Our Latest Blogs

Body Talk

So, what's your body talk? How does your body talk to you? Are you aware that your body can talk, not only to you but with other bodies? No, I am not talking about body language or even non-verbal communication, in the context of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).  I am talking about the language that our bodies use to communicate with us and other bodies and energies. For many, often their first conscious awareness of their body will be through the sensation of pain. Yes, for some strange reason this is usually when people actually become aware of their physical bodies, other than the thing they have to feed and perhaps wash daily.  Until this time, many people remain totally...

The Power of the Question

The Power of the Question

It was probably NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) that first introduced me to the power of question.  The supposition is that each person is using their own language and to achieve optimal communication it is necessary to crack the speaker's code, in order to get where they are coming from.  So how do you go about this? Basically, you ask them a question and the feedback you receive in the answer is an indicator of how they view the world. Now many people may think this is solely pertinent to a therapeutic setting. Yet, as the saying goes, as you do one thing, you do them all.  Accordingly, if you go through everyday life and interactions never questioning anything, how will you...

Shedding Light On the Subject

Shedding Light On the Subject

The general meaning of this idiom is that the subject matter in question is revealed or made clear. Thus there is an implication of greater transparency and understanding.  I was given pause to ponder this a few days ago following an unpleasant experience.  It left me questioning as to whether it is always benefitial to shed light on the subject, or are some things better left in the dark? If you have ever been in a night club in the day, when the lights are on and there is no music, perhaps you can relate to what I mean. A space that just the night before held ambiance, was appealing and alive in its shadowness, can suddenly appear stark and quite frankly ugly.  So why would...

To Blog, or not to Blog – is this the question?

To Blog, or not to Blog – is this the question?

It has been a while since I felt inspired to write a blog. I found myself waiting for that spark of inspiration to inspire me to sit down and blog away. Except, the spark remained unsparked........ Until today. Walking along, I found myself remunerating on what to do about not having any ideas to blog about. I could feel the stress and pressure building ...... what could I write about ?  Then I had the idea to write about the lack of having that spark. You know, what they term writer's block?! Those moments when the inspiration dies or is inaccessible. Ever been there?  You don't have to be a great or famous author to experience these periods. In fact, in my awareness they are...

Sadness dealt with well brings happiness.

Sadness dealt with well brings happiness.

http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=beyuwebe-20&o=1&p=8&l=bpl&asins=B004EBT5CU&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr Was sitting sipping a delicious Soy Milk Coffee when I picked up a magazine and read this profound statement made by the beautiful smooth operator Sade. "Sadness dealt with well brings happiness. It purges you and enables you to leave it behind."  I was struck by the wisdom and compassion of these words. It made me aware of how much non-dealing I have done most of my life. For some strange reason, I thought that resistance would get me where I wanted to go. If I resisted sadness, anger,...

You Are Not Alone!!

You Are Not Alone!!

I don't know about you, but the last few months have been, well pretty tough. The expression a "Dark Night of the Soul" came to mind several times, however, this awareness did not offer any comfort or further insight. I felt isolated and removed from the world and even my gratitude lists remained sparse if non existant. Even when things did show up, they parted very abruptly and rudely, only adding to the feeling of intense non-belonging. My way of handling this is well, to withdraw even further, adding to and aggravating the issue. And of course, the famous question, "what's wrong with me?". Does this sound intensely familiar? Of course I know this only applies to me!...



"Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining." ~ Anne Lamott When I read this quote, I had one of those visceral hits to my solar plexus. I am a healer and teacher and this spoke volumes to me. In a second, this phrase summed up and revealed my life purpose. All I and any of us ever have to do, is BE. So why do we as humans, spend so much time doing instead of being, or saving boats as opposed to shining? Nothing has brought this more home to me than the recent earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan. Yes, there has been terrible devestation and loss of life. Yet amazing and wonderous stories of love and caring are...