In-Visible ?!

IN-VISIBLE?! For the last few months, the subject of feeling invisible has been popping up into my awareness in many and diverse ways. Knowing that what shows up in my external is a reflection of my internal realm, I finally got through the usual knee-jerk re-actions into a new place of actual creation and being the question around this and receiving the missing information.

This feeling of being invisible has always felt really heavy for me. It left me in a state of confusion, as if I was wading through thick molasses that slowed me down and any progress hard work and over time exhausting and demotivating.  I seemed to be striving for something elusive and always just out of reach, leading to frustration and unfulfillment. What would it take for me to be seen, supported and acknowledged – to be visible? And then, a few day’s ago, the penny dropped and I saw the word and it looked like this ………. IN-VISIBLE !!

Now I have seen this defined as a noun that means “an invisible thing or being”. or “the invisible, the unseen or spiritual world”.  I realised that my definition of “invisible” was collapsed with that of meaning “non-existing”. A-ha!! Not quite the same thing is it?

What struck me as ironic is that the word used for that which is not visible actually contains within its root verb the word ……….. VISIBLE! We have been duped into not seeing all that is already in-the-visible! Reminded of the idiom, “there are none so blind as those that cannot see”, I now see through the lie within the word “IN-VISIBLE”.

Most of us, I imagine, have experienced a moment of feeling that we are invisible. However, what comes to me from the definition is not that there is non existance, but rather in fact that there is a need for a different perspective or in-sight.

I took heart from this, now knowing fully that being in-visible does not mean I am not seen or that I do not exist.  It is a reminder that we all look at the world through our own unique filter’s, most of the time.  Things, people and situations are rarely as we expect them to be and just as much is outside of our usual range of perception and awareneness, does not mean that it is not there. There are moments however, when the veil drops and all becomes visible and clear.  In NLP, they talk about changing your glasses for another pair, so that another point of observation is possible. Like with a pair of 3-D glasses, once you put them on, the movie has a whole new depth and experience to it.

I have a feeling that 2012 is a year of re-veal-ation and that much that has been filtered out until now, will be allowed to filter through and in. If I choose this.  For today however, I stand in my Knowing that within the Divine’s Eye, all is IN-VISIBLE!!

Wishing you all a glorious, fantastic, de-light-filled and phenomenal year in 2012!! May your Light shine bright and visible.

Gratitude and Light.


Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor and Metaphysical Intuitive, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. Her clients hire her to stop struggling and feeling stuck in body, mind, emotion and soul and move beyond limitation into wisdom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health, mindset and soul connection. Trilby assists in creating new energetic pathways that empowers and assists in resolving core issues.

Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment if you are ready for breakthrough beyond limitation into wisdom!

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.

Body Talk

So, what’s your body talk? How does your body talk to you? Are you aware that your body can talk, not only to you but with other bodies? No, I am not talking about body language or even non-verbal communication, in the context of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).  I am talking about the language that our bodies use to communicate with us and other bodies and energies. For many, often their first conscious awareness of their body will be through the sensation of pain. Yes, for some strange reason this is usually when people actually become aware of their physical bodies, other than the thing they have to feed and perhaps wash daily.  Until this time, many people remain totally disassociated with the one thing that is literally under their nose and closest too them. Not only is it ignored, but it is the receiver of much physical, emotional and mental abuse – usually self-inflicted, making it therefore more permissible.

I am very lucky to have always had an amazing, if until recently unidentifiable-as-that, connection with my body. I am not referring to physical appearance here, but rather to my body’s ability to perceive and receive information about situations, way and above that of the recognised biological five senses, although these are how ultimately information is filtered through.  I grew up believing I was over sensitive and that this was a “bad” thing.  Today, my work as an Energy Bodyworker has brought me full circle and to a deeper understanding and knowing of just how aware and conscious my body is. There is no doubt in my mind that my body has a consciousness of its own, separate from me. Just as you are separate and autonomous when out of your car, your car “belongs” to you and goes where you steer it, when you are driving, so our body is a vehicle for our Essence.

My personal breakthough in being conscious of my body as a separate life form, started way back with massage and reiki, however it was a body modality from Access Consciousness, called the BARS, that finally allowed me to fully embrace this concept and knowing.  Applying this process has liberated my body and me from many limiting patterns, both good and not so good. Today, I know that my body has a consciousness of its own and that it is constantly sharing this information with me. It has been me that so often refused to receive it. Unconditionally in service to me, my body created symptoms in its attempt to share vital information with me. For example, experiencing indigestion after eating food that my body did not want or need, pain to indicate where I was cutting myself off from source energy or information, dis-ease to lovingly attempt to get through to me that something I was doing was not in my greater interest.

Today I constantly ask my body what it wants to do, eat, look like and I tell it as often as I can and remember too, how grateful I am for it. My body is an amazing receptor, a great satellite that is picking up information beyond the limitations of my mind and feeding it back to me. I learn a little more each day to be in awareness of this vast sensory information coming to me. I still experience intense energy (otherwise and usually misidentified as “pain”) that is sometime uncomfortable, as my physical body too has to adjust and expand and evolve.  Remember that as my vehicle, my body has its own agenda and requires regular fuel and check-ups. Yes, I am a Spiritual Being having a physical experience, just as may body is a form of consciousness having its own experience, as we dance together.

The basic premise in NLP is that to understand your speaker, you need to understand the language he is using. The same applies to your body. So everywhere where you have misidentified and misapplied physical sensation as good or bad, rather than simply your body talk, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate that now please? What will it take for you to hear and understand you body talk?

Here is an except from Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now”, about transformation through the body.
“The fact is that no one has ever become enlightened through denying or fighting the body or through an out-of-body experience. Although such an experience can be fascinating and can give you a glimpse of the state of liberation from the material form, in the end you will always have to return to the body, where the essential work of transformation takes place. Transformation is through the body, not away from it. This is why no true master has ever advocated fighting or leaving the body, although their mind-based followers often have.”

Have fun and en-joy-ment learning to understand and listen to your body talk!

The Power of the Question

It was probably NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) that first introduced me to the power of question.  The supposition is that each person is using their own language and to achieve optimal communication it is necessary to crack the speaker’s code, in order to get where they are coming from.  So how do you go about this? Basically, you ask them a question and the feedback you receive in the answer is an indicator of how they view the world.

Now many people may think this is solely pertinent to a therapeutic setting. Yet, as the saying goes, as you do one thing, you do them all.  Accordingly, if you go through everyday life and interactions never questioning anything, how will you ever know what you know or what others think? And who really cares?  Just think of the party game, “Broken Telephone” where an idea is whispered from one person to the next, without any questions allowed, until the last person says out loud what they was whispered to them.  Many a laugh has ensued when the original idea is revealed and is usually a far cry from the initial utterance.

I recently consciously started to really apply question to everything and anything.  Having always been a natural questioner, as most children are, I had it drummed out of me at an age, until eventually I just stopped asking questions, or at least to grown ups or out load :-).  Just this simply action of asking a question for everything has created so much greater possibilities in my life.  It has been said that the question empowers, whereas the answer disempowers.  It took me a while to really understand this dynamic and yet I did observe more and more how when someone asks a question, everyone, myself included feels obliged to give an answer. Mind you, not just any answer – it has to be the RIGHT answer.  So where’s the empowerment in finding the right answer?

I recently participated in a training course as a participant. Very early on, I started to observe what was – and this is purely my interesting point of view – the facilitator’s lack of questioning. There was very little actual reformulation and checking back with the speaker to make sure that the question had been understood, but rather a rush to file the answer.  This is on a cognitive level, however the energetic dynamic at play here, come from the inability to receive.

Initially, as a participant and a teacher in my own right, I found myself in re-action and feeling thraughted as each time I asked a question or gave feedback, the reply or answer felt like a punch to my solar-plexus. Don’t you just love Energy ? It never lies ! 🙂  After a while, I began to ask questions about the dynamics of what was going on. Needless to say there was a lot of information there – way above the initial knee-jerk re-action I was having.

I suppose that in addition to having come away with a new and exciting modality, I came away with a clear picture of how important it is to ask a question.  Never assume, because it makes an ass out of u and me ! Asking a question is a great way to gauge the temperature of the room, so to speak.  It also takes a willingness to be the question and to be in total allowance of what shows up.  You may not like what shows up, because the power of the question is that it reveals the good, the bad and the ugly. However, is having awareness around what is really going on, not an advantage?  Would you rather know than not?  I suppose it comes down to what you choose.  For me personally, the power of the question lies in its capacity to reveal what so often lies hidden behind words.

Question has opened up so many greater possibilities in my life.  In conclusion, the power to BE ME.

With Gratitude, Light and Laughter.

Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor and Metaphysical Intuitive, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. Her clients hire her to stop struggling and feeling stuck in body, mind, emotion and soul and move beyond limitation into wisdom in their lives, relationships, finances, emotions, health, mindset and soul connection. Trilby assists in creating new energetic pathways that empowers and assists in resolving core issues.

Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment if you are ready for breakthrough beyond limitation into wisdom!

©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.

Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.

Shedding Light On the Subject

The general meaning of this idiom is that the subject matter in question is revealed or made clear. Thus there is an implication of greater transparency and understanding.  I was given pause to ponder this a few days ago following an unpleasant experience.  It left me questioning as to whether it is always benefitial to shed light on the subject, or are some things better left in the dark?
If you have ever been in a night club in the day, when the lights are on and there is no music, perhaps you can relate to what I mean. A space that just the night before held ambiance, was appealing and alive in its shadowness, can suddenly appear stark and quite frankly ugly.  So why would anyone want to turn on the light? I personally prefer when they dim the lights rather than turn them up.
My trane of thought leads me further down the track into the realm of what the New Age movement terms the “Lightworker”.  Of late I have often contemplated the reason as to why any one chooses to be a Lightworker.  Heaven knows, no one appreciates when you turn on the light – it only reveals and highlights the things that many are so desperate to keep hidden, even oneself. After all, when you turn on the light, you see the Shadows.  The reality that is layed bare and transparent is a far cry from the fairy tale-like impression often portrayed by the mystics.
So what’s the value of shedding light on the subject and does it really serve a purpose?
Well, I’ll leave that one up to you, dear Reader, to choose for yourself, what feels lightest.
There are two kinds of light – the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures. ~James Thurber (1894-1961)

To Blog, or not to Blog – is this the question?

It has been a while since I felt inspired to write a blog. I found myself waiting for that spark of inspiration to inspire me to sit down and blog away. Except, the spark remained unsparked…….. Until today. Walking along, I found myself remunerating on what to do about not having any ideas to blog about. I could feel the stress and pressure building …… what could I write about ?  Then I had the idea to write about the lack of having that spark. You know, what they term writer’s block?! Those moments when the inspiration dies or is inaccessible. Ever been there? 

You don’t have to be a great or famous author to experience these periods. In fact, in my awareness they are occurring more and more, as we release the old and wait ………. yes wait ………. for the new to begin to show up.  These too are moments of creation. Creation does not just occur in the light. Creation occurs in the darkness. And please I am not talking about good and evil here. What if destruction creates and creation destroys? What if being in total allowance and detachment of all that shows up, regardless, is be-ing the question?

Much gratitude, light and laughter.