Daring Self-Promotion

For many years of my life, I thought that if I went about my business quietly and did everything well, someday I would be rewarded and noticed. Well that didn’t happen that way. I saw people take the credit for work that I had done and get the promotion or salary increase, whilst I got angrier and lost more confidence in myself. These were the days before I had heard about the law of attraction and understood how energy attracts like vibrations.
It hasn’t been a long time either that I was able to acknowledge my gifts and talents. And then it took a while before I had the courage to start telling others about it. I was quite naive in many ways and thought that I would find support and encouragement amongst like-minded people. Not always so. There seems to be quite a bit of competitiveness amongst the realm of Lightworkers, which I found puzzling and confusing.
What was playing out for me, was still this belief that somehow somewhere I would be discovered. Well, the Universe was very lovingly reflecting back to me, my unwillingness to discover myself, in a way that was loving and neutral, rather than coming from the resistance that had motivated me for so long.
I have moved beyond several “metaphysical and holistic groups or movements” because of complaints of too much self-promotion, or that it was not the place for it. Has self-promotion become a dirty word and where exactly is the right place for it?
Part of shining my Light is to let others know about other possibilities. I am after all the only person alive that truly knows my gifts and talents. So if I do not promote myself, well then who?
Now, there is a distinct difference between simple arrogance and genuine self-promotion. When one stands in their knowing and confidence and says, “I can do this!” it is a much different energy than someone who is just full of themselves.
I choose to believe that we live in an abundant Universe and that all in the Universe is there to facilitate and support us. Everything is vibrational information and we get to simply choose from this buffet of information that which we desire to experience. So why get upset about the fact that someone is perhaps eating all the peanuts, when there is so much else to choose from and when all you have to do is ask for more peanuts?
People prayer, meditate, affirm, visualise, chant etc for things to show up in their lives. Yet time and time again they reject or judge the information and others that show up. Why? Well because it does not look like they want or expect it to and because we have been entrained that talking about oneself if unacceptable. This belief dis-empowers one and perpetuates self-sabotage.
When we ask, it is given. We are given the vibrational equivalent of our asking. So what if within all this self-promotional material that comes across the table, is exactly the material and information one has been asking for? Yet blinded by our judgement and unwillingness to receive it, we push it away again and again.
I am so grateful for all the self-promotional information that has come into my life. I have gleaned and experience amazing new things because of it and ultimately always received the clarity I was asking for.
Be your own greatest self-promoter. Praise yourself and let others know what you are good at and that you do it well. This for me is all a part of shining my Light and fulfilling my role as a Light Worker. What if someone out there is looking for the exact ability that you have and they are waiting to find you? May you enjoy your creations!
In LIght.
Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor and Intitiive, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. She facilitate private sessions globally. Visit her website https://www.breakthroughsavvy.com to find out more about the breakthrough mentoring and intuitive bodywork she offers.

Expect Miracles
A few weeks ago I wrote about the arrival of my Unexpected Visitor – Herbie the baby hedgehog. He had been doing really well – eating, sleeping and growing – for the last two weeks. Yet last night when I picked him up for our daily cuddle time, I was alarmed to notice that he had a ruptured intestine which was protruding quite extensively. I wasn’t quite certain what to do. I emailed the Hedgehog Rescue to ask for advice and as it was late I night, I directed the Light to come in and heal. I also asked my healing partner to do some distance healing. I put Herbie to bed and we all had a good nights rest.
The phone ringing awoke me in the morning. It was the Hedgehog Rescue. I had not yet had a look at Herbie. Anyway the rescue told me that there was no hope for Herbie and that he would have to be put to sleep. I was overcome by sadness and was crying. I felt filled with a sense of loss, even though I know there is no death.
Suddenly, I became aware of how I had aligned and agreed with the outcome of Herbie having to be put to sleep. My little voice told me to go and see how he was and take it from there. Herbie was sleeping peacefully and was curled up in a ball, so I had to encourage him awake so I could look him over.
There was no sign of the protruding intestine! I don’t know how it happened, but a Miracle had occured. The energy work I had done and my Friend had paid off. Herbie was whole again and his intestine has somehow been placed back into its cavity without any physical intervention. I had once again witnessed the power of energy healing and a miracle. Having been in energy healing for over 2 decades, I am always humbled and awed to see healings and it is moments like these that keep me going. I have no doubts that the ability to heal and be healed is available to us all. When the ego steps aside and the demand is true, Spirit always delivers the highest positive outcome.
I am so grateful for the great gifts that Herbie the baby hedgehog has contributed to my life. That a small little creature full of prickles has touched my heart. I feel honoured and blessed to have him for another day and so grateful for every day more he spends with me. I get to look at his cute little feet a while longer …………………. and Expect Miracles!
In Light.
Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.
©2013 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.
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SimplY MagiC
It has often been said that what is true is often cloaked in simplicity. For many a human mind, if it’s too easy or simple, it cannot be true. An interesting belief that ripples out to manifest this as a Truth.
Magic is much the same. In attempting to believe or understand Magic, the cognitive mind has created a complicated mystery. If the magical event is not earth shattering accompanied by fire works, many discount it as mediocre and insignificant.
I choose to believe that Magic is all around us all of the time and I enjoy observing how this shows up in my life. Let me share.
A few days ago, my vacuum cleaner packed up. So off I went back to the store to exchange it. This has been the third vacuum cleaner that I have had to return, although not the same make. I mention this because when I got to the store, they were really suspicion as to how come this was the third exchange I was requesting. I stayed really focused and light and did not allow myself to be drawn into the red tape drama. Finally they said I could exchange the item or get a refund. Choosing an exchange item, off I went to pick up a new vacuum cleaner. I was limited by the price and so had to choose another model. Here’s how the magic worked ………………..
– I got to purchase a new and more powerful vacuum cleaner
– I got to save money because the new item was cheaper than the value I had available
– I got to saved an extra $20 because the new item was on sale
– AND although the sale has ended the day before, the vendor gave me the sales price
– I received a credit note which enabled me to purchase items that I had on my wish list.
I left the store with a big grin on my face and my Heart filled with De-Light, knowing that I had just experienced a magical moment, that had been a gift to my asking. Simply MagiC!
I was in the Zone, connected and receiving. It felt wonderful and yes, it defied logic. How cool is that?
Magic is around everywhere, all of the time. As energy follows Awareness, becoming and being aware of the magic that is, enlivens it and gives it form. It’s not by accident that it is called a Wish List.
Here’s to the Magic that makes Wishes true! May you enjoy your Creations.
In Light.
Trilby Johnson is an Intuitive Well-Being Facilitator and the Founder of Connective Embodiment(TM), a Radio Host and a distributor for Natural Action Structured Water Units.
©2012 – This article or any part thereof may be shared, however please respect Trilby Johnson’s copyright and be sure to quote her name when copying any part thereof.
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