glass of fresh fruit or veggie juice to my daily eating plan. Just like that! Not for any other reason than that my body has been asking for something more from food that what it has obviously been getting. And it became quite vehement about it over the last few weeks.
I consider myself very fortunate too to have access to many fresh organic vegetables from my home garden, which helps a lot with availability and budget. I have found myself enjoying this experience and actually having a lot of fun, as I go about concocting different fruit and/or vegetable cocktails. Needless to same, some have been more enjoyable to ingest than others. But even with the ghastly tasting blends, I began to notice something! Regardless of the actual taste, my body was having the time of its Life! I definitely had more energy and the sluggishness was lifting and I noticed I was walking with a bounce in my step, feeling less achy and stiff. My body felt wonderful and was humming to me. 😉
Now before all you fervent juicers say ‘We told you so’, I do wish to confirm that I have on several previous occasions fasted and started detox juice plans. Some were successfully completed, but none with any long-term success. I also knew that my body did not want to experience these again and was looking for something new, quick and easy. Otherwise, quite frankly neither of us are keen to get started, not to mention keeping it up.
After a particularly horrid tasting veggie cocktail a few days ago, I did begin to wonder at the role our taste buds play in our eating habits. I found myself wondering, ‘Am I a slave to my taste buds?’. There is definitely a Yes answer in there to a large degree. There is no denying that eating something delicious can be orgasmic and extremely pleasurable. But how much of what we eat leaves us feeling great and energised?
So many people experience indigestion, bloating, allergies, food disorders when it comes to food. So is it enough to eat something that simply tastes good? Just looking at the package label of most food makes it quite apparent that much of the food we think we are eating, is not ‘real’ food and has been disguised usually with chemicals to taste appealing. The chemicals often settle into the body’s tissue and long-term cause dis-ease, as the body is not able to flush them out effectively, when consumed in large quantities and over extended periods of time. A lot of the food we consume today is basically a synthetic copy of a natural food with artificial flavouring added to make it palatable.
If you have ever suffered from a hang-over and had a toddy, then you know that the toddy that actually made you feel better, tasted simply awful. Stories of old, always tell of the beverage that tasted worse than anything and yet it restored a sense of health.
I remember back to when I first started using structured water just over a year ago. Now I am a coffee drinker. I love the taste and smell of coffee. So it was a ritual to begin my day with a good cup of filtered fresh coffee. Drinking structured water changed my taste bud. For several weeks after beginning to drink structured water, I found the taste of my usual coffee had changed, so much so, that I no longer even enjoyed drinking my coffee. So I stopped. Then after about two month’s I suddenly desired a coffee again. This time, my coffee tasted different and deliciously so. I realized that my taste buds had gone through a detox. It could well be also why, a few month’s ago, I started getting intuitions from my body that it desired more nutritional and fresh foods.
Freedom is about being willing and able to respond to life and make choices that contribute to making life better. When one is a slave ………………. to anything, this freedom is absent. Whilst tasty and delicious food may fulfill your taste buds, is it actually nourishing your body or are you slowly dying from nutritional starvation ?
How can you tell? Well those symptoms of bloating, indigestion, rashes, drowsiness, headaches and lack of energy etc could be a clue that what your body requires and what your taste buds are telling you is okay to eat, are not in alignment. If it helps you to keep notes, then jot down those times when you feel off. It could be a once off, however if it is happening more often than not, then taking a look at the fuel you are putting into your body, may be a great place to start. And of course, you could ask you body what it want’s to eat. I almost always muscle test everything now and I am amazed at the new foods and tastes that are showing up for me to explore. The great thing with plain natural unseasoned food, is that you get to play with flavours and spices and find those that marry well together. And you also know what is in your food.
Eating well is not just about food that tastes nice. The fast food industry is an example of where food can taste nice but long-term does not provide ample nutrition for the human body to sustain and heal itself in an optimal way. How you hydrate your body is also important and despite all of these fancy drinks available, the body really only requires water and if at all possible, structured water because it is energized and freed from entrainment, i.e. memory.
The quality of our food is of the utmost importance as it is the fuel for our physical bodies. I am not suggesting that you always eat food that tastes horrible. I have experienced that the more natural my food is, the more I actually get to taste the natural flavour of what I am eating. If you don’t like it then you don’t have to eat it. Nature, however, provides us with a wide variety of yummy natural foods that taste good and that – even better – are good fuel. Start to integrate them slowly into your life. There is no need to give up anything. I still have my coffee and enjoy chocolate.
Please, don’t let your taste buds take you on a ride – especially to a place where you do not want to find yourself or experience ill-health !
Here’s to healthy living and eating. Bon Appetit.
In Light
p.s. Thank you to all the new people following my blog. It is wonderful to have you on board. I would love you to leave comments of your thoughts and feelings.
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I’m Trilby Johnson and I’m the Founder of BE YU Well-Being where I share my holistic expertise and walk-the-talk techniques on how to achieve your authentic self-actualization and love and heal your body, mind and soul. You can get my latest e-book ‘a-Ha insight inspiration question‘ on amazon.com or find out more about my quantum being technique Connective Embodiment. You can get my free audio BREATHE delivered to your inbox by signing for my free audio
With a strong connection to the Elemental Gaia, I know that Her plan is not our plan. All that is occuring is happening as a response to energy. We cannot get away from this fact. Everything is energy. All animals, plants, elementals, minerals, etc, everything does have a consciousness of its own, in that it is a part of a greater unfolding.
Humans are lucky in that they get to see, in this predominantly physical realm of denser vibration, the manifestation or de-manifestation of energy, visibly. That is, made physical, as are we! Because we have not been taught how to inter-commune with others or our surroundings, we are looking at things through the limited eyes of polarity thinking and until this shifts, well the rest of Creation is going to be doing what it has to do.
I hear people all the time moaning about the weather …………… too this, that, not enough this or that. When it rains I have to mow the lawn more often. Then they appear surprised when their lawn begins to die. The concept of Oneness already is. It is not something we have to attain, only to become conscious of. Creation is unfolding exactly as it is meant to. The Earth, Gaia does not need humans to continue. However, humans very much depend on the physical qualities of this planet to sustain their life. Whilst we are responsible for our vibration, the rest of the Universe is not dependent on it. This is a great arrogance that humans, if we are to survive, must transcend.
In Light.